Friday, March 24, 2017

Lurgio News for March 24, 2017

March 24, 2017
Dear Parents,
Congratulations to all the band and chorus students for a wonderful performance during last night’s Music in Our Schools Benefit Concert. There were beautifully sung renditions of broadway hits, medleys of Star Wars and Harry Potter themes, in addition to a stellar rendition of Undertow, conducted by student Jason Merk. The community’s donations will go a long way in supporting the music program at Lurgio Middle School. One last shout out to the Lurgio students who attended the Technology Student Association Conference during the past two days. They proudly represented their community and school. Go Lions!
Ed Joyce
Important Dates
March 27 (Monday)
Baseball & Softball Tryouts Begin
March 31 (Friday)
Lurgio CBY Talent Show 6PM-8PM
April 3 (Monday)
Track Begins
April 7 (Friday)
Lurgio Midnight Madness (7PM-Midnight)
April 10 (Monday)
Tennis Begins
April 11 (Tuesday)
Stand By Me hosts speaker Ed Gerety 6:30PM BHS Theater
April 24 - 28
No School - Spring Vacation

Cub of the Week
Each week, teachers nominate students for the Cub of the Week Award. Nominated students are those who have shown exceptional kindness, tolerance, and respect during the week. Each Friday, the Lurgio administration and guidance staff will review all nominees and will select the the “Cub of the Week.”
This week’s Cub is Kyliana Gardiner in pod 7-South. Kyliana kindly assisted a classmate who had inadvertently spilled a drink. Kyliana went out of her way to clean up the mess so the other student wouldn’t have to worry about it. Way to go, Kyliana!

Important News Regarding Overdue Library Materials
Starting Monday, March 27 the library will have a new process of notifying students of overdue books. Students and their parents will be getting overdue notices sent to them by email, as well as a printed notice. On the following Monday, April 3, overdue notices will only be sent out by email to students and their parents. Remember, students can check their account 24/7 by logging into it to see what they have checked out and when their books are due. Please check your email for any notices from the library.

Lurgio’s Got Talent
The Lurgio talent show will be on Friday, March 31 at 6:00PM.  Come and see all the amazing talent that this school has to offer.  Tickets are $5 each.  Raffle tickets to win a Google Home will be sold (1 for $1, 7 for $5, and 15 for $10)!  A portion of the proceeds will be donated to Kids Cafe and the National Autism Association.  
Bring in a toiletry item for an additional chance to win a Google Home! CBY@RAL will be offering a raffle ticket for each toiletry item donated. The donated toiletry items will be sent to troops stationed around the world.

It’s Midnight Madness Time Again!
Let the Madness begin! We need some (A LOT!) of volunteers to make this event a great success for all! This is one for the Dads, as well as the Moms. Click on this link to volunteer!
Let the Madness begin! We need some (A LOT!) of volunteers to make this event a great success for all! This is one for the Dads, as well as the Moms.
Friday, April 7 from 7:00pm - MIDNIGHT
There will be inflatable obstacles, a mechanical bull, large tricycles, movies, and lots of yummy treats! There are 2 shifts of volunteers needed: 6:30 - 9:30 pm or 9:00 - midnight. Volunteers will be supervising in the gym at the inflatables, at the bull, serving pizza and drinks, making cotton candy, popcorn and sno-cones. Have an area of expertise? Let us know! Torn between cotton candy and mechanical bull? We will rotate positions so you can supervise more than 1!!
And, while the hours of 7:00 - midnight are for the kids, I have it on good authority that the gym will open at 6:15 for volunteers to try out the fun.

UPDATED 2017-2018 School Calendar
There is one change in the calendar and the updated 2017/18 calendar is now attached 2017-18 School Calendar. The first day of school for students is Tuesday, August 29.

Destination ImagiNation
Congratulations to all the Bedford DI teams who participated in the Goffstown Regional Tournament last weekend. Lurgio had three teams and two teams advanced.  The Sit Down Comedians and Eat Your Greens will represent Lurgio at the State Tournament, in Bedford High School, on April 1st, along with 5 other teams from Bedford DI.   We are so proud of all of these kids, and would like to thank the their Team Managers who stepped up to the plate, volunteering their time to coach these kids all season.  For more information on what DI is all about, please check out
20170319GoffstownReg-3270-S.jpg                     20170319GoffstownReg-3243-S.jpg
              The Sit Down Comedians                                                         Eat Your Greens
Yearbook Order Time!
The 2016-2017 Lurgio Yearbook will be on sale Friday, March 24th until Friday, April 14th for $25*.
Cash or check orders will be collected in homeroom Monday, March 27 through Tuesday, April 4.  Order forms will be sent home with students on Friday, March 24.
Online orders can be placed Friday, March 24th through Friday, April 14.
To placed online orders:
  • Click on the purple Parent's: Buy Your Student's Yearbook button in the upper right corner.
  • Search for Lurgio
  • Enter Your Student's last name and select your student from the list.  If your student does not appear, follow the instructions on the screen to add them.
* A limited number of yearbooks might be available for sale when the books arrive in June for $30.
Questions? Contact Donna Dennis (

