Friday, August 28, 2020

Lurgio News for August 28, 2020



August 28, 2020

Dear Lurgio Families,

It has been a very long five and a half months since students lined the halls of our school. It was invigorating to see everyone back in action within the building over the past two days. I am impressed with how our students are adapting to the changes in their regular routine and how our staff has gone above and beyond to welcome them into their classrooms.

I began this year with opening remarks to teachers on Thursday last week. In my talk I asked everyone to show grace as we reopened Lurgio. This year is different and difficult. From engaging in two entirely new and distinct instructional models to last-minute schedule changes, this year will feel messy and unpredictable at times. I cannot tell you how proud I am of how our staff rose to that request with flexibility and commitment.  

The last two days reminded me of how great our kids and our community are. Our students and our families have shown tremendous grace as we plodded along the bumpy road to reopening. This August in particular, I reflect on what a wonderful job it is to serve this wonderful community, and this year that sentiment is felt tenfold. Thank you for your grace and patience. 

Have a great weekend!


Ed Joyce

Important Dates

Sept 7 (Mon)


Sept 8 (Tues)

NO SCHOOL - New Hampshire Primary Election Day

New News

Masks & Social Distancing

Over the past two days, we have been so impressed by the students' adherence to our mask wearing protocol.  They were absolutely fantastic. Thank you for your support of mask wearing at all times when in the building. This is especially important when social distancing is more difficult to achieve. Students are permitted to take mask breaks while eating lunch and at other times designated by their pod teachers. 

An area of transmission mitigation that still needs some more work is social distancing. When inside and wearing a mask we are asking students to continue to do their best to maintain social distancing protocols. While this is not always possible, and our students have been doing well, we think that we can improve. Further, we need to remind students that even when we are outside, it is important to wear a mask when less than six feet from another person. 

COVID-19 Positive Test Protocols

Please see the following information from the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services and New Hampshire Department of Education regarding procedures that take place if a member of our school community tests positive for COVID-19.

Band and Chorus Information

Band and chorus will be fully remote until further notice. We will have an informational meeting next Friday, September 4th after school. Time and meeting code will be provided to students before that day through the band and chorus google classrooms. All students who wish to be involved in band and/or chorus this year should join the appropriate classroom before Friday so they have all of the up to date information. Band Google Classroom Join Code: frxiieo Chorus Google Classroom Join Code: dxp7pze Virtual rehearsals will start the following week. We are also in the process of creating the rehearsal schedule for the year. Students and parents will be notified of the schedule as soon as it is finalized.


Supply Lists

Based on the need to limit shared supplies, our general school supply list might look a bit different this year. It is important to note that lockers will not be used in our current hybrid schedule format and students will need to carry important items in their school bags for regular use during the school day. Some items may be left at home and used for distance learning days or brought in to school as needed.

As always, if your family needs assistance in providing school supplies, please contact our Guidance Office and we will make sure that your student has what they need to start the school year. 

Cardigan - Incoming 8th Graders

Based on current health considerations, we need to modify the 2020 Cardigan Trip. Typically, our 8th grade students hike and camp on Mount Cardigan for three days and two nights. Because tent-camping is not currently an option given social distancing due to COVID-19 precautions, we will not be able to have an overnight trip this fall.

While we are all disappointed that we cannot provide the full Cardigan trip in 2020, we want to still engage our 8th graders in the outdoor experience and team building that is the hallmark of this great tradition. In order to do this safety, we are planning four separate extended day hikes during the week of October 5 as follows:

8-North - Monday, October 5 

8-West - Tuesday, October 6

8-South - Wednesday, October 7

8-East - Thursday, October 8

By staggering the trip and only doing a day hike, we hope to provide students with a safe experience while still keeping the same Cardigan ethos that has been maintained for over forty years.

More details will follow as we approach the beginning of October, but please understand that this plan is fluid. We will make adjustments as appropriate if health considerations become more stringent in the fall.


