Friday, August 27, 2021

Lurgio News for August 27, 2021



August 27, 2021

Dear Lurgio Families,

Parents, staff and students, thank you for making the first week of school a success. It feels a bit like summer still (especially on the second floor), and I hope everyone gets a chance to relax a little bit this weekend. We look forward to seeing students next week for their first full week of school. We have a few New News items for you below, along with a few reminders from our communication earlier this week. 


Ed Joyce

Important Dates

Aug. 30 (Mon)

Fall Sports Tryouts Begin

Sept. 3 (Fri)

8th Grade Derby Day

Sept. 6 (Mon)

NO SCHOOL - Labor Day

Sept 7. (Tues)

RAL/BHS 2 Hour Delayed Opening

Sept. 9 (Thurs)

All School Open House (6-8pm)

Sept. 10 (Fri)

School Picture Day (see News Item below)

Sept. 21 (Tues)

8th Grade Cardigan Chaperone Night (6-7pm)

Oct. 4-6 (Mon-Wed)

8th Grade Cardigan Trip (Pods 8N & 8W)

Oct 6-8 (Wed-Fri)

8th Grade Cardigan Trip (Pods 8S & 8E)

New News

Anti-Bullying Partnership Agreement

Please keep an eye out for a document going home with your child next week about bullying. The District Bullying Task Force developed a Partnership Agreement among students, teachers, and families to better understand and address student conflict, and what is and is not considered bullying.  We are asking all families to read, discuss, and sign this document to help ensure a happy, safe, and nurturing environment for all. 


Please click HERE for an electronic copy of the agreement.

Please click HERE to electronically sign the document.


BHS Basketball Clinic

Calling all basketball players! The Bedford High School girl’s and boy’s basketball teams are hosting clinics for Bedford students in grades 3-8. The two-day clinic will be held on 9/12 and 9/19 in the BHS gymnasium. Registration is $50. Please click HERE for more information. 

School Attendance

This is just a reminder that parents can email their student’s school attendance to Parents should report absences through this email address or by calling the school at 603.310.9100.

It is important that when you contact the attendance office via email or phone, you give a reason (sickness, travel, etc.). If we do not have a reason for a student’s absence it is our policy that the school nurse will call home. 

Kinship Navigation Program

There are many families in the district who have a new found role as caregivers. They are often seeking support from their community or they're just unsure of what to do or how to parent a second time around. The Kinship Navigation Program provides just that.  Through their services they provide parent education, emotional support, information and resources, and help to support families who may be struggling financially to enroll in things like SNAP or grants that are specifically designated for these families. Please see this flyer for more information. 


School Hours

The main office is open from 7:30 to 4:00. 


Daily Schedule

7:30 AM Before school program opens (see note below)

8:30 AM Students begin arriving at school and go to lockers/pod areas

8:45 AM Bell rings and students report to homeroom for attendance, announcements, etc. 

8:55 AM Classes begin

3:10 PM Afternoon announcements

3:15 PM Afternoon Dismissal begins


Much like last year, students will be given the option of carrying their backpacks with their belongings throughout the day. Each student will be provided with a locker, but we have found that many students find it more convenient to carry their items in their backpacks as they move throughout the day. We envision that most students will utilize their lockers for storage of coats, sports equipment, or lunches.

School Transportation

Bus Routes

Bedford School District bus routes can be found HERE.

Guest Bus Riders

As of right now, students will not be permitted to ride a different bus than they are assigned to. 


Per CDC order, students are required to wear a mask while riding the bus. 

Cardigan Mountain Experience - Grade 8 Students/Families


We are also in need of chaperones for the trip. If you are interested you can find more information HERE. All interested chaperones need to complete the Cardigan Chaperone Form and register for a background check at the SAU. All background checks need to be completed ASAP. An information night for Cardigan chaperones will be held on Tuesday, September 21. Thank you so much for the continued community support of this fantastic program!

Trip Details & Parent Questions

Thank you for responding to the survey we sent out last week. We realize that many families have specific questions about the trip and what it will look like this year. In an effort to respond in a timely and thorough manner, we are gathering information, and fine-tuning plans. We will send out a larger communication with more details in the near future so that you can make an informed decision regarding your student’s participation in the trip. If you have specific questions or concerns relating to your student’s medical condition and the trip, please reach out to Ms. Chessie in the Health Office or to your student’s guidance counselor.

Bedford School District Reopening Plan

For more information about how the Bedford School District plans to reopen school for the 2021-2022 school year, please click the following link. Specific information regarding safety and mitigation measures can be found here.

Parent Portal

If you do not know how to access the Powerschool Parent Portal, click here. If you have difficulty with accessing the portal or filling out your student’s registration information, please contact Beth Fitzgerald in the Lurgio Main Office at 603-310-9100. 