Science Professionals Wanted
Do you have a science career you want to share with students? We are looking for science professionals to run a workshop sharing their career experience with 7th grade students at our annual science career day on Friday, April 21 from 9-12.  As a guest speaker you will be asked to present to a small group of students for two rotations, each approximately 45 minutes in length. In the workshop you will provide an overview of your profession along with an activity or demonstration for the students using the tools or materials you typically work with. Come join us for a fun-filled day and get students excited about science!
If you are interested, please contact Amy Rockwell at

PTG ColorBlast 5K Registration is OPEN
The PTG is excited to announce that registration for our first annual ColorBlast 5K Run/Walk is open! Register today and mark your calendar, Sunday, June 4th @ 10:00am, for a super-fun, family event! Not a runner? That’s OK. You can walk, skip, hop, twirl, dance or stroll your way through six color stations along the 5K route that starts at Lurgio Middle school on the BHS/RAL campus. Be sure to wear white for maximum color affect (you will be blasted with food safe colorful powder). All funds raised from this event will go back into our schools!
We are looking for volunteers and sponsors for this great event. If you or your business are interested in sponsoring the event or volunteering, please contact us at, or for more information please visit This event is presented by Derry Medical Center.

Spring Sports Begin March 27
Both baseball and softball will begin on Monday, March 27. For more information regarding all spring sports, please click [HERE].  

Book Buzz
In honor of our Skype author visit with Jen Swan Downey (pictured left), we are sharing her Ninja Librarian books: The Accidental Keyhand and Sword in the Stacks. When Dorrie and her brother Marcus chase Moe-an unusually foul-tempered mongoose-into the janitor's closet of their local library, they make an astonishing discovery: the headquarters of a secret society of ninja librarians. Their mission: protect those whose words get them into trouble, anywhere in the world and at any time in history.
Petrarch's Library is an amazing, jumbled, time-traveling secret base that can dock anywhere there's trouble, like the Spanish Inquisition, or ancient Greece, or...Passaic, New Jersey. Dorrie would love nothing more than to join the society, fighting injustice with a real sword! But when a traitor surfaces, she and Marcus are prime suspects. Can they clear their names before the only passage back to the twenty-first century closes forever?
Congratulations to Lavinia who won an autographed copy of Ninja Librarians!
BHS Senior Projects
Art Supplies Donation
For her senior project Bedford High School student, Julie Vyhanek, is accepting donations of new/lightly used art supplies.  The supplies will be donated to the Elliot Hospital and will be used for Art Therapy.  For information about her project, click here.  

Equestrian Club Fundraiser - March 26
On March 26, the RAL/BHS Equestrian Club will be participating in a fundraiser at Applebee’s. For more information, click [HERE]. Please contact Kathy Blake at with any questions.

Guidance Corner
RAL Guidance Counselor, Donna LaRue, MA, MLADC, LCMHC posts a weekly, helpful parenting newsletter article, as well as other relevant material on her website. This week she focuses on Boundaries. Check out Ms. LaRue’s web page for weekly Asset newsletters by clicking here.
Executive functioning skills are developmental, meaning that each of these skills develop with age, and not on a set schedule. Just as children learn to walk and talk at different times, it is normal for our brains to learn to organize, inhibit, and plan at different times.  More information can be found at Mrs. Stone's Website--Executive Functioning Skills
The Executive Functioning “Skill of the Week” is Working Memory. This is the ability to hold information in your head while performing multi-step tasks.  This is more than just remembering something, but rather using that information while also completing a complex task.  If you find your child has difficulties remembering to pack his water bottle and mouthguard in his gym bag for basketball practice or often forgets to bring her completed math paper back to school, there are tried-and-true strategies that you can introduce to him or her to help. For more information and specific strategies on how to help your son or daughter develop stronger Working Memory skills, visit Skill of the Week:  Working Memory

Lurgio Tech Corner Update
If your child is having issues with their chromebook, please have them come and see us in the Tech Corner in the back of the Media Center and Mrs. Dennis or Mrs. Manley will help to resolve their issue.  Students whose chromebooks are out being repaired should check their school email for updates on the status of any repairs.

