Friday, August 30, 2019

Lurgio News for August 30, 2019

August 30, 2019
Dear Lurgio Families,

It’s been fantastic working with your children this week, and the school has been buzzing with excitement. I look forward to the opportunity to meet you at Open House next Thursday. Please enjoy the Labor Day weekend with your families and friends. It’s a great break for our students as the workload ramps up at school.


Ed Joyce

Important Dates

Sept. 2 (Mon)
NO SCHOOL - Labor Day
Sept. 5 (Thurs)
All School Open House (6-8pm) (BHS Theater)
Sept. 6 (Fri)
School Picture Day
Sept. 10 (Tues)
8th Grade Cardigan Chaperone Night (6-7pm)
Sept. 23-25 (Mon-Wed)
8th Grade Cardigan Trip (Pods 8N & 8W)
Sept. 25-27 (Wed-Fri)
8th Grade Cardigan Trip (Pods 8S & 8E)
New News
Open House - Thursday, September 5th
Please join us on Thursday, September 5th, for the Lurgio Middle School Open House. The evening kicks off in the Bedford High School theater at 6:00 PM. We look forward to meeting all of you then!

Weekly Features
Athletics Corner
The Lurgio News is a great place to find updates about athletics at RAL. Each week you will find a link to our weekly practice and game schedule as well as the athletics website. On the website, you will find helpful information including: coach contact information, transportation paperwork, and our Athletic Events Calendar

In the case of schedule changes or sports cancellations, we will post by 1:00PM on both the weekly schedule and the Lurgio home page under “School Updates”.

Tech Corner Updates

We have been busy in the Tech Corner this week getting everybody’s chromebooks up and running on our network.  On Thursday and Friday we were able to spend time with each of the pods to go over rules, responsibilities and expectations we have of the students in regards to both their chromebooks and cell phones.  These presentations can be found in their Tech Camp Google Classroom class.  

Please help your child come up with a plan to follow to ensure their chromebook is charged nightly AND is brought to school every day.  Their chromebook is a valuable tool that is used regularly in their classes and we hate to see them miss out on instructional time because they have to come get a loaner chromebook.

PTG Corner

Back to School Greetings from the PTG

We are looking forward to another great school year full of fantastic programs and events for our students, staff and families.

Support the PTG

Help the PTG continue to bring exciting programs/speakers to our schools like Project Nature, Wildlife Encounters, Music In Technology, David Flood Motivational Speaker, and Chris Herren Drug Prevention Speaker. If you’d like to make a donation, simply click on the PayPal link at or send in a check payable to Bedford PTG in the support envelopes that have been sent home (K-6) or an envelope labeled with your name and email address. Click  HERE for more information on the PTG and programs funded with your support. Thank You!

Looking to Volunteer?

Bedford PTG is again offering a faster, paperless way to share your information for volunteering for Bedford Schools. Instead of sending home a paper volunteer form to fill out and return, we now offer a Volunteer Google Form for each school. To access the form click HERE, or check school websites, or the PTG website under PTG Forms. You need to fill this form out in order to hear about volunteer opportunities at the schools or district wide.

PTG Coordinator Opportunities

Interested in getting more involved at Lurgio… Bedford PTG has some great volunteer opportunities available for this year.

Lurgio Volunteer Coordinator (this role can be shared): Responsible for sending out sign up genius and emails to fill the volunteer needs of Lurgio for teacher requests, school specific functions, and PTG events. You will also help host key events (with PTG Liaison and Hospitality) like Teacher Welcome Back and Staff Appreciation Week. This role is a great way to meet staff and stay connected to events going on at Lurgio. 

Lurgio Support Coordinator: Collect, track (via Google spreadsheet) and deposit any incoming PTG donations received at Lurgio.

If you have interest in any of these roles please email Lurgio’s PTG Liaison, Chelsea Donahue at

PTG Volunteer Opportunities

Looking for some great opportunities to volunteer this year? The PTG has several district level and committee positions available:

Ski, Skate and More Committee Members: 
Due to the success of our annual sale, we are looking for new members to be part of the planning committee. The Ski, Skate and More sale is schedule for Saturday, November 23. The first committee meeting is Friday, September 13th at 3:40 at McKelvie.

Color Blast Fun Run Committee Members: 
Get in on the Colorful Fun and be part of planning this amazing community event!! Color Blast is looking for anyone that might be interested in being part of the planning committee. The committee meets monthly starting in October and more frequently closer to the event which is scheduled for Sunday, May 31st.

District Book Fair Coordinator: 
Oversee the Scholastic Book Fair held in the spring at the 3 elementary schools and McKelvie. Work closely with school level coordinators to ensure they have what they need for a successful book fair.