Outdoor Learning Spaces

We are excited to announce that we are getting ready to set up tents and outdoor classrooms.  To get these built for students, we need volunteers to help us with assembly. Please reach out to Mrs. Gauthier ( if you are available next week (day/evening) to help. We have heard from a few volunteers, but we would like to have more.

Health Office News

Welcome back Lurgio students and families!  We're looking forward to seeing everyone!!  As a reminder, incoming 7th graders need to have a documented TDap vaccine prior to the start of the school year. Please submit a physical as well. 

If your child requires daily prescription medication, please contact the nurse directly to arrange an appointment for drop off. Health forms can be found at the district website under health services.  Please feel free to contact the nurse with any questions or concerns: Evelyn Chessie and Karen Freedman (603) 310-9100 ext. 34415

Weekly Features

Athletics Corner

Please see this communication from earlier this month regarding fall athletics at Lurgio Middle School. Information about specific sports sign-ups will be sent to families on Monday, August 31st.


Hybrid Instruction Corner

Hybrid Schedule Calendar

We know that the new hybrid schedule can be confusing at times. In general, students with last names A-K come to school on Mondays, Wednesdays, and alternating Fridays. Students with last names L-Z come to school on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and alternating Fridays. Here is a handy color-coded district calendar for  kindergarten through grade 8 to help your family plan in advance. 

Distance Learning Days

On Distance Learning Days, hybrid students should be engaged in different types of work assigned by their teachers on their in-person days. Students are not expected to sit in front of a computer screen for 6.5 hours, but they will be expected to complete tasks to create a bridge between their in-person days. Google Classroom is a resource for students to check assignments and tasks when they are working independently. Teachers are not immediately available to answer questions or work synchronously with students because they are instructing students in person every day. Teachers will answer questions via email if and when they are available.

Guidance Corner

It was so nice to see the hybrid students in school and the remote students during the remote principal’s message. We have been contacted by many families looking for helpful strategies to manage teenage stress.  We want to share this brief article titled “17 Small, but Significant, Lifestyle Changes to Reduce Worrying”.   We love supporting your kids as they challenge themselves academically, while learning to set boundaries and develop healthy coping skills for life’s stressors.  

Kitchen News

Please see the Food Service Plan for more information about breakfast and lunch service for the coming school year. Contact Emily Murphy, Director of School Nutrition, with any questions you may have.

Tech Corner

It has been a busy week as the Tech Corner provided mobile services to the students.  We have worked hard the past two days to get student chromebooks up and running on our network as well as distributing chromebook loaners to students who are either part of our daily loaner program or who are currently waiting for the shipment on their chromebook.  If we didn’t get to a student on Thursday or Friday, we will be checking with all the students again on Monday and Tuesday to check that they are up and running.

If students have technical issues, we are asking that they submit a ticket by visiting:

Book Buzz

This week, our Literacy Team recommends War Stories by Gordon Korman.

Fans of Gordon Korman will love his latest book that is told in two alternating settings: current day middle school Trevor and his great-grandfather Jacob fighting in WWII. There are two things Trevor loves more than anything else: playing war-based video games and his great-grandfather Jacob, who is a true-blue, bona fide war hero. At the height of the war, Jacob helped liberate a small French village, and was given a hero's welcome upon his return to America.

Now it's decades later, and Jacob wants to retrace the steps he took during the war - from training to invasion to the village he is said to have saved. Trevor thinks this is the coolest idea ever. But as they get to the village, Trevor discovers there's more to the story than what he's heard his whole life, causing him to wonder about his great-grandfather's heroism, the truth about the battle he fought, and the importance of genuine valor.

Be sure to take a trip to France with Trevor, his father and his great-grandfather.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

New School Year's Eve Announcement

 Dear Lurgio Families,

Tomorrow is the first day of school for our L-Z Hybrid students and our 100% Remote students. Please note, school drop off starts at 8:30 AM and kids should be in their homerooms by 8:50 AM. Our A-K Hybrid students’ first day of school will be on Friday. As our A-K Hybrid kids will not all have their chromebooks, there is no distance learning tomorrow. 

