Thursday, November 15, 2018

Special Note: November 15, 2018

Dear Parents,

As you probably already know, both Bedford High School and Lurgio Middle School were evacuated this afternoon. These evacuations were in response to a threat written on a bathroom stall at BHS. While there was no threat at Lurgio, our students evacuated the building when the high school evacuated because our schools are connected. With the help of the Bedford Police Department, we first cleared the dining hall and gymnasium, and then had student file into those designated areas. Once the rest of the building was cleared, students returned to their classes, and the school day resumed as usual.

Situations like this can be very hard and stressful for all involved. I would like to extend my deep appreciation to students, parents, and staff for their level-headed response to this event. I was very impressed with how well everyone in our school community managed this. Thank you.  

Finally, there will be no change to our normal dismissal procedures at 3:15PM, and after school activities will proceed as originally planned.


Ed Joyce