Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Special Note: 8th Grade BHS Course Recommendations

Dear 8th Grade Parents,

I write to you to apologize for a glitch regarding the 8th to 9th grade course registration process. In past years, our 8th grade teachers would enter their course recommendations into PowerSchool to help students decide on their coursework at Bedford High School. We would close the portal and over the course of a week officially enter the recommendations into PowerSchool. We would then open the portal for parents to view those recommendations after the BHS information night.  

This year, PowerSchool did not automatically withhold those recommendations, which means that students have been able to see them as soon as they were entered. Posting recommendations without information regarding course offerings may have generated some confusion for students and parents. In an effort to limit confusion and get back on track with our scheduling process, the recommendation portal was closed today and it will reopen on the evening of January 23.

If you would like to learn more about course offerings and registration at BHS, please attend their information night on January 23 at 6:30PM in the theater. If you have questions and/or need help deciding on a particular course, teachers will be offering parent conferences during the registration period between January 23 and February 3. Pod teachers will reach out to you to make arrangements.

Again, I apologize for any inconvenience or confusion that this may have caused. 


Ed Joyce