Custom Lurgio Wear Available
Did you know that you can order custom Lurgio wear in our new school colors? Check out the BedfordWear website to see all they have to choose from.

Bedford High School Graduation Set for June 10
We are proud to announce that the students in the class of 2017 at Bedford High School will be graduating on June 10, 2017.

PTG Corner:
Its Midnight Madness Time!  This fun event is for both 7th and 8th grade students.  We are looking for lots of volunteers to help make this a successful event. Please check out our signup here.  Lots of slots still open!

Our final community night at the Manchester Monarchs is Saturday, April 1st as the Monarchs take on the Elmira Jackals at 6p.m. Enjoy discounted ticket prices and a family friendly night out. Students can participate in the High-5 tunnel as the Monarchs take the ice. Click here to download an order form and return to your school office by Monday, March 27th.

The Bedford PTG is proud to co-sponsor an upcoming community presentation featuring professional speaker Ed Gerety. Ed Gerety, one of the top professional youth speakers in the country, will be doing a 60 minute program for parents and their child focusing on how you can work together in your families to help your child reach their full potential, have the right mindset, and achieve their goals. Ed Has been a part of the Lurgio Middle School Stand By Me program from it's beginning and his programs have always received rave reviews. This program, geared to middle school families, will take place on April 11th in the BHS Theater 6:30 - 7:30p.m.. Save the date for this energetic and inspiring program!  

COLOR BLAST 5K Fun run/walk, Sunday, June 4th @ 10:00a.m.
The PTG is excited to announce that registration for our first annual ColorBlast 5K Run/Walk is open! Register today and mark your calendar for a super-fun, family event! Not a runner? That’s OK. You can walk, skip, hop, twirl, dance or stroll your way through six color stations along the 5K route that starts at Lurgio Middle school on the BHS/RAL campus. Be sure to wear white for maximum color affect (you will be blasted with food safe colorful powder). All funds raised from this event will go back into our schools!
We are looking for volunteers and sponsors for this great event. If you or your business are interested in sponsoring the event or volunteering, please contact us at, or for more information please visit This event is presented by Derry Medical Center.

Bedford Food Pantry – Items Needed for Children
Food Insecurity is a growing concern across the nation and right here in our own backyard.  Nearly 350 adults and children in Bedford qualify for food stamps and more than 167 families in Bedford meet the income standards for the government’s free school lunch program.

In light of these numbers, the Bedford Food Pantry has started a new program, School Lunch Plus, to provide students in Bedford who face food insecurity two lunches each weekend (with complete privacy/anonymity).  In order to provide two lunches for each student in need, the Food Pantry is looking for donations of these specific items.  

If you are able to donate these items (these are ongoing donations), please bring them by the Bedford Food Pantry at the Bedford Presbyterian Church, 4 Church Road, Bedford, NH.

Parents/guardians, please contact the school guidance counselor or school nurse if you would like your child to participate in this program.

Bedford Community Hall of Fame
The Hall of Fame Committee, consisting of ten school personnel and community members, is seeking nominations for Bedford’s inaugural class of the newly formed Bedford Hall of Fame.
The mission of the Hall of Fame is to recognize and honor those residents who have attended the Bedford School District (including West High) who have made truly exceptional contributions to the school, community, or society in general.
We are planning a formal recognition dinner at the high school for the induction of our inaugural class on the evening before the Homecoming football game in the fall of 2017. Each inductee will also be recognized during half-time announcement at the Homecoming football game. Inductees will be honored for their unique contributions, awarded a plaque recognizing those contributions, and have a permanent commemoration placed in the “Hall of Fame” located in the main hallway at the High School.
You can access the Hall of Fame nomination information and application on all school and SAU websites under the “Community” tab. There is also a button on the front page of the BHS website. There you will find more specific information about the process. Nomination applications can be submitted online or in hard copy and sent care of Chip McGee Superintendent of Schools in Bedford. Applications must be completed in full and received by the end of May 2017 to be considered for this inaugural class. Applications not chosen this year will be kept on file and automatically considered for subsequent classes along with all new applications.
We are excited to have this recognition program in place and look forward to reviewing the many applications we hope to receive. Should you have questions please direct them to Bill Hagen at or Mark Elmendorf at

BHS Summer Course Registration
If you elected to take one of the Summer In Writing courses (Enrichment or Hybrid Enrichment), please register for summer school! This is the second step of registration, after selecting a summer course during course selection in February. Course dates, times, payment information, and the online registration form can be found here.
Registration for BASE Camp (a week-long orientation program at BHS) is also live. This summer, BASE Camp will be the week of 7/31-8/4. Please visit the BASE Camp website for more information.