Friday, October 26, 2018

Lurgio News for October 26, 2018

October 26, 2018

Dear Parents,

It has been a very fun week here at Lurgio. Our spirit week has been a great success with so many students and staff enthusiastically participating in the lunch-time activities, the movie night and the glow dance.

I’m also excited to announce that despite the impending nor’easter, our unbelievable Witch Way committee has come together to plan an exciting modified fundraiser for tomorrow. We will now be hosting the Witch Way Fun Fest inside the Lurgio Middle School and out of the torrential rain (see New News item below). I hope to see many of you at this fantastic family event!

All the best,

Ed Joyce

Important Dates

Oct. 27 (Sat)
Witch Way Fun Fest - 9:30 AM
Oct 29 (Mon) -
Oct 31 (Wed)
Red Ribbon Week School Activities
Nov. 1 (Thurs)
Picture Retake Day
Nov. 5 (Mon)
Parent Conferences 4:30PM-7:30PM
Nov. 6 (Tues)
NO SCHOOL - Election Day - Teacher Workshop Day
Nov. 12 ((Mon)
NO SCHOOL - Veteran’s Day Observance
Nov. 14 (Wed)
Parent Conferences 3:30-6:30PM

New News

Cub of the Week
Each week, teachers nominate students for the Cub of the Week Award. Nominated students are those who have shown exceptional kindness, tolerance, and respect during the week. Each Friday, the Lurgio administration and guidance staff will review all nominees and will select the the “Cub of the Week.”

This week’s Cub is Anna Hogan.  Anna is known at Lurgio for her kindness and compassion for others. She has won this week’s award for going out of her way to support a peer in one of her classes. Congrats Anna, thank you for helping to make Lurgio a wonderful place to learn.

Witch Way Family Fun Fest - Event Update

It looks like the Wicked Witch of the West is playing a cruel trick on us with the weather for the Lurgio Witch Way Fun Run on Saturday, October 27th. Instead of a tornado, we are getting a Nor'easter. In keeping with our theme of more FUN, we have decided to move our fundraiser indoors, which means we have been able to add more games and activities for the whole family to enjoy.

While we won’t be able to trick or trot down County Road, we will be taking our bibbed participants through the school to visit our Halloween-themed pit stops on a journey that culminates in the gymnasium and dining hall with the fun activities of our Witch Way Family Fun Fest. In addition to the costume contest and raffle prizes, we will also have Halloween-themed crafts, inflatable bounce houses, face painting, pumpkin decorating, and so much more!

Schedule of Events:

9:30-10:30 Registration and bib/t-shirt pickup (Media Center)
9:30-11:00 Halloween-themed Pit Stops Open (Lurgio Hallways)
9:30-12:00 Food, Crafts, Activities and Games  (Dining Hall and Gym)
10:45 Raffle winners drawn - winners posted and prize pickup (Lurgio Gym)
11:00 Costume Contest winners announced (Lurgio Gym)
11:00-12:00 Food, Crafts, Activities and Games in (Dining Hall and Gym)

We want to thank all our sponsors, participants, and volunteers for their flexibility as we adjust for the unpredictable weather this weekend. We look forward to a great community turnout tomorrow for our annual fundraiser!

Another check-in - Hannaford Helps Schools 2018/19
There's still time! Just a reminder that you can help make a difference at our school!
The school that raises the most school dollars at each Hannaford location will get an additional $1,000 donation! Lurgion is registered at Jenkins Road
Thank you for participating!

BHS Krispy Kreme PROM Fundraiser
To pre-order a box (a dozen) of Krispy Kreme donuts, please click here.

Each box costs $10.00, and the donuts can be picked up on November 6th, election day, when you come to vote, 7AM-7PM.

Online payment is available through “Send Money to School”. Cash and checks are accepted also.

The Prom Committee thanks you!

Weekly Features

Book Buzz

Books for Breakfast was simply buzzing this morning with lots of excitement over these books.

