Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Lurgio News for April 29, 2020

April 29, 2020

Dear Lurgio Families,

As we wrap up this week a bit early to allow for some much needed days of rest, I want to recognize the perseverance and grit I have observed from staff, students, and families during this period of remote learning. I am grateful for your efforts to stay the course during this new experience and I look forward to wrapping up the school year on a high note despite the challenges we have faced.

I know that many students have personal belongings stored at school that will need to be picked up, and there are items in homes that will need to be brought back to school (e.g. textbooks, library books, etc...). We are currently consulting guidelines from state and local authorities as we develop a plan for end-of-year materials exchange that is safe and efficient. Once we finalize the process, we will communicate our plans.


Ed Joyce

Important Dates

April 30 (Thurs) - May 1 (Fri)
NO SCHOOL - April Vacation (abbreviated)
May 7 (Thurs)
2019-2020 Lurgio Yearbook Purchase Deadline (CLICK TO BUY)
May 25 (Mon)
NO SCHOOL - Memorial Day 
June 9 (Tues)
Projected Last Day of School

New News

Yearbook Virtual Extracurricular Group Photos

Due to the stay at home orders, the yearbook club was not able to get group photos of some of the Lurgio extracurricular groups. Yearbook staff will be taking virtual yearbook photos for the following clubs at the following times on Tuesday, May 5, 2020. 
2:00 CBY@RAL (Advisor - Mrs. Herrick)
2:15 Dungeons & Dragons Club (Advisor - Ms. Stone)
2:30 Lion’s Den (Advisors - Ms. Zelanes & Ms. Holt)
2:45 Robotics (Advisor - Mr. Fowler)
3:00 TSA (Advisor - Ms. Murray)
Students, advisors, and parents will be emailed instructions Monday, May 4 on how to join for the photos. Questions? Contact Donna Dennis



Please be sure that students are checking in with their pod daily to show they are in attendance. If a student is unable to do remote work and will be absent, please call the Lurgio Main Office (603) 310-9100 or email at to let us know.

7th to 8th Grade Course Registration

Stay tuned for information regarding course registration for current 7th graders moving up to 8th grade. Information about courses and how to register will be shared digitally during the week of May 4th. 

Remote Learning Enrichment Corner

If you are all caught up on your work and looking for some fun activities, click here to navigate directly to a list of enrichment opportunities. This list was compiled by Ms. Rockwell, Mrs. Dennis, Mrs. Detwiler, and your teachers. We hope you find it fun and enjoyable.

Remote Learning Grading

With the Governor’s announcement that schools will remain remote for the remainder of this school year, there has been some discussion about whether we should go to a “pass/fail” model during remote learning. At Lurgio, we will not be taking this approach because of the nature of our competency grades. We completed nearly 3/4 of our academic year prior to the COVID-19 crisis and resulting remote learning environment. Those grades calculate into our Y5 yearly average grade and indicate progress towards achieving overall competency in our courses. We believe those Y5 grades are accurate even though we anticipate fewer quarter 4 grades than would be typical in a normal school year.

RAL Spring Athletics

With the recent news of the continuation of remote learning for the remainder of the school year, it will not be possible to run the spring athletic season as planned. The NHIAA has officially suspended the spring season, which means that our league has also followed the same path.

If you registered in FamilyID, you may receive notification via email that your spring registration has been cancelled. This will prevent you from receiving continued reminder communications about the spring season via FamilyID. However, the registration information will stay in the system, which should make it easier for 7th grade parents to register for future seasons.

Students are encouraged to stay active over the next couple of months and beyond. If a student is particularly active and involved in organized sports, this spring is likely a major change to their routine. Fresh air and exercise can be very beneficial, so please help your students to take morning, lunch, or afternoon active breaks to recharge and reset their brains and bodies. 

Stay tuned...fall 2020 sports registration information will be sent out in late July via email. 

