Monday, March 27, 2017

Special Note: Health Advisory for Lurgio Middle School and Bedford High School

Parents and Staff,
I am writing to give you an update on a health issue at Lurgio Middle School. Early this morning, one of our food service workers at Lurgio Middle School informed us she had been diagnosed with the MRSA virus over the weekend. MRSA is a skin infection that is caused by a type of Staph bacteria.
Our food service staff promptly took the following actions:
  1. We contacted the town health inspector to seek advice. The inspector, in turn, reviewed the best practices to address this issue with the Center for Disease Control.
  2. Upon the inspector's recommendation, we completed a sanitization of all surfaces in the middle school and high school kitchens, which are a combined facility.
  3. We completed an additional bleach wipedown of all surfaces in the middle school and high school kitchens.
  4. We also directed our worker, who has taken ill, to remain home until we receive a doctor's clearance for her to return.  
More generally, I want to make you aware of the daily safeguards our food service staff follows to ensure a healthy environment. All food service staff members wear protective gloves when working in the kitchen and handling food. Additionally, all kitchens are routinely sanitized at the end of each school day.
I am confident that all of our kitchens are clean and safe. Nevertheless, I want to make sure everyone in the community is aware of the issue and the steps we have taken.


Chip McGee