Friday, December 20, 2019

Lurgio News for December 20, 2019

December 20, 2019
Dear Lurgio Families,
The Lurgio Community closed 2019 with a wonderful, generous act of charity. Through all of our collective donations during the Lurgio Holiday Food Drive, we were able to put together and deliver over 35 food baskets for local families. It is moments like this that I am most proud to be a part of this fantastic school. 

I wish you all a wonderful break. I hope that you are able to spend some quality time with your families over the next week. I look forward to seeing you all in the New Year as we strive to make 2020 a great year!


Ed Joyce

Important Dates

Dec. 23 - Jan. 1  
Holiday Break (NO SCHOOL)
Jan. 20 (Mon)
Civil Rights Day (NO SCHOOL)
Jan. 22 (Wed)
PTG Principals’ Winter Reading Night, 4:30/6:30PM, MIS
Jan. 23 (Thurs)
BHS Registration Parent Info Night (8th to 9th grade)


The Lurgio Players

The Lurgio Players are pleased to announce that this year’s musical will be Legally Blonde Jr.  Backstage crew, lighting, and sound sign-ups will take place after Winter Break. Auditions will take place on January 2 and 3 (all those auditioning are required to attend both days) and callbacks will take place on Monday, January 6.  Rehearsals will begin on Wednesday, January 8. Please contact Laurel Devino,, if you have any questions. 

Best Buddies Starting At Lurgio

“Best Buddies International is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to establishing a global volunteer movement that creates opportunities for one-to-one friendships for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.” For more information about this international program, please visit

This parent letter explains the Best Buddies organization in further detail. Please reach out to Amanda LaRocca ( with any questions you may have regarding participation.

Stand By Me 

Treat yourself and support our 7th Grade Stand By Me event. Between now and Dec 31:
 Traci Collins Skincare Studio will donate $5 for every express facial. Be sure to mention “Stand By Me” in your booking.
Flight Coffee will also donate $5 for every bag of 12 oz coffee ordered. 

Weekly Features

Athletics Corner

Weekly Schedule

As always, the weekly schedule is available on our athletics website

Book Buzz

If you're looking for a book over the holidays, Books for Breakfast suggests Incommunicado by Randall Pratt. 
Just about everyone is incommunicado in the small, sleepy Oregon coastal town of Sea Park during the winter of 1941. That is, until Pearl Harbor is attacked. Then Sea Park springs to patriotic life. But is Ruby Opal Pearl (aka Jewels) Stokes the only person to see what’s really happening here? Tommy Kaye, the one person in her life who has provided security, shelter, and a smidgeon of respect—and who owns the biggest resort on the coast—is now the cause of the town’s rage. Tommy’s Japanese ancestry makes him the prime target of an angry mob, not to mention he’s also rich, has a shady past (which includes Jewels’s eccentric mother), and everyone in town owes him money.

As the town’s patriotism blossoms into paranoia and turns violent, Jewels has to do something to protect Tommy from internment (or worse), even if that something is going up against the town and the government, not to mention the FBI. Thus begins a twelve-year-old girl’s war within a war.

Tech Corner Updates

It’s a busy time of year for everyone. Please help your child remember to bring their chromebook to school every day and to charge their chromebook every night. Here in the Tech Corner, we are starting our Bring It! Charge It! Campaign to help students remember. If you would like one of our posters for home, click here to download and print!

PTG Corner

Principal Winter Reading Night

Dress in your PJ’s, bring a blanket and come listen to the Bedford principals read you a story! This fun-filled family event will be held on Thursday, January 23rd at McKelvie in the Cafeteria.  Choose between two session times, 4:30 p.m. or 6:30 p.m. Details on how to register for the event coming soon.

Mindfulness and Stress Management Seminar 

Tuesday, January 14th, 7:00 p.m. at McKelvie, for parents of children in Grades K-6. Come learn about the benefits of Mindfulness including increased focus for learning and stress management for life. Terri Hamilton, a Mindfulness & Stress Management Coach and former teacher and Guidance Counselor, will be sharing her expertise.

Click HERE for more information.

PTG Informational Video

Curious to know more about the PTG? Ever wonder where the "G" in PTG came from? Where do your donations go? How do fundraisers work? How to get involved? And this short PTG INFORMATIONAL VIDEO for the answers to all of your PTG questions.

Hannaford Helps - Reusable Bag Program

During the month of December, PTG will receive a $1.00 donation for every Hannaford Community Bag sold at the Jenkins Road location.

Amazon Smile!

Did you know that every time you buy on Amazon, you can support the Bedford PTG?  Simply visit AmazonSmile and select “Bedford NH PTG” as the organization that you’d like to support. Now, every time you shop at, Amazon will donate a percentage to the Bedford PTG. Thank you for your support.