Lurgio Yearbooks - Purchase Deadline Extended

Online sales for the 2019-2020 Lurgio Yearbook has been extended until May 7th. All yearbooks purchased online will be sent directly to your home address. To Order Visit: Photos are always welcome!! Questions/Photos? Contact Donna Dennis or Jennifer Manley

Lurgio Tech Corner Typing Club

Are you noticing your kids could use some help with their typing skills?  Well help is on the way!  The Lurgio Tech Corner would like to invite students to join the Tech Corner Typing Club. To join the typing club just have your student go to Google Classroom and use the join code: tqpsj3m. Google Classroom lessons will be assigned and students will be using the website to improve their typing skills. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Donna Dennis,

Yearbook Photos Needed

We are looking for photos of you in your Remote Learning spaces. Please submit them through this form or email them directly to Donna Dennis or Jennifer Manley

School Buildings Closed to Public

All physical buildings in the Bedford School District are closed to outside public effective Monday, March 23. Main office staff are working remotely and can still be reached via email and phone (603) 310-9100. The custodial staff is working hard to sanitize surfaces in the building and The main office may not always be staffed but school phones (just the main number) will be answered remotely between the hours of 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM.

Recreational Facilities & Social Distancing

Teens are social creatures. Parents, please encourage your students to avoid social gatherings, particularly at school district fields, facilities, and playgrounds. Our efforts to flatten the curve and mitigate the spread of COVID-19 by closing schools can be amplified if the families self-enforce social distancing and practice recommended self-quarantine measures as much as possible. Our public use areas (fields and playgrounds) are open but may be roped or gated off and closed for the duration if needed.

Lurgio Instagram Account

Did you know that there is an official Lurgio Instagram account? We have been using our account to post reminders and resources for staff and students. These notifications are also posted on our Lurgio Facebook page. If Instagram is your prefered social media tool, we welcome you to follow us

Remote Instruction Updates & Resources

Please refer to the Lurgio homepage for district updates and school-specific resources. We will continue to update those links as new information becomes available.

Remote Learning Guide

On Wednesday, you should have received a link to our Remote Learning Guide. Within this document are the details of how our school will function with a remote instruction setting. You will find answers to many of your questions about the logistics of this new adventure. We will continue to update the guide as needed in order to reflect current practice.

BSD Breakfast and Lunch

Breakfast and lunch pickup is at the Bedford High School Gymnasium entrance. Those doors are nearer the kitchen and make the logistics of delivery easier. If you’ve never been to that entrance, it’s at the back of the building. A sign will be along the sidewalk as it has been this week.

BHS Summer School - In Writing and BASE Camp

Attention all 8th Graders:  If you registered during Open Enrollment for Summer In-Writing, the BHS website is updated with dates and other important information. You will need to do the following: Complete the Enrollment for Summer In-Writing or B.A.S.E. Camp Submit payment.

Hannaford Helps Schools

Hannaford has officially launched their Hannaford Helps Schools for 2020! They have moved the program to spring, and this year it will run March 1 - May 16.

How does the program work? As in previous years, with the purchase of 4 participating Hannaford Helps Schools items, a customer will receive a printout for 3 School Dollars at the register. The customer can place that printout into your school's slot in the Hannaford Helps Schools collection tower, which is located at the front of the store your school is registered with.

NEW for 2020! Customers who shop with Hannaford To Go can either specify which school should receive their School Dollars in their order notes when placing their order, OR let the store associate know which school to give their School Dollars to when they pick their order up from the store.

Please check our Hannaford Helps Schools web page for additional information and links to downloadable PDFs.

Weekly Features

Lurgio Guidance Corner

Our school counselors are here for you. If you have any concerns about your student, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

The Lurgio Guidance Department has updated their website with many resources relating to physical wellbeing, mental health (including substance misuse) and community/state services. Please see our Website and Weekly Blog.

Lurgio Tech Corner

The Lurgio Tech Corner has been busy posting resources for students. Please check out the Lurgio Tech Corner Resource Site for helpful links. We also will be posting new resources on our Tech Tips from the Tech Corner blog which is linked on the Tech Corner Resource Site. If students are having technical issues, please have them submit a Help Desk Ticket. Someone from the District Tech Department will get back to them as soon as they can.

