Friday, September 10, 2021

Lurgio News for September 10, 2021


September 10, 2021

Dear Lurgio Families,

Thank you to all of you that came out to our open house last evening. It was wonderful to see such a great turnout as we start a new school year. So many of you took time out of your evening to meet your student’s teachers and learn more about our school. 

It was my pleasure to meet you, and I hope to see you around our school community.



Important Dates

Sept. 17 (Fri

Sports Picture Day (see Weekly Features below)

Sept. 21 (Tues)

8th Grade Cardigan Chaperone Night (6-7pm)

Oct. 4-6 (Mon-Wed)

8th Grade Cardigan Trip (Pods 8N & 8W)

Oct 6-8 (Wed-Fri)

8th Grade Cardigan Trip (Pods 8S & 8E)

Oct. 11 (Mon)

Columbus Day - NO SCHOOL

Oct. 12 (Tues)

Teacher Workshop Day - NO SCHOOL

New News

Masks on the Bus

This is a reminder to all families of bus riders: per CDC order, all persons riding public transportation (including school bus transportation) are required to wear a mask. The bus drivers have a limited number of masks to give to students and it would be helpful for all students to bring their own masks.

Dropoff/Pick Up Procedures

When dropping off students in the parent dropoff/pickup area in the morning, please use caution. By keeping your speed low and pulling over to the yellow curbline to the right of the lot, we will greatly increase the safety of our students. I thank you in advance for your help. 

Cardigan Mountain Experience - Grade 8 Students/Families


An information night for Cardigan chaperones will be held on Tuesday, September 21. Chaperones have been sent an email with specific information for the trip. Thank you so much for the continued community support of this fantastic program!

Trip Details and Registration

You can find information and registration instructions for this year’s trip HERE. Trip registrations are due no later than SEPTEMBER 17, 2021. If you have specific questions or concerns relating to your student’s medical condition and the trip, please reach out to Ms. Chessie in the Health Office or to your student’s guidance counselor.

Clubs and Cocurriculars at Lurgio

At Lurgio, we have a variety of clubs for students to join.  Students will hear the details on the morning and afternoon announcements. The following clubs are starting or will have organizational meetings this coming week:


Art Club 

Art Club will be held every Monday from 8:00 to 8:45 in the morning. Please meet in the art rooms (rooms 212 and 216). Begins Monday, 9/13/21. If you have any questions please see Mrs. Benoit and Mr. Gookin.

Clash Royale

Lurgio has a new club!  Come play Clash Royale, the video game, with Mr. Hinsley and other students every Tuesday and Friday mornings, 8:00am to 8:30am.  Come to Room 235 in 7th grade yellow pod. Begins Tuesday, 9/14/21.

Dungeons & Dragons

The Lurgio Dungeons & Dragons Club will be holding its first organizational meeting on Tuesday, 9/21/21,  from 3:15 to 4:30 in Room 226 -- the science room in the 7 South Pod. 

All are welcome to join.  No experience is required. Come play, explore, and create ---   you choose in the wonderful world of D&D!! Got questions?  Check in with Mrs. Stone or Mr. Doherty.

Get You Moving Club 

Get your day off to a great start by joining the Get You Moving Club with Ms Corey. This club will provide you the opportunity to meet with your friends and play recreationally, you get to choose what you want to play! The club meets every Monday and Thursday 7:55-8:25. Begins Monday, 9/13/21. Students should enter the building through the cafeteria entrance in the back of the building. To sign up all you need to do is show up!

Gay Straight Alliance

The Gay Straight Alliance will hold its first meeting on Monday,9/13/21, at 8am. We will meet in the Guidance Conference room. If you are a member or an ally of the LGBT community, please join us.

Students Against Destructive Decisions 

Students Against Destructive Decisions is a leadership club here at Lurgio. If you are interested in developing your leadership skills, supporting your student community and investing in Lurgio this is the club for you. Starting Tuesday, 9/14/21, we will meet every Tuesday morning at 8am in the guidance office.

Technology Student Association 

TSA will hold its first meeting on Monday, 9/20/21, in room 146. We will meet every Monday from 3:15 - 4:30. An information letter and sign up form will be given to interested students at the first meeting. TSA will be advised by Emily Murray, Tech Ed/Design Engineering and Brian Miller, Guidance.

