Friday, February 21, 2020

Lurgio News for February 21, 2020

February 21, 2020

Dear Lurgio Families,

Today was the sixth annual Lurgio Read-a-Thon. Students and staff began the first hour of the day with a school-wide silent reading block. Students then progressed through the day engaging in a variety of literacy activities with their peers and teachers. Thank you to all the students, staff, and community members who made this year’s Read-a-Thon such a rousing success. The Lurgio Community raised a total of $5,420.00 that will help enhance media center collections and literacy initiatives in our school. Furthermore, Lurgio students collected 5,646 used books to donate to the Children’s Literacy Foundation (CLiF). Have a wonderful week of vacation and I look forward to seeing everyone back at Lurgio on March 2!


Ed Joyce

Important Dates

Feb. 24 (Mon) to
Feb. 28 (Fri)
NO SCHOOL - February Break
Mar. 6 (Fri)
RAL School Dance (6:00-9:00PM)
March 10 (Tues)
NO SCHOOL - Teacher Workshop Day
March 19 (Thurs)
Grandparent/Senior Citizens’ Day  9:30 AM
March 20-21 (Fri & Sat)
RAL Musical - Legally Blonde Jr. BHS Theater 7 pm both days  & a Matinee at 2 pm on Sat.

New News

Cub of the Week
Each week, teachers nominate students for the Cub of the Week Award. Nominated students are those who have shown exceptional kindness, tolerance, and respect during the week. Each Friday, the Lurgio administration and guidance staff reviews all nominees and selects the “Cub of the Week.”

This week’s Cub of the Week is Kevin Ladue. Kevin goes above and beyond to help in the dining hall every day. He does this of his own volition with the intention of making lunchtime more pleasant for everyone. Thank you Kevin for making Lurgio a wonderful place to learn!

New Hampshire State Testing

This spring, Bedford students will participate in the New Hampshire state-wide assessments. Throughout the state, students in grades 3-8 and 11 take mathematics and English language arts exams. A science test is also given to students in grades 5, 8, and 11. For more information, please click this link.

Save the Date - Grandparent/Senior Citizens’ Day March 19

Ross A. Lurgio Middle School’s Annual Grandparents & Senior Citizens’ Visitation Day is planned for Thursday, March 19, 2020 at 9:30 a.m. Guests will be treated to a dress rehearsal of the play Legally Blonde Jr. followed by tours of the school. A light luncheon sponsored by the Bedford PTG will take place in the library. Registration is limited, so please RSVP by clicking on this link.

Lurgio Players Present: Legally Blonde, Jr.

Performances will be in the BHS theater on Friday and Saturday, March 20 and 21 at 7pm, with a matinee at 2pm on Saturday.

Stand By Me

Looking for something fun to do on our next teacher workshop day, March 10? SkyZone in Manchester will be hosting an open gym just for Bedford with proceeds benefiting our 7th Grade Stand By Me event. Bring your students, friends, and family from noon until 4pm. Cost is $25 per attendee which includes socks, 2 slices of pizza, and drink. 
Please RSVP HERE so we can inform SkyZone of #’s to expect.

Weekly Features

Athletics Corner

Weekly Schedule

As always, the weekly schedule is available on our athletics website

Family Physical Therapy - Functional Movement Screen

Family Physical Therapy Services would like to offer ALL Lurgio athletes a 20% Discount on the Functional Movement Screen, please see below a link to our website further describing the FMS screen as well as other services we provide for young athletes.

What is the Functional Movement Screen?

The FMS assesses your ability to perform key functional patterns such as squatting, lunging and stepping as well as screening for flexibility and core control. In doing so, we can identify weaknesses and faulty movement patterns which affect performance and, even worse, could eventually lead to injury. In just 30 minutes, you will have a good idea of how well you move and how to CORRECT your WEAK LINKS!

Functional Movement Screen (plus Return to Run Program) Descriptions:

Athletic Performance Program for Young Athletes

Private Training

Book Buzz

This week, we’re discussing Itch by Polly Farquhar:
Itch is for everyone who’s ever felt out of place. It is about kids who have chronic conditions while leading the kind of lives you lead in middle school—complicated, emotional, and interesting.
When I started to write Itch, I knew I wanted to write about kids with something extra on their plates, just like my own kids. . . . Why? Simply because for me and my children, our invisible conditions are not the whole story. They are part of our life, but they are by no means all of it. We live with them, but they do not define us. That’s the world I wanted to make for Isaac, Sydney, and Homer in Itch, and the world I wanted to share with readers.
I hope you enjoy this sometimes funny, genuinely heartfelt story. Itch is about kids trying to balance the desire to be ordinary with the need to be authentic—allergies, itches, confusion, and all.
Thanks to Read-a-Thon funds we will have this in our library after break!


PTG Corner


Color Blast Fun Run/Walk Community Event

Save the date: Sunday, May 31st as PTG hosts another Color Blast Fun Run/Walk. Registration opens March 13. More exciting details coming in the next few weeks...

Local businesses… want to join the PTG’s efforts in providing enriching educational opportunities, creating community events, and helping support the individual needs of our Bedford School District, while gaining positive exposure for your business? Consider becoming a Color Blast Fun Run/Walk sponsor! Visit HERE for more information or contact

Volunteer Opportunity - VP Fundraising

The PTG is looking for a VP of Fundraising to oversee the planning and execution of PTG district-wide fundraisers. This role can be shared and works closely with the chairs/committees for each fundraiser. This role is a board position and a great way to get more involved with the PTG and our schools. Please email if you are interested in this role or would like to learn more about it.
ur schools. Thank you for your support!