Traffic Pattern for Drop-off and Pick-up

Anyone familiar with the traffic at the BHS/RAL campus knows that things can get a little hectic during the morning and afternoon drop off and pick up. That said, we have made significant improvements over the past year. Please click here to review the drop off and pick up practices at Lurgio.

  • Please note:

    • The direction of the Parent Pick Up and Drop Off Area so parents do not need to make left turns at the two main intersections.

    • The two-way traffic extends to the concession stand ending at the West Parking Lot;  traffic should exit Parent Pick Up and Drop Off making a left to exit the campus.

    • The central loop area is closed during parent pick up and drop off (except for buses and students with special needs).

  • As always, we ask all drivers to do the following:

    • Yield to pedestrians at all times when on campus.

    • Take turns at the main intersections when congestion is high.

    • Be patient.

Before School Program

The Lurgio Middle School Bedford School Program is available to all families from 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. daily. A one-time fee of $100.00 entitles your child to attend as often as necessary for the entire school year. Participants will be serviced by school staff in a designated area; arrangements for extra help should still be made directly with your child’s teachers.

If your child plans on attending the Before School Program regularly or only occasionally during this school year, please complete the registration form and return it, along with your payment, to the Lurgio Middle School Main Office or the Lurgio Middle School Before School Program by Friday, September 3, 2021.  If there is a financial concern, please call the office at 310-9100 and it will be handled confidentially. Click here to download the Before School Program registration form.

Dining Services

The Bedford School District is offering FREE meals to ALL students for the 2021-2022 school year due to a waiver from the United States Department of Agriculture.  A-la-carte items will still be available for purchase.

Balances from the last school year are in the process of being transferred to our new efunds system.

Here is a link to set up a lunch account for your student at efunds. 

Free and Reduced applications still need to be filled out for qualifying families. Here is the Application link.

Supply Lists

Please see the following information regarding school supplies for the upcoming school year.

Weekly Features

Athletics Corner

Athletic Schedules

Our athletic schedules are now posted on the athletics website. Please refer to the athletics calendar for the full schedule. 


Tryouts begin on Monday, August 30. Students will be permitted to try out if they have done the following: (1) completed registration for their sport through FamilyID, (2) participated in concussion baseline testing if needed), and (3) submitted a valid proof of physical exam to the school nurse.

Please reach out to our Athletic Director, Mr. Durant, if you have any questions. 

Advisory on Student Schedules

All students at Lurgio will be assigned to an advisory period that will meet every Silver Day in the morning. The mission of this advisory period is to balance the academic, social, and emotional growth of students by developing more connections within the school community to foster a positive and safe school culture and climate. Specific goals for advisory include working on self-management, developing interpersonal skills, and fostering responsible decision making. During this initial pilot year, Lurgio administration will be communicating with families about advisory topics and other important information as we develop this exciting new program.

Health Office information for 2021-2022 School Year

From Lurgio School Nurse, Ms. Chessie (


Dear Parents, 


I hope you and your families had a great summer!  I'm looking forward to meeting your students next week!  As a reminder for 7th Grade students, the TDAP vaccine is required before the start of school. Please reach out to me if you have any questions/concerns regarding immunizations.  We also request an updated physical be turned in if you have not done so yet.


Please feel free to come by to drop off any medication, epipens or inhalers with the required plans/MD orders that your student will need for the 2021-22 school year. Please give me a call so we can arrange a time to meet.  


If your student has had the COVID-19 vaccine and you are willing to share a copy of their vaccine record, please email a copy of the front of the card to


Thank you so much, 


Evelyn Chessie RN

Karen Freedman RN    

PTG Corner    

Support the PTG

Through our Support Drive, 100% of your donation goes directly to the schools and students of Bedford. Consider supporting the PTG by making a donation via PayPal by clicking HERE or by checks made out to Bedford PTG (turn into your child’s school or mail to PO Box 10077 Bedford, NH).

Looking to Volunteer?

We will have information about volunteering for Bedford Schools in the upcoming weeks. Links to a Volunteer Google Form for each school will be available at that time. You will need to fill this form out in order to hear about volunteer opportunities at the schools or district wide. Currently, some schools are looking to fill open school coordinator level roles.

Community Conversation with Superintendent Fournier

Hosted by the PTG, Superintendent Mike Fournier invites you for “Conversation & Coffee” on Friday, September 10th, 9:30 a.m. at the SAU Building. This will be a small, informal gathering to discuss Bedford School District happenings. Questions and comments are encouraged. You must RSVP to attend; seating is limited. Click HERE to sign up.

Meet the Principals September 24, 2021

You are invited to meet the Principals from all six schools at our annual "Meet the Principals" event on Friday, September 24th from 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. It will also be broadcast live on BCTV. This is a great opportunity to hear what each school has in store for the year. Please email questions before Sept. 22 for the Q&A session that follows the presentation to