This club is for any student who enjoys hands-on activities. We work on a variety of competitive events for both individuals and teams of students. Most kids start by making a CO2 race car (Dragster Design), balsa airplanes (Flight Challenge), or balsa structures (Structural Engineering). Students can choose other events from the competitive events list after their first project is done. In a typical year, we attend a two day conference in late March with students from across New Hampshire and Vermont. More information about TSA and competitive events can be found at the National TSA website.

Yearbook Club

The Lurgio Yearbook club will be holding an informational meeting for anyone interested in joining on Thursday, 9/16/21, from 8:00am to 8:45am in Room 121 (Mrs. Quirk’s FACS room).  Got questions? Check with either Mrs. Dennis or Mrs. Manley in the Tech Corner.




Anti-Bullying Partnership Agreement

Please keep an eye out for a document going home with your child next week about bullying. The District Bullying Task Force developed a Partnership Agreement among students, teachers, and families to better understand and address student conflict, and what is and is not considered bullying.  We are asking all families to read, discuss, and sign this document to help ensure a happy, safe, and nurturing environment for all. 


Please click HERE for an electronic copy of the agreement.

Please click HERE to electronically sign the document.


BHS Basketball Clinic

Calling all basketball players! The Bedford High School girls and boys basketball teams are hosting clinics for Bedford students in grades 3-8. The two-day clinic will be held on 9/12 and 9/19 in the BHS gymnasium. Registration is $50. Please click HERE for more information. 

School Attendance

This is just a reminder that parents can email their student’s school attendance to Parents should report absences through this email address or by calling the school at 603.310.9100.

It is important that when you contact the attendance office via email or phone, you give a reason (sickness, travel, etc.). If we do not have a reason for a student’s absence it is our policy that the school nurse will call home. 

Kinship Navigation Program

There are many families in the district who have a new found role as caregivers. They are often seeking support from their community or they're just unsure of what to do or how to parent a second time around. The Kinship Navigation Program provides just that.  Through their services they provide parent education, emotional support, information and resources, and help to support families who may be struggling financially to enroll in things like SNAP or grants that are specifically designated for these families. Please see this flyer for more information. 

School Hours

The main office is open from 7:30 to 4:00. 


School Transportation

Bus Routes

Bedford School District bus routes can be found HERE.

Guest Bus Riders

As of right now, students will not be permitted to ride a different bus than they are assigned to. 


Per CDC order, students are required to wear a mask while riding the bus. 

Bedford School District Reopening Plan

For more information about how the Bedford School District plans to reopen school for the 2021-2022 school year, please click the following link. Specific information regarding safety and mitigation measures can be found here.

Dining Services

The Bedford School District is offering FREE meals to ALL students for the 2021-2022 school year due to a waiver from the United States Department of Agriculture.  A-la-carte items will still be available for purchase.

Balances from the last school year are in the process of being transferred to our new efunds system.

Here is a link to set up a lunch account for your student at efunds. 

Free and Reduced applications still need to be filled out for qualifying families. Here is the Application link.

Weekly Features

Athletics Corner

Athletic Schedules

Our athletic schedules are now posted on the athletics website. Please refer to the athletics calendar for the weekly schedules including practice and games. You can find all game schedules here

Transportation Update

Throughout the Fall we may not be able to provide bus transportation to select away games. In the event of those conflicts, we will allow student-athletes to ride with a parent to and from the game, provided the Transportation Form is completed and submitted before the start of Homeroom.

Sports Photos

Team sports photos will be on Friday, September 17 at 3:30p. Team and individual photos will take place in the Lurgio Gymnasium. 

Please reach out to our Athletic Director, Mr. Durant, if you have any questions. 

Guidance Corner

Breakfast with Guidance

The Guidance staff will be hosting quarterly breakfasts for parents of Lurgio Middle School students.  Our first event on September 28 is titled “Welcome to Lurgio”.  We hope this informal get-together will offer parents an opportunity to gather together and chat about how things are going for your child here at Lurgio.  We will be available to answer any questions or point you in the right direction. Please join us for coffee, muffins and conversation in the Lurgio Media Center from 9am-10am on Tuesday September 28.