Book Buzz

This week our literacy staff wants to highlight The Line Tender by Kate Allen:
Main character Lucy is interested in following in her mother's footsteps researching sharks. Lucy's drawings are included in the book. Wherever the sharks led, Lucy Everhart's marine-biologist mother was sure to follow. In fact, she was on a boat far off the coast of Massachusetts, collecting shark data when she died suddenly. Lucy was seven. Since then Lucy and her father have kept their heads above water--thanks in large part to a few close friends and neighbors. But June of her twelfth summer brings more than the end of school and a heat wave to sleepy Rockport. On one steamy day, the tide brings a great white--and then another tragedy, cutting short a friendship everyone insists was "meaningful" but no one can tell Lucy what it all meant. To survive the fresh wave of grief, Lucy must grab the line that connects her depressed father, a stubborn fisherman, and a curious old widower to her mother's unfinished research on the Great White's return to Cape Cod. If Lucy can find a way to help this unlikely quartet follow the sharks her mother loved, she'll finally be able to look beyond what she's lost and toward what's left to be discovered.

PTG Corner

PTG Spring Event Updates

PTG has had to cancel or postpone our spring events:
-David Flood: Promoting Diversity and Inclusion through Dignity and Respect has been postponed until the fall
-District Art Show has been canceled
-Year End Coffee with Principals has been canceled

PTG Color Blast Fun Run

This event has been canceled. We know this is such a fun community event, and we look forward to hosting an amazing Color Blast Fun Run in spring of 2021. So save your rainbow gear and be prepared to get colorful with us in May 2021!

Volunteer Opportunities

The PTG has several Board and District level positions open for 2020/21. If you are interested or would like more information on any of the roles below please email

PTG Co-President 

This is a shared volunteer role responsible for overseeing the functions of the PTG. The Co-Presidents work closely with other PTG board members and district level coordinators to ensure PTG programs, events and fundraisers are carried out. Co-Presidents also host monthly PTG board meetings, assist with creation of PTG budget, and are the PTG point of contact with the Superintendent. No experience needed, training provided.

District Gift Card Coordinator 

Work with the Gift Card coordinators at each school, as well as the VP of Fundraising to coordinate and execute the PTG Gift Card fundraising event. Help secure and collect gift cards from local participating businesses. The Gift Card fundraiser runs mid-October until late December. 

McKelvie PTG School Co-Liaison

This role is a great way to get to know administration and staff along with being part of the PTG executive board. The liaison is the main point of contact between McKelvie and the PTG and is responsible for supporting PTG/school events. The Liaison also works closely with the Volunteer Coordinator and Hospitality making the ultimate McKelvie Volunteer Team!

Friday, April 24, 2020

Lurgio News for April 24, 2020

April 24, 2020

Dear Lurgio Families,

It has been wonderful to see so many smiling faces embracing this week’s Spirit Week festivities. It is vital to our school culture for all of us to stay connected to each other and the school through this period of remote instruction. Events like Spirit Week help us to do just that, virtually, through photos and videos. My thanks to all students and staff who participated, and especially to Ms. Hilchey, Dr. Fairhurst, and Mrs. Dennis who encouraged all of us to join in the fun. Due to the large quantity of submissions, we have been able to create slideshows for each theme day. You can find links to the daily videos through our school Facebook page. We hope you enjoy them!

We also want to acknowledge that these are very trying times and remote learning is not always easy. If your family is struggling with academic or personal demands, I encourage you to reach out to your student’s guidance counselor and/or teachers. Open communication is important for student success and we want to ensure that all of our families feel supported as we navigate this together.


Ed Joyce

Student Workload Survey (Parents)

We are continuing to survey parents about the student workload during remote learning. Please click here to complete the survey. This survey will be open until Monday, April 27th at 9:00AM.

Important Dates

April 30 (Thurs) - May 1 (Fri)
NO SCHOOL - April Vacation (abbreviated)
May 25 (Mon)
NO SCHOOL - Memorial Day 
June 9 (Tues)
Projected Last Day of School

New News

Cub of the Week

Each week, teachers nominate students for the Cub of the Week Award. Nominated students are those who have shown exceptional kindness, tolerance, and respect during the week. Each Friday, the Lurgio administration and guidance staff reviews all nominees and selects the “Cub of the Week.”

This week, we have two Cubs of the Week: Riley Farrow and Eleanor Oliviero. Riley and Eleanor bring a positive attitude to remote learning. They are prepared, punctual, and ready to wish their classmates a good morning each day.They frequently encourage their peers through their words and set an example for others to do the same. Riley and Eleanor, thank you for making Lurgio a wonderful place to learn and grow!


Please be sure that students are checking in with their pod daily to show they are in attendance. If a student is unable to do remote work and will be absent, please call the Lurgio Main Office (603) 310-9100 or email at to let us know.

