Thursday, October 22, 2020

Special Note: New Hampshire State Interim Assessments

 Dear Lurgio Families, 

Next week, all students will be asked to complete the New Hampshire State Interim Assessment (SAS) during their remote learning days. This means that Hybrid L-Z students will take the test on Monday, October 26, Hybrid A-K students will take them on Tuesday, October 27, and Fully Remote students will take them on Wednesday, October 28.


Please click this link for a brief instructional video about how to complete the SAS.


Please click this link if you want to view the static slides from the video.


Thank you in advance for helping with this. By completing these interim assessments at home on a Remote Learning day, we are saving valuable instructional time with students and teachers while gaining important information about students’ progress in learning. This is particularly necessary given these extraordinary times when we have not been able to instruct as we typically would. By taking these assessments, students will be providing us with a better understanding of how we need to adjust our teaching to meet their needs.


If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me at


All the best,

