Friday, April 16, 2021

Lurgio News for April 16, 2021



April 16, 2021

Dear Lurgio Families,

It may be a very different school year than we are used to, but nothing has changed about our school spirit here at Lurgio. I would like to invite students and staff to join in the fun next week as we celebrate our spring spirit week. 

Be well,


Parent Resources

Daily Health Screening for Students Quarantine Protocols/Flowchart

RAL Remote Parent Guide RAL Welcome & Orientation Video

Bedford Reopening Plan COVID-19 Schools Dashboard 

Important Dates

Apr 26 (Mon) - Apr 30 (Fri)

Spring Vacation (NO SCHOOL)

May 11 (Tue) - May 13 (Thurs)

NH-SAS Testing (Grade 7 & 8)

May 19 (Wed)

NH-SAS Testing (Grade 8 Science)

May 24 (Mon) - May 27 (Thurs)

Mt. Cardigan Experience Trips (Grade 8)

May 31 (Mon)

Memorial Day (NO SCHOOL)

New News


Bedford School District Face Covering Policy

Please see the following letter from the Bedford School District regarding face coverings in schools. 


Summer Camps Opportunity

The NH Department of Education is partnering with Summer Camps across NH to give children opportunities this summer.  Click HERE for more information.  Questions should be directed to Tyler Govia at These programs are not affiliated with or recommended by the Bedford School District.  Families are encouraged to contact the NHDOE or specific summer camp directly with questions.

Remote Students: NH-SAS State Testing

NH-SAS testing will occur on May 11, 12, 13 for students in grades 7 & 8 and May 19 for students in grade 8. Remote students are encouraged and invited to participate. Please see the following letter for more information.



FINAL REMINDER: 7th Grade Families: 8th Grade Course Registration

It is time to register your student for their 8th-grade classes. We have created a presentation to help you navigate the registration process. Click [HERE] to view our step-by-step directions. Over the next two weeks, please take a moment with your child to visit the class registration page in PowerSchool to officially select your courses.

Class registrations can be edited or changed until Monday, April 19, 2021.  After that time, any changes will need to go through the Lurgio Guidance Office. Guidance counselors will reach out to families of students who have not been registered.

If you have any questions or concerns, you may speak to your child’s teachers and/or school counselor.


8th Grade Families: Spring 2021 Mount Cardigan Trip 

Please see the following letter regarding the spring 2021 Mount Cardigan trip for 8th graders. This trip was postponed from fall 2020 and has a different format this spring, but we are excited to share information with you about the opportunity. 

Health Office Reminder

As a reminder, symptoms of Covid-19 include the following:

-Fever or chills

-Cough,shortness of breath

-Sore throat, nasal congestion or runny nose


-Muscle or body aches


-New loss of taste or smell

-Nausea, vomiting or diarrhea

If your student experiences any of these symptoms due to a chronic health condition (including seasonal allergies) or side effects from medication they are prescribed, please provide an MD note stating such so your student is not excluded from school or asked to be tested unnecessarily fo COVID

Please have your student drop notes off at the nurse’s office, email them to or fax them to 472-5090.

Bedford in Bloom Virtual 5K

Student athletes at Bedford High School (Life of a Bulldog) and Lurgio Middle School (Life of a Lion) have teamed up to bring you a Virtual 5K known as Bedford in Bloom. Proceeds from this race benefit the Student Conservation Association. See THIS FLYER for more details and to see how you can register!


Updated Travel Guidelines Reminders

We wanted to update you all regarding the new travel guidelines that have been released from NH DHHS.  Any travel increases a person’s risk of getting infected and spreading Covid.  DHHS continues to discourage travel, and encourages post travel testing.  Here is the detailed information regarding DHHS travel guidance and here is the full NH COVID-19 Travel Guidance. Below are the highlights:

-Domestic travel within the US no longer requires quarantine upon return to NH (this includes domestic travel to US territories)

-Even though a person may not be required to quarantine after Domestic travel, the CDC does suggest that people seek testing 3-5 days after travel for asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection;  testing is recommended and helpful to identify positive cases- testing by  PCR is recommended. Your child may attend school while awaiting their PCR test for domestic travel if asymptomatic.

-International travel continues to require a 10 day quarantine, or a 7 day quarantine with a PCR test on day 6-7 with a negative test result. 

-Travel on a cruise ship also requires a 10 day quarantine, or a 7 day quarantine with a PCR test on day 6-7 with a negative test result. 

-Everyone who chooses to travel, regardless of vaccination status or prior immunity, should wear a well fitted, multi-layer face mask, physically distance (i.e. maintain at least 6 feet from other people), avoid large groups and gatherings, frequently sanitize hands, and self monitor for symptoms.

-If  your child is symptomatic after travel your child should isolate and get tested, and parents inform the school nurse.