Community Conversation with Superintendent Fournier
Join us on Monday, March 16th at 6:30 p.m. at the SAU Office building for a small round table discussion with Superintendent Fournier. We will discuss the voting results and other district questions/comments the community may have. Ask your questions, share your opinions or just come listen! If you are able to attend, please RSVP HERE.

Diversity and Inclusion Community Presentation by David Flood
Join us on Wednesday, March 25th at 7:00 p.m. at the BHS Theater for a community presentation on diversity and inclusion. Parents are encouraged to bring their Jr. High and HS students with them. The presentation will be led by youth inspirational speaker David Flood. To learn more about David Flood please visit his website.

The Bedford PTG wishes you and your family a wonderful February Break!

Friday, February 14, 2020

Lurgio News for February 14, 2020

February 14, 2020

Dear Lurgio Families,

Over the past few years we have seen Lurgio students show an increased interest in reading.  During their reading blocks, 7th and 8th graders are encouraged to select books of their choice, often from the Lurgio Media Center. This consistent focus on literacy has resulted in an enormous demand on our library collection. Indeed, at times we struggle to keep many of these popular texts on our shelves for students to enjoy. 

In an effort to fuel our love of literacy, improve the library collection, and raise school spirit, Lurgio will host the sixth annual Read-A-Thon fundraising event next week. The funds raised through this event benefit literacy initiatives and book collections in the Lurgio Media Center. Additionally, we welcome donations of new and gently used children’s books; these books will be given to the Children’s Literacy Foundation to support the literacy needs of low-income children in New Hampshire and Vermont. Last year we raised $5036.00 and collected 6,049 books. We hope to make even more of an impact this year!

The student council has decided on a series of themes for our concurrent Spirit Week. These themes culminate on Friday with Comfy Day and our annual Read-A-Thon Literacy Celebration. I want to thank all parents, students, and teachers in advance for their enthusiasm and support for this event.


Ed Joyce

Important Dates

Feb. 17 (Mon) to Feb. 21 (Fri)
Feb. 21 (Fri)
Lurgio Read-a-Thon Literacy Celebration
Feb. 24 (Mon) to
Feb. 28 (Fri)
NO SCHOOL - February Break
Mar. 6 (Fri)
RAL School Dance (6:00-9:00PM)
March 10 (Tues)
NO SCHOOL - Teacher Workshop Day

New News

Weekly Features

Athletics Corner

Weekly Schedule

As always, the weekly schedule is available on our athletics website

Family Physical Therapy - Functional Movement Screen

Family Physical Therapy Services would like to offer ALL Lurgio athletes a 20% Discount on the Functional Movement Screen, please see below a link to our website further describing the FMS screen as well as other services we provide for young athletes.

What is the Functional Movement Screen?

The FMS assesses your ability to perform key functional patterns such as squatting, lunging and stepping as well as screening for flexibility and core control. In doing so, we can identify weaknesses and faulty movement patterns which affect performance and, even worse, could eventually lead to injury. In just 30 minutes, you will have a good idea of how well you move and how to CORRECT your WEAK LINKS!

Functional Movement Screen (plus Return to Run Program) Descriptions:

Athletic Performance Program for Young Athletes

Private Training

Book Buzz

The Books for Breakfast crew was buzzing about the Read-a-Thon. We want to rally the school for this fantastic fundraiser happening next week. Book donations will go to the CLiF Foundation and money will go to building our Lurgio Library collection. We have fabulous raffle prizes that include autographed books, gift cards and Kindles! Competition between pods is encouraged for first dismissal rights.

Thanks for supporting our 6th annual Read-a-Thon!

Stand By Me

Do you have a busy week coming up?  Then support Lurgio’s Stand By Me and eat out on Wednesday, Feb 19th, for dinner at Table 8 Pasta.  

Also, have you seen our stickers for sale?  Great way to add some Bedford pride to your chrome books and water bottles.

Tech Corner Updates

We are hoping that charging their chromebook is a New Year’s resolution students have made for 2020!! Please help your child remember to bring their chromebook to school every day and to charge their chromebook every night. Feel free to print out one of our Bring It! Charge It! flyers to help your child remember!

PTG Corner


Color Blast Fun Run/Walk Community Event

Save the date: Sunday, May 31st as PTG hosts another Color Blast Fun Run/Walk. Registration opens March 13. More exciting details coming in the next few weeks...

Local businesses… want to join the PTG’s efforts in providing enriching educational opportunities, creating community events, and helping support the individual needs of our Bedford School District, while gaining positive exposure for your business? Consider becoming a Color Blast Fun Run/Walk sponsor! Visit HERE for more information or contact

Volunteer Opportunity - VP Fundraising

The PTG is looking for a VP of Fundraising to oversee the planning and execution of PTG district-wide fundraisers. This role can be shared and works closely with the chairs/committees for each fundraiser. This role is a board position and a great way to get more involved with the PTG and our schools. Please email if you are interested in this role or would like to learn more about it.
ur schools. Thank you for your support!

Community Conversation with Superintendent Fournier
Join us on Monday, March 16th at 6:30 p.m. at the SAU Office building for a small round table discussion with Superintendent Fournier. We will discuss the voting results and other district questions/comments the community may have. Ask your questions, share your opinions or just come listen! If you are able to attend, please RSVP HERE.