If you or your students haven’t seen it already, please click the link below to see our Fall 2020 Orientation Video:

Ross A. Lurgio • Fall 2020 Orientation Video

Prior to Coming to School:

Per CDC guidelines, students and staff are expected to stay home if they feel ill, display symptoms of COVID-19, or have been in direct contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 in the previous 14 days.

Parents will be required to complete the following daily health screening for their child prior to traveling to school:


AM Arrival Procedures:

Students arriving after 8:30 can be dropped off in the top lot. Our before school program begins at 7:30AM, and students attending the before school program should be dropped off at our gymnasium entrance at the rear of the building, passed the Pod entrances.

PM Dismissal Procedures:

Parent pick up will take place in the upper lot.

School Lunch Program:

As a reminder, if you plan to purchase hot lunch for your child, lunches will need to be pre-ordered. Please click this link for information on pre-ordering your child's hot lunch.

Bus Routes:

Bus routes are online and can be found HERE. Scroll down to  Afternoon and Ross A Lurgio Morning Bus Routes for stop locations and pick-up times.


Students should bring their CHARGED chromebook to school with them every day. We will be working with students throughout the day to ensure they have a device and that their device works properly here at Lurgio.

I look forward to a great year.



Friday, August 21, 2020

Lurgio News for August 21, 2020



August 21, 2020

Dear Lurgio Families,

The building has been buzzing this week! Our staff is working diligently to prepare for the new school year. I am not sure that any of us can predict what the school year will bring, but we are excited to have students back in the building and enthusiastic to embark on a new period of academic curiosity and growth.

Whether you have chosen in-person, hybrid learning or a fully remote instructional program, we have developed important Parent Guides to help you support your children. This Hybrid Learning Parent Guide has been available as part of the overall District Reopening Plan that was approved by the School Board on July 27. This Remote Instruction Parent Guide will soon be added to the District Plan document, but we wanted to make sure that it was available to our Remote families as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience as we revised that plan with teacher input this week.

Whatever instructional model your family has chosen, we are eager to be able to once again actively engage with all our Lurgio students. This time of year brings a palpable excitement, both for meeting new seventh grade students and for seeing how much our eighth graders have grown since last spring. In that regard at least, this year is no different. There are some things even a pandemic can’t change!

We look forward to next Thursday!

Be well and stay safe.


Ed Joyce

Important Dates

Aug 27 (Thurs)

First Day of School for L-Z (2020-2021 School Year)

Aug 28 (Fri)

First Day of School for A-K (2020-2021 School Year)

New News

InfoSnap Registration/Placement

Thank you for filling out your registration information for the 2020-2021 school year via InfoSnap. Typically, doing this would allow you to access the PowerSchool portal and give you the ability to view your student’s schedule and Pod placement. At the moment, PowerSchool information is not available to view because student placement and schedules are not complete. If you were able to see this information due to a glitch, please understand that it is not accurate and will likely change. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we develop schedules that are accurate and meet the needs of both our remote and hybrid students. We will send an email on Monday once the placements are available.

Outdoor Learning Spaces

We are excited to announce that we anticipate the delivery of the tents for our outdoor learning spaces at Lurgio on Monday. To get these ready for students next week, we need volunteers to help us with assembly. Please reach out to Mrs. Gauthier ( if you are available next week (day/evening) to help. We have heard from a few volunteers, but we would like to have more.

Health Office News

Welcome back Lurgio students and families!  We're looking forward to seeing everyone!!  As a reminder, incoming 7th graders need to have a documented TDap vaccine prior to the start of the school year. Please submit a physical as well. 

If your child requires daily prescription medication, please contact the nurse directly to arrange an appointment for drop off.