Health Office information for 2021-2022 School Year

From Lurgio School Nurse, Ms. Chessie (


Dear Parents, 


I hope you and your families had a great summer!  I'm looking forward to meeting your students next week!  As a reminder for 7th Grade students, the TDAP vaccine is required before the start of school. Please reach out to me if you have any questions/concerns regarding immunizations.  We also request an updated physical be turned in if you have not done so yet.


Please feel free to come by to drop off any medication, epipens or inhalers with the required plans/MD orders that your student will need for the 2021-22 school year. Please give me a call so we can arrange a time to meet.  


If your student has had the COVID-19 vaccine and you are willing to share a copy of their vaccine record, please email a copy of the front of the card to


Thank you so much, 


Evelyn Chessie RN

Karen Freedman RN    

Library Corner

Sustained Silent Reading class has begun!  Students are visiting the library to check out library books based on their interests and hobbies. The library checkout period is 3 weeks.  

If students have overdue materials, these need to be returned prior to checking out new books.  New library books will be featured each week in the Book Buzz.  Does your student prefer to read on a device or listen to audio books?  Check out the free school library app SORA then select Ross A. Lurgio School from the drop down menu.


Booked for Breakfast Club 

The Booked for Breakfast Club will be starting in the library September 30th at 8am.  It is a drop in Book Club for students who love to read!  Bring your breakfast and we will chat about new books, favorite authors, and new genres.  We will meet every Thursday. We can't wait to meet you!


Any questions? Email the school librarian Mrs. Detwiler


Book Buzz - Issue #2


Lurgio Tech Corner

At this point, all student chromebooks have been distributed and enrolled so they can be used here at Lurgio.  Students are reminded to bring their charged chromebooks to school daily and to visit the Tech Corner in the back of the Lurgio Media Center if they are having issues with them. 

Chromebook Insurance Renewal Information

If you are looking to renew your chromebook insurance for 21-22, BSD has contracted with Worth Ave Group for insurance coverage.  Please click on the link to purchase your insurance renewal for 21-22. Note the deadline is September 30, 2021.  Note: Chromebooks purchased through the Bedford School District this fall include one year of insurance through Worth Ave Group.

Chromebooks Available for Purchase

We still have a limited number of chromebooks for purchase (HP G8 Education Version).  Cost is $236 and includes one year of insurance through Worth Ave Group.  If you are interested in purchasing one of these devices, please contact Donna Dennis

PTG Corner 


Support the PTG

Through Donations and Fundraisers the PTG helps fund:

For our Students…Author Visits, Science Programs, Musical Performers and much more.

For our Community…Principal Winter Reading Night, New Family Welcome and many other community focused events. 

For our Staff…Staff Appreciation, Library Donations, Nurses Office Donations and more.

We couldn’t do it without your continued support. Please consider making a donation to the PTG either via the PayPal link HERE or send in a check payable to Bedford PTG in the support envelopes that have been sent home (K-8) or an envelope labeled with your name and email address (turn into your child’s school or mail to PO Box 10077 Bedford, NH). 100% of your donation through the Support Drive goes directly to the schools and students of Bedford.

Looking to Volunteer

Please complete a Volunteer Google Form for each school you have a child attending. To access the form click HERE or you can find them on the PTG website under PTG Forms. You need to fill this form out in order to hear about volunteer opportunities at the schools or district wide.

Meet the Principals Event - September 24th

You are invited to meet the Principals from all six schools at our annual "Meet the Principals" event on Friday, September 24th from 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. It will also be broadcast live on BCTV. This is a great opportunity to hear what each school has in store for the year. Please email questions before Sept. 22 for the Q&A session that follows the presentation to

New Family Welcome

If you recently moved to Bedford or are sending your first child to a Bedford School, you're welcome to attend Bedford School District's New Family Welcome hosted by the Bedford PTG on Wed., September 29th, from 9:30-10:30 a.m. or 6:30-7:30 p.m., at the Bedford Town Library. Representatives from each school will be available to answer questions, provide school and town information, share opportunities on how you can be involved and welcome you into our community. Please RSVP to and specify if you will be attending the morning or evening session.

Box Tops Program

Put away the scissors! No more clipping! Use the Box Tops mobile app to scan your store receipt, find participating products and instantly add Box Tops to your school's earnings online. Visit to learn more and start earning for our schools.