7th to 8th Grade Course Registration

Stay tuned for information regarding course registration for current 7th graders moving up to 8th grade. Information about courses and how to register will be shared digitally during the week of May 4th. 


Remote Learning Enrichment Corner

If you are all caught up on your work and looking for some fun activities, click here to navigate directly to a list of enrichment opportunities. This list was compiled by Ms. Rockwell, Mrs. Dennis, Mrs. Detwiler, and your teachers. We hope you find it fun and enjoyable.

Remote Learning Grading

With the Governor’s announcement that schools will remain remote for the remainder of this school year, there has been some discussion about whether we should go to a “pass/fail” model during remote learning. At Lurgio, we will not be taking this approach because of the nature of our competency grades. We completed nearly 3/4 of our academic year prior to the COVID-19 crisis and resulting remote learning environment. Those grades calculate into our Y5 yearly average grade and indicate progress towards achieving overall competency in our courses. We believe those Y5 grades are accurate even though we anticipate fewer quarter 4 grades than would be typical in a normal school year.

RAL Spring Athletics

With the recent news of the continuation of remote learning for the remainder of the school year, it will not be possible to run the spring athletic season as planned. The NHIAA has officially suspended the spring season, which means that our league has also followed the same path.

If you registered in FamilyID, you may receive notification via email that your spring registration has been cancelled. This will prevent you from receiving continued reminder communications about the spring season via FamilyID. However, the registration information will stay in the system, which should make it easier for 7th grade parents to register for future seasons.

Students are encouraged to stay active over the next couple of months and beyond. If a student is particularly active and involved in organized sports, this spring is likely a major change to their routine. Fresh air and exercise can be very beneficial, so please help your students to take morning, lunch, or afternoon active breaks to recharge and reset their brains and bodies. 

Stay tuned...fall 2020 sports registration information will be sent out in late July via email. 

Lurgio Yearbooks - Purchase Deadline Extended

Online sales for the 2019-2020 Lurgio Yearbook has been extended until May 7th. All yearbooks purchased online will be sent directly to your home address.  To Order Visit: Photos are always welcome!! Questions/Photos? Contact Donna Dennis or Jennifer Manley

Lurgio Tech Corner Typing Club

Are you noticing your kids could use some help with their typing skills?  Well help is on the way!  The Lurgio Tech Corner would like to invite students to join the Tech Corner Typing Club.  To join the typing club just have your student go to Google Classroom and use the join code: tqpsj3m.  Google Classroom lessons will be assigned and students will be using the website to improve their typing skills.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Donna Dennis,

Yearbook Photos Needed

We are looking for photos of you in your Remote Learning spaces.  Please submit them through this form or email them directly to Donna Dennis or Jennifer Manley

School Buildings Closed to Public

All physical buildings in the Bedford School District are closed to outside public effective Monday, March 23. Main office staff are working remotely and can still be reached via email and phone (603) 310-9100. The custodial staff is working hard to sanitize surfaces in the building and The main office may not always be staffed but school phones (just the main number) will be answered remotely between the hours of 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM.

Recreational Facilities & Social Distancing

Teens are social creatures. Parents, please encourage your students to avoid social gatherings, particularly at school district fields, facilities, and playgrounds. Our efforts to flatten the curve and mitigate the spread of COVID-19 by closing schools can be amplified if the families self-enforce social distancing and practice recommended self-quarantine measures as much as possible. Our public use areas (fields and playgrounds) are open but may be roped or gated off and closed for the duration if needed.

Lurgio Instagram Account

Did you know that there is an official Lurgio Instagram account? We have been using our account to post reminders and resources for staff and students. These notifications are also posted on our Lurgio Facebook page. If Instagram is your prefered social media tool, we welcome you to follow us.  

Remote Instruction Updates & Resources

Please refer to the Lurgio homepage for district updates and school-specific resources. We will continue to update those links as new information becomes available.

Remote Learning Guide

On Wednesday, you should have received a link to our Remote Learning Guide. Within this document are the details of how our school will function with a remote instruction setting. You will find answers to many of your questions about the logistics of this new adventure. We will continue to update the guide as needed in order to reflect current practice.