Declan from 8-South:
The Blackthorn Key by Kevin Sands is the first in the series of four and I have read the first three. Mrs. Detwiler is getting #4 for our library. It's great adventure and mystery about Christopher, an apothecary's apprentice, and Thomas, the baker's son, who follow a series of murders. It is set in London in 1600's and is filled with danger, riddles and codes that keeps me reading to find out what's next.

Audrey from 7-East:
Divergent by Veronica Roth is a great series that I like because Tris's struggle for freedom is so appealing to read. The story is about five factions: selfless, brave, truth, honor and peace. Everyone is born into one of these factions. On a person's 16th birthday people can either choose to keep their faction for life or choose another for life. This is a great series because of the action and tension.

Abinav from 7-West:
Beneath the Scarlet Sky by Mark Sullivan follows the true story of Pino Lella and will be a movie. If you like a war story from WWII, this is really good because the focus is on the Italians in 1940. The hero becomes a driver for a Nazi General and then becomes a spy to him.

Grace LaRochelle from the Bedford Public Library was a guest today at B4B:
The Heart and Mind of Frances Pauley is a great for people who love outdoors, unique characters and relationships. Frances Pauley wants to be an anthropologist and idolizes Margaret Mead. Frances sleeps with her window open at night year round and loves having nature fly into her bedroom. Frances is really smart, doesn't have a lot of friends, is fighting with her sister, and then a new smart kid moves to town and is in her class. For unique characters and tension read this book.

Lily from 7-North:
If you like a survival story, H2O is for you. It is fast paced and pulled me in quickly and the premise is so interesting because it is about a killer rain. 27 is a number Ruby hates.It's a number that marks the percentage of the population that has survived. It's a number that means she's one of the "lucky" few still standing. And it's a number that says her father is probably dead. Against all odds, Ruby has survived the catastrophic onset of the killer rain. Two weeks after the radio started broadcasting the warning, "It's in the rain. It's fatal and there's no cure," the drinkable water is running out. Ruby's left with two options: survive on her own, or go on a treacherous journey across the country to find her father-if he's even still alive. I want to read the second one called Storm.

Athletics This Week

Please click here to view the schedule for the upcoming week. Please see the Athletics Website for Winter Sports information.

Guidance Corner

This week during Red Ribbon Week, we are highlighting Operation Prevention.  The DEA and Discovery Education have joined forces to combat a growing epidemic of prescription opioid misuse and heroin use nationwide. Operation Prevention's mission is to educate students about the true impacts of opioids and kick-start life-saving conversations in the home and classroom. Click here for a link to their website.  If you could find 30 minutes with your kids and watch the Virtual Field Trip it would go along way in our efforts to prevent substance misuse in our community.

Lurgio Tech Corner Update

In order to avoid confusion, Lurgio has had to disable the progress reports that have been available through PowerSchool. We are working closely with PowerSchool to find a solution to this report as well as the view that is on the mobile app. In the meantime, if you wish to view your students’ progress, please log into PowerSchool on your computer or chromebook.


PTG Corner

GIFT CARD FUNDRAISER Want your gift cards delivered before Hanukkah and Thanksgiving…be sure to get your order in no later than WEDNESDAY 10/31 (2ND and final order due date is November 29th). A gift card is the perfect gift for any occasion! Purchasing gift cards through the PTG provides support for the Bedford schools with no additional cost to you!  To download an order form please click here…Gift Card Order Form. Any orders received after 10/31 will be processed with the 2nd round of orders due on 11/29 and will be delivered before Winter break. For more information about this program, click here… Gift Card Program. HAPPY SHOPPING!
Order by October 31st for Pre-Thanksgiving/Hanukkah Delivery
Order by November 28th for Pre-Christmas Delivery

BEDFORD PTG SKI, SKATE, & MORE SALE! - Save​ ​​on​ ​new​ ​and​ ​used​ ​winter​ ​sports​ ​equipment​ ​&​ ​apparel! Our annual SKI, SKATE and MORE SALE will take place on Saturday, November 17, 2018 from 9AM - 2PM at Bedford High School. Whether you are in the market for ski equipment, snowboards, hockey gear, or winter outerwear, this sale provides a cost-effective opportunity to outfit you and your family for the upcoming winter season!
Got winter gear and clothing to sell…visit PTG Website for consignment information. You can drop off your pre-tagged items at the BHS Gymnasium on Friday, November 16, 2018 between 5PM – 8PM.  Please note: IF YOU NEED TO PRINT YOUR TAGS ON SITE AT BHS DURING EQUIPMENT DROP OFF THERE WILL BE A $1.00 CHARGE PER TAG.