If you are interested in any of these roles or would like more information please email

Box Top Program Change

Put away the scissors! No More Clipping! Box Tops is changing to fit today's families. The new and improved Box Tops mobile app uses state-of-the-art technology to scan your store receipt, find participating products and instantly add Box Tops to your school's earnings online. Visit to learn more and start earning for our schools.

Meet the Principals Event September 27

You are invited to join the PTG and the Principals from all six schools at our annual "Coffee with the Principals" event on Friday, September 27th from 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. at BCTV (10 Meetinghouse Road). This is a great opportunity to hear what each school has in store for the year. There will be a Q & A following the presentation. Light refreshments will be served and your young children are welcome to attend.

Lurgio Learn to Row Crew Program
Interested in rowing? The Lurgio Learn to Row Program, run by Bedford Crew, is back. We are able to take a limited number of students so if you are interested, please click on the link [HERE] to fill out your registration. The program runs every Friday starting September 6 and ends October 25 with a fun race. Practices are scheduled on Friday from 4-6PM, at the Amoskeag Rowing Club in Hooksett. The cost is $175.00 per student. There will be a team meeting September 3 in the Lurgio Media Center right after school at 3:15PM. Eighth graders will get priority, but ALL students can apply. For questions, email

Advisory on Student Schedules

New in the 2019-2020 school year, all students at Lurgio will be assigned to an advisory period that will meet every Silver Day in the morning. The mission of this advisory period is to balance the academic, social, and emotional growth of students by developing more connections within the school community to foster a positive and safe school culture and climate. Specific goals for advisory include working on self-management, developing interpersonal skills, and fostering responsible decision making. During this initial pilot year, Lurgio administration will be communicating with families about advisory topics and other important information as we develop this exciting new program. 

Health Office information for 2019-2020 School Year
I hope everyone had a wonderful summer!  Here are just a few important reminders as we start this new school year. If you have any questions, please send me an email at

For all incoming 7th graders please provide a current physical for your student. Also, for incoming 7th grade students who received a letter from Mrs. Stefekos concerning the TDAP vaccine, please drop off or fax (472-5090) the updated Immunization record with the school required TDAP vaccine prior to the start of school. 

If your 7th or 8th grade student plans on participating in athletics, the physicals are good for two years and must be on file in the Health Office. Please feel free to contact me if you are unsure of your student's status concerning his/her physical.

Please bring all inhalers, epi-pens and daily medications along with Doctors orders and allergy/asthma action plans prior to the start of school. Health forms can be downloaded from the district website and are found under the Health Services tab. Please complete forms and if possible, please attach a recent photo to allergy action plans. Current Diabetes management plans and supplies may also be dropped off at school any time.

Ms. Evelyn Chessie, RN
RAL School Nurse

Monday, August 26, 2019

Special Note: Final Reminder: RAL Fall Sports Deadline

August 26, 2019

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Tomorrow is the first day of school and I want to remind you that the fall sports season at Lurgio Middle School is quickly approaching. 

Students must be registered, with a proof of physical examination on file, and a valid baseline concussion test completed in order to try-out or attend practice. 

Starting this fall, we are moving our registration process to FamilyID.  This online platform will make registration more efficient for students and their families from season to season and year to year. You can find Family ID registration instructions [HERE].

Proof of Physical Examination
All students wishing to try out for a sport must have a valid proof of physical examination on file with the Lurgio school nurse. Physicals are valid for (2) years. Incoming 7th graders and newly registered students should turn in a copy of their physical form to the school nurse as soon as possible. You may also upload this documentation directly to FamilyID during the registration process. 

ImPACT Concussion Baseline Testing - Required for Field Hockey, Volleyball, and Soccer
For students who have not completed an ImPACT Concussion Test (all 7th graders & some 8th graders), We will have one last date available for FALL SPORTS ONLY: TOMORROW, August 27th from 3:30 to 4:30PM.  Please choose just ONE date that works best for you and register in FamilyID [HERE]. Students will report to the media center after school and will leave through the front entrance when they are done. 

Start Dates
Tryouts: August 28, 2019 - August 30, 2019 (September 3rd as needed) 3:30-5:00PM
-Field Hockey (SAU Rectangle Field)
-Girls’ Soccer (Preston Field)
-Boys’ Soccer (Preston Field)
-Girls’ Volleyball (RAL Gym)

First Day of Practice: August 28, 2019
-Coed Cross Country (RAL Front Lawn)

First Day of Practice: September 9, 2019
-Coed Tennis (County Road Tennis Courts)

If you or your student have any questions, you may visit the Lurgio Athletics website, or you may contact me via email at, or by phone at (603) 310-9100.


Kristen Gauthier
Assistant Principal & Athletic Director