The nurse will be accepting PRN medications (epi pen, Benadryl, inhalers, lactaid, etc) on Monday, 8/24 and Tuesday, 8/25 from 10:30am-2pm.  I will be outside the main entrance during these times to accept medication under the following circumstances only:

  • Medication is properly labeled with valid expiration dates

  • MD orders are provided for this school year

  • Completed and signed (by MD) Allergy Action Plans and valid MD orders must accompany all Epi pens, or they will not be accepted

  • OTC forms are available online or can be signed at the time of drop off

Health forms can be found at the district website under health services.  Please feel free to contact the nurse with any questions or concerns: Evelyn Chessie and Karen Freedman (603) 310-9100 ext. 34415

Guidance Corner

Welcome back! Our guidance department is excited to see what this unique year will have to offer. Some of our families have chosen remote as an option for learning this year while others have opted for hybrid. As a guidance team, we are thrilled that families were able to figure out what best worked for them. Regardless of the modality, the guidance team looks forward to supporting all our students and their families.

District leaders, administrators, teachers, counselors, and community members have done a great deal of work in developing a system that works for everyone. It has certainly been a community effort. As a guidance team, it’s encouraging to see how well people can come together for the common good knowing the importance of being supportive of all the various needs of our families and students.

In the beginning, it will take some time to get used to the new routine. These changes often present with some challenges and there may be some hiccups along the way. It’s important to know that many will feel a bit overwhelmed to start, but the guidance department at Lurgio is ready to answer any questions or troubleshoot problems that may arise. Remember that in uncertain times, there will be some uncertainty and it’s important to seek support from people around you as we all navigate this path together. 

We hope you were all able to enjoy your summer and got to spend time with loved ones. We look forward to working with you this year and making new memories along the way. 

Kitchen News

Please see the Food Service Plan for more information about breakfast and lunch service for the coming school year. Contact Emily Murphy, Director of School Nutrition, with any questions you may have.


Supply Lists

Based on the need to limit shared supplies, our general school supply list might look a bit different this year. It is important to note that lockers will not be used in our current hybrid schedule format and students will need to carry important items in their school bags for regular use during the school day. Some items may be left at home and used for distance learning days or brought in to school as needed.

As always, if your family needs assistance in providing school supplies, please contact our Guidance Office and we will make sure that your student has what they need to start the school year. 

Cardigan - Incoming 8th Graders

Based on current health considerations, we need to modify the 2020 Cardigan Trip. Typically, our 8th grade students hike and camp on Mount Cardigan for three days and two nights. Because tent-camping is not currently an option given social distancing due to COVID-19 precautions, we will not be able to have an overnight trip this fall.

While we are all disappointed that we cannot provide the full Cardigan trip in 2020, we want to still engage our 8th graders in the outdoor experience and team building that is the hallmark of this great tradition. In order to do this safety, we are planning four separate extended day hikes during the week of October 5 as follows:

8-North - Monday, October 5 

8-West - Tuesday, October 6

8-South - Wednesday, October 7

8-East - Thursday, October 8

By staggering the trip and only doing a day hike, we hope to provide students with a safe experience while still keeping the same Cardigan ethos that has been maintained for over forty years.

More details will follow as we approach the beginning of October, but please understand that this plan is fluid. We will make adjustments as appropriate if health considerations become more stringent in the fall.


RAL Fall 2020 Athletics

Please see this communication from earlier this week regarding fall athletics at Lurgio Middle School. Information about specific sports sign-ups will be sent to families next week. 


Due to issues with inventory this year, we do not currently have chromebooks to sell. As of now, we anticipate new chromebooks arriving in October. We apologize for the inconvenience.  To place your name on a waitlist for a chromebook, or to give us your program selection, please complete the following form.

If you purchased your own chromebook, we will contact you early next week with more information to assist you in enrolling the device prior to the start of school.

If you have any chromebook related questions, please feel free to contact Donna Dennis (

Friday, August 14, 2020

Lurgio News for August 14, 2020



August 14, 2020

Dear Lurgio Families,

I hope you and your families have had a safe and relaxing summer. While it’s likely been a different type of summer than many of us are used to, it is hard to believe that the start of school is less than two weeks away. I am writing to give you some information and updates about the start of school.