CARDIGAN CORNER at SKI, SKATE and MORE SALE! New this year the PTG is excited to offer Cardigan Corner at the Ski, Skate and More Sale. For families whose kids have conquered Lurgio’s  Mt. Cardigan experience as part of the RAL 8th grade environmental unit of study and have gear to consign, or for those looking for a good deal on quality used items for the upcoming adventure…Cardigan Corner is for you!

Please visit our PTG WEBSITE, “like” our  FACEBOOK PAGE, check us out on Instagram (bedfordPTG) and Twitter (@Bedfordptg) to see all the exciting things happening at our schools. Thank you for your support!

Kitchen News:

The Breakfast Program has some exciting healthy additions to their meals! Next week we will be offering a homemade strawberry shortcake muffin and a delicious pineapple strawberry smoothie. Both recipes are packed with lots of beneficial nutrients to keep students energized and focused throughout the school day.

The hot lunch program will be offering a new recipe using local roasted delicata squash on Thursday the 25th. On the 26th we will be offering the ever so popular local organic grass fed burgers and a kale salad with homemade lemon dressing. Students and staff come down to the cafe and enjoy some of our healthy and delicious recipes!


Winter Sports Update

Earlier this week, you should have received information about winter sports (basketball, spirit, wrestling). Please see the Athletics homepage for my letter which includes information about concussion testing, paperwork, and try-out dates.

Parent Conferences Save the Date
Please save the dates for parent conferences. We will host two evenings to schedule conferences, one from 4:30PM-7:30PM on Monday, November 5, and the other from 3:30PM-6:30PM on Wednesday, November 14. Teachers will be sending out invitations by the end of October.

RAL School Play

We are pleased to announce that this year's musical will be Disney's, "The Little Mermaid Junior."  Auditions will take place in December, rehearsals will begin in January 2019, and show dates are March 21 (special preview for Grandparents), March 22 and 23. Specific details about auditions will be available soon!

ABC- Always Be Charging

This is a gentle reminder that students should be charging their Chromebooks every night.

BHS/RAL Equestrian Club

The New Hampshire High School Equestrian Teams (NHHSET) organization as stated on their website ( is "dedicated to promoting and organizing equestrian competition in high school athletic or activity programs. NHHSET will support, challenge and offer recognition to the dedicated students who both physically and mentally pursue the challenge of the equine sport."  Bedford High School has competed with a High School Equestrian Club for many years. The state has opened up the registration to middle school students again this year. The Bedford High School and Ross A Lurgio Middle School are once again teaming up to offer the opportunity for student equestrians to compete in NHHSET for the 2018-2019 school year.

The competition is comprised of three meets at the district level in the spring and culminates in the State Championship in May. Students of all riding levels are able to compete in all disciplines. Students compete individually and accumulate points toward a team final placement. Students are able to register as a rider or a spirit member. Riders must own or lease a horse in order to compete. Spirit members participate by working with the riding members to prepare horses for competition as well as "The Grooming Box Challenge" and a Practicum Experience. Participants will practice with the team coach in the winter on patterns as determined by the state board. The meets are run by parent volunteers and as such parents are required to volunteer at least one Saturday meet in the spring. Rider and Spirit registration begins December 1, 2018. Cost for Rider participation was $175 and Spirit participation was $20 last year. The cost structure is still being finalized at the state level.
Kathy Blake ( is the club advisor. Please contact Kathy Blake for further information. Registration will close at the beginning of January. All documents and money orders must go through Kathy Blake in order to be part of the Bedford High School Club Team.
The club will begin meeting in early October. There will be a parent meeting to answer questions in early October as well.