BSD Breakfast and Lunch

Breakfast and lunch pickup is at the Bedford High School Gymnasium entrance. Those doors are nearer the kitchen and make the logistics of delivery easier. If you’ve never been to that entrance, it’s at the back of the building. A sign will be along the sidewalk as it has been this week.

BHS Summer School - In Writing and BASE Camp

Attention all 8th Graders:  If you registered during Open Enrollment for Summer In-Writing, the BHS website is updated with dates and other important information. You will need to do the following: Complete the Enrollment for Summer In-Writing or B.A.S.E. Camp Submit payment.

Hannaford Helps Schools

Hannaford has officially launched their Hannaford Helps Schools for 2020! They have moved the program to spring, and this year it will run March 1 - May 16.

How does the program work? As in previous years, with the purchase of 4 participating Hannaford Helps Schools items, a customer will receive a printout for 3 School Dollars at the register. The customer can place that printout into your school's slot in the Hannaford Helps Schools collection tower, which is located at the front of the store your school is registered with.

NEW for 2020! Customers who shop with Hannaford To Go can either specify which school should receive their School Dollars in their order notes when placing their order, OR let the store associate know which school to give their School Dollars to when they pick their order up from the store.

Please check our Hannaford Helps Schools web page for additional information and links to downloadable PDFs.

Weekly Features

Lurgio Guidance Corner

Our school counselors are here for you. If you have any concerns about your student, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

The Lurgio Guidance Department has updated their website with many resources relating to physical wellbeing, mental health (including substance misuse) and community/state services. Please see our Website and Weekly Blog.

Lurgio Tech Corner

The Lurgio Tech Corner has been busy posting resources for students.  Please check out the Lurgio Tech Corner Resource Site for helpful links.  We also will be posting new resources on our Tech Tips from the Tech Corner blog which is linked on the Tech Corner Resource Site.  If students are having technical issues, please have them submit a Help Desk Ticket.  Someone from the District Tech Department will get back to them as soon as they can.

Book Buzz

This week our literacy staff wants to highlight City of Grit and Gold by Maud Powell:
Explore Chicago in 1868 during the Haymarket Affair through immigrant Addie's eyes. The streets of Chicago in 1886 are full of turmoil. Striking workers clash with police…illness and injury lurk around every corner… and twelve-year-old Addie must find her way through it all. Torn between her gruff Papa—who owns a hat shop and thinks the workers should be content with their American lives—and her beloved Uncle Chaim—who is active in the protests for the eight-hour day—Addie struggles to understand her topsy-turvy world, while keeping her family intact. Set in a Jewish neighborhood of Chicago during the days surrounding the Haymarket Affair, this novel vividly portrays one immigrant family’s experience, while also eloquently depicting the timeless conflict between the haves and the have-nots.

PTG Corner

PTG Spring Event Updates

PTG has had to cancel or postpone our spring events:
-David Flood: Promoting Diversity and Inclusion through Dignity and Respect has been postponed until the fall
-District Art Show has been canceled
-Year End Coffee with Principals has been canceled

PTG Color Blast Fun Run

This event has been canceled. We know this is such a fun community event, and we look forward to hosting an amazing Color Blast Fun Run in spring of 2021. So save your rainbow gear and be prepared to get colorful with us in May 2021!

Volunteer Opportunities

The PTG has several Board and District level positions open for 2020/21. If you are interested or would like more information on any of the roles below please email

PTG Co-President 

This is a shared volunteer role responsible for overseeing the functions of the PTG. The Co-Presidents work closely with other PTG board members and district level coordinators to ensure PTG programs, events and fundraisers are carried out. Co-Presidents also host monthly PTG board meetings, assist with creation of PTG budget, and are the PTG point of contact with the Superintendent. No experience needed, training provided.

District Gift Card Coordinator 

Work with the Gift Card coordinators at each school, as well as the VP of Fundraising to coordinate and execute the PTG Gift Card fundraising event. Help secure and collect gift cards from local participating businesses.  The Gift Card fundraiser runs mid-October until late December. 

McKelvie PTG School Co-Liaison

This role is a great way to get to know administration and staff along with being part of the PTG executive board. The liaison is the main point of contact between McKelvie and the PTG and is responsible for supporting PTG/school events. The Liaison also works closely with the Volunteer Coordinator and Hospitality making the ultimate McKelvie Volunteer Team!