Spring Sport Schedule

Please see our Weekly Athletic Schedule for updated information about practices and games for our spring teams. In the event of inclement weather, a call will be made by 1:00PM on the day of the event. The weekly schedule will be updated, coaches will communicate with families, 

CUB Road Club Spring Event THIS Saturday April 17TH 9-3

1st Annual “CUB” Clean UP Bedford day will be a day to clean up Bedford roads. This day is open to every Bedford resident. Take  time to clean up your road or neighborhood. Many organizations plus students from Bedford schools will be out picking up the  roads. Please be safe when you are working that day. Wear gloves and highly reflective clothing. When cleaning, always be  aware of the road traffic and always walk towards traffic. Safety is our first priority. 

Simply leave the tied up BLUE bag on the roadside and staff from Bedford DPW will pick up the bags. The “CUB” Program will give everyone an opportunity to spend the day outdoors and a great way to make our community a cleaner place. Need more information on “CUB” clean up day, contact Bill Carter @

Let’s make Bedford a cleaner place on April 17th. Thank you for your support!

In Writing Summer - 8th Grade Students

Eighth graders intending to take In Writing Enrichment or In Writing Hybrid Enrichment at BHS this summer need to register and pay for the course through the Summer Opportunities Website. Course dates, times, and fees are listed on the website and the registration form is linked on the left side of the site. If you have questions, please email Tara Cloutier, the BHS Summer School Coordinator, at

Lurgio Yearbook Now on Sale!

The 2020-2021 Lurgio Yearbook is on sale!! Online sales will be open until Thursday, May 20th. To Order Visit: Questions? Contact Donna Dennis or Jennifer Manley

Updated DHHS Contact Tracing Guidelines

Per Superintendent Fournier, from DHHS

-A new study published in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases is the first to show that in the setting of universal face mask use in classrooms, COVID-19 infection rates were equivalent for schools that implemented either a minimum of 3 feet or 6 feet of physical distancing. Therefore, NH DPHS will not recommend quarantine for students or staff if a COVID-19 exposure occurs in the classroom setting where students and staff are seated and spaced at least 3 feet apart with consistent and correct face mask use.

This is for in school contact tracing only. Outside organizations will still conduct their own contact tracing: 3 feet of distancing applies to controlled areas only (i.e. classrooms). It does not apply to recess, lunch and bus. Those areas will still be contact traced based on 6 feet of distancing.

New Hampshire State Testing

This spring, Bedford students will participate in the New Hampshire state-wide assessments. Throughout the state, students in grades 3-8 and 11 take mathematics and English language arts exams. A science test is also given to students in grades 5, 8, and 11. For more information, please click this link. 

School Attendance

This is just a reminder that parents can email their student’s school attendance to Parents of hybrid and remote students should report absences through this email address or by calling the school at 603.310.9100.

RAL Co-curriculars Update

Are you looking to get involved in something here at Lurgio? Then be sure to listen to the daily announcements (print version), check out the Lurgio News, and check the RAL Extracurriculars Calendar


Weekly Features

Music Corner

BAND:  Here is the weekly band schedule for next week 4/19/21-4/23/21

Monday (4/19) 2:40-3:15 - Saxophone

Tuesday (4/20) 2:40-3:15- Brass & 4:30-5:00 Virtual Band Rehearsal

Wednesday (4/21) 2:40-3:15- Flute/Oboe/Strings

Thursday (4/22) 2:40-3:15- Percussion

Friday (4/23) 2:40-3:15- Clarinet & 3:30-4:30 Jazz Band

CHORUS:  Chorus rehearsals will resume again on Monday, April 5.  All rehearsals will now take place during WIN, from 2:40 - 3:15 p.m. If you are in school, you will meet for rehearsal in the Cafeteria where we can space ourselves according to CDC guidelines.   If you are remote, you can join your sectional rehearsal on google meet.  If you are in school, please make sure you have your chromebook with you and, of course, wear your mask. Here is what our six day rotation will be:

Day 1 - 7th grade sopranos

Day 2 - STEPS

Day 3 - 7th and 8th grade altos

Day 4 - STEPS

Day 5 - A Capella

Day 6 - 8th grade sopranos

Enrichment Corner

Are you looking for a challenge? Do you have an interest or hobby you would like to explore in more depth? Let Ms. Rockwell, our enrichment coordinator, help! Check out her website below for more information about the enrichment opportunities offered at Lurgio. Just click on the “enrichment opportunities” tab and fill out the application to get started. 

Note: If you are interested in exploring some things on your own, check out the “resources” tab on the website.

All information can be found at the Lurgio Enrichment Corner


Guidance Corner


10 Effective Study Skills for Middle Schoolers

The Lurgio Guidance Department reached out to parents, asking for their most successful ideas at supporting their hybrid and remote students academically. Click here to access a short video highlighting study skills ideas for your student.


Weekend Lunch Bags

The Food Pantry at Bedford Presbyterian Church provides our school with free weekend lunch bags for students who are facing hunger or food insecurity. Please contact our Guidance Secretary, Lisa Mullen, for this confidential aid.