Over the summer, we typically go through a scheduling and placement process in order to assign students to pods and give them the courses they need. Due to the nature of our hybrid schedule and remote option, we have had to restart this process from scratch, which is why you have not received this information from us yet. We are hoping to complete this process by Monday, August 24th. At that time, you will receive notification from us regarding the best way to view your student’s schedule. We appreciate your patience as we work to develop student schedules that honor your choice of either the Hybrid or Fully Remote learning option.

We have received specific questions regarding hybrid and remote learning options. We are currently developing specific handbooks for each of these options. The information contained in these guides will assist you and your student in navigating the start of school this fall.

Despite the challenges we have faced as a school community since March, I am excited about the start of our fourteenth year at Lurgio Middle School. I am always impressed by the abilities of our innovative and dedicated teaching staff and the enthusiasm and resilience of our students. I am confident that we will be able to succeed this year no matter what comes our way.

Be well and stay safe.


Ed Joyce

Important Dates

Aug 27 (Thurs)

First Day of School for L-Z (2020-2021 School Year)

Aug 28 (Fri)

First Day of School for A-K (2020-2021 School Year)


HELP WANTED: Outdoor Classrooms

We are hoping to utilize outdoor space as much as possible in the coming school year. In order to do this, we are looking to develop outdoor classroom space using tents and portable chairs. If you are interested in donating your time or financial assistance to this cause, we would be appreciative. Please contact Assistant Principal Kristen Gauthier at if you would like to join the team or contribute to the cause.

Supply Lists

Based on the need to limit shared supplies, our general school supply list might look a bit different this year. It is important to note that lockers will not be used in our current hybrid schedule format and students will need to carry important items in their school bags for regular use during the school day. Some items may be left at home and used for distance learning days or brought in to school as needed.

As always, if your family needs assistance in providing school supplies, please contact our Guidance Office and we will make sure that your student has what they need to start the school year. 

Cardigan - Incoming 8th Graders

Based on current health considerations, we need to modify the 2020 Cardigan Trip. Typically, our 8th grade students hike and camp on Mount Cardigan for three days and two nights. Because tent-camping is not currently an option given social distancing due to COVID-19 precautions, we will not be able to have an overnight trip this fall.

While we are all disappointed that we cannot provide the full Cardigan trip in 2020, we want to still engage our 8th graders in the outdoor experience and team building that is the hallmark of this great tradition. In order to do this safety, we are planning four separate extended day hikes during the week of October 5 as follows:

8-North - Monday, October 5 

8-West - Tuesday, October 6

8-South - Wednesday, October 7

8-East - Thursday, October 8

By staggering the trip and only doing a day hike, we hope to provide students with a safe experience while still keeping the same Cardigan ethos that has been maintained for over forty years.

More details will follow as we approach the beginning of October, but please understand that this plan is fluid. We will make adjustments as appropriate if health considerations become more stringent in the fall.


RAL Fall 2020 Athletics

We are currently wrapping up the planning process for fall athletics at the middle school level based on state and district-level guidelines. We intend to communicate with families next week regarding the fall season. We appreciate your patience and flexibility as we develop our plans.


Parents that ordered the HP x360 Chromebook have been notified via email.  Those chromebooks will be available for pickup on August 17th or 18th from 8:00am-4:00pm in the Bedford High School Media Center. Due to the high volume of parents picking up devices, we will be conducting a drive up pickup this year. 

This requires that all parents pay in advance to expedite the pickup process.  Please be sure you have paid for your chromebook PRIOR to coming to pick it up (checks payable to the Bedford School District will be taken at the time of pickup).  If you are unable to pickup your child's device on the specified dates, alternative dates will be emailed at a later date. Devices can also be picked up on the first day of school. 

Due to issues with inventory this year, we do not currently have chromebooks to sell. As of now, we anticipate new chromebooks arriving in October. We apologize for the inconvenience. To place your name on a waitlist for a chromebook, or to give us your program selection, please complete the following form.

If you purchased your own chromebook, we will contact you soon with more information to assist you in enrolling the device prior to the start of school.

If you have any chromebook related questions, please feel free to contact Donna Dennis (