Teen Suicide Prevention Video

In this video created by Mayo Clinic, teens describe common signs that a teen is considering suicide and provide encouragement for communicating directly and immediately for support and safety. It also Includes suggestions for what to say to a teen who may be at risk for suicide and ways to keep them safe. Things can get better.

Library Corner

Happy Spring!  We are looking for your ideas and feedback.  What new books would you like to see available in the library?  Share your ideas here on this google form. This form is also available on the library website!


Tech Corner

As students begin to come back to school daily, it is important they remember to charge their chromebooks nightly and bring them to school daily!!  Please remember there are no loaners for students to use if they forget their chromebook at home.

Students are reminded to come to the Tech Corner in the back of the Media Center if they are having issues with their chromebooks when they are in school. Any technical issues that occur for remote students or those students who are quarantined, we ask you to fill out the BSD Help Desk Ticket.

Book Buzz

Wonderful to have Booked for Breakfast in person Thursdays in the Media Center 8:00-8:30 in addition to our remote offerings. We had a guest speaker for Books for Breakfast and got an art lesson from a published graphic novelist. Khalid Birdsong taught us about shapes and variety for cartoon characters. You too can learn from Mr. Birdsong with his books:


First up is Tales of Tritoria: Youngbloods.

When fourteen year old Jackie’s father and sister are killed by a vampire gang, she must fight her way through the deadly streets of Tritoria city to get to her surviving family. Armed with only her father’s baseball bat, she’s lucky to get help from a mysterious gang called the Youngbloods. Together they must reach the edge of the city before dawn in order to save Tritoria and themselves. This graphic novel contains the full 200 page story from all seven issues of the comic series.

Next up is Livin' in Japan Ain't Easy: The First Fried Chicken and Sushi Collection.

Livin' In Japan Ain't Easy! is a collection of the first two hundred Fried Chicken and Sushi comic strips about the humor of living as an American in Japan from the webcomic by Khalid Birdsong.

And finally, we invite you to check out Livin' in Japan Still Ain't Easy.

Ever wonder what it would be like to live in Japan? In this second and final collection of Fried Chicken and Sushi comic strips, Karl tries to improve as an English teacher and starts dating a very special lady. His best friend in America, J, works hard to earn a trip to Osaka by competing with a co-worker. Will he win and make it to Japan? Loosely based on Khalid Birdsong’s real experiences, Livin’ In Japan Still Ain’t Easy, collects all the strips from the final two years of the popular webcomic. Join in the adventure and discover how differences in race, culture, and identity in Japan can make life challenging but also hilarious!

PTG Corner

Virtual Color Blast Fun Run/Walk

CLICK HERE to register. COLOR BLAST PROMO VIDEO for more details.

All registrations come with a Color Packet. Plus, register by April 23rd for the opportunity to purchase a Color Bucket (to make your celebrations even more colorful) and an Event T-shirt (the perfect tee to get colorful in)!

**The first 150 registrants will be entered in a raffle for a chance to win a $50 Copper Door Gift Card, so register today (those that have already registered are automatically entered)!**

Participate in our Virtual Color Blast Fun Run/Walk any time between May 22nd and May 31st. You set the distance and course; get out for a run, jog, skip, walk or hop and celebrate with a COLOR PARTY in your backyard. 

Visit our COLOR BLAST webpage for more information. Share your fun on social media with #ColorBlast2021

Administrative Professionals Day - April 21st

If you happen to be at one of our schools or at the SAU office that day  be sure to thank our administrative teams for all the big and little behind the scenes things they do to make our schools run smoothly.  



Upcoming Events

Community Conversation with Superintendent Fournier Hosted by the PTG

Superintendent Mike Fournier invites you for another “Community Conversation”. Ask your questions, share your opinions or just come listen! This is a small informal gathering to discuss Bedford School District happenings. Questions and comments are encouraged. Please RSVP to attend as seating is limited (adhering to social distancing guidelines) and masks are required.

Wednesday May 5th; 9.00am At the SAU Office (Boardroom) RSVP to attend: Click HERE

Due to limited seating we are unable to accommodate children at this meeting.  Apologies for this inconvenience.  


Year In Review With Our Principals

You are invited to watch the Principals from all six schools as they review the 2020-21 school year on Friday, May 7th from 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. broadcast live on BCTV. This is a great opportunity to hear about  how our schools have embraced  this unique year and get information on other important topics. Please email questions before May 7th for the Q&A session that follows the presentation to


Mental Health an Wellness Discussion Series

Thursday, May 6th @ 7:00 p.m. THE POSITIVE IMPACT OF COVID: How to Not Only Survive but Thrive: A focus on resilience, regulation and relationships.

This is the 3rd session in our series of Mental Health and Wellness discussions brought to you by PTG and the Bedford School District. It will be held at the BHS Theater (masks and social distancing required; seating is limited to 100) and will be aired live on BCTV (channel 23). 


Stay Connected With The PTG



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