Friday, October 20, 2017

Lurgio News for October 20, 2017

October 20, 2017

Dear Students and Parents,

Congratulations to our 8th grade students on a successful return from their Cardigan Adventure.  I must express a deep heartfelt thank you to the wonderful volunteers, chaperones, and Lurgio staff for their contributions to this program.  Without them, Cardigan wouldn’t be possible.


Ed Joyce

Important Dates

October 28 (Sat)
Witch Way to the 5K Road Race
October 31 (Tue)
Basketball Concussion Screening
November 1 (Wed)
Wrestling/Spirit Concussion Screening
Nov. 2 (Thurs)
9:30 - 10:30 @ BCTV - Coffee with the Superintendent
Picture Retake Day
Nov. 3 (Fri)
School Dance 6:00pm - 9:00pm
Cub of the Week
Each week, teachers nominate students for the Cub of the Week Award. Nominated students are those who have shown exceptional kindness, tolerance, and respect during the week. Each Friday, the Lurgio administration and guidance staff will review all nominees and will select the the “Cub of the Week.”
This week’s Cubs are Christy Elliot and Daniel O’Connor! Without being asked, each of these students were very supportive of their classmates on Mt. Cardigan. Christy and Daniel’s acts of unprompted kindness are what Cardigan is all about. Thank you for making Lurgio Middle School and Mt. Cardigan a wonderful place to learn!

New News

Support Red Ribbon Week with SADD

Our 11th annual Red Ribbon Week begins October 23rd!  This year we need help from the community to help send an alcohol and drug abuse prevention message.
This year's theme for Red Ribbon Week is:  
"Your Future is Key, So Stay Drug Free"
Check out this YouTube video about the 2017 Red Ribbon Community Contest
The Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) is planning a week filled with activities for our school community. Let’s bring it to the streets this year!

Bedford Goes Red

Join the Bedford Community and support our efforts in battling addiction.  Let’s light up our homes and businesses in red between 10/23 - 10/31.  Click HERE for more information.

S.S. American Sets Sail on the Bedford High Stage
Anything Goes opens November 9 and runs through November 18 on the Bedford High School stage. A beloved classic of American Musical Theatre, Anything Goes delights with epic tap dancing, romance and mayhem all aboard an ocean liner bound for London. Cole Porter’s songs, including “De-Lovely,” “I Get a Kick Out of You,”  and, of course, the great title song, “Anything Goes,” will leave the audience humming their tunes for days.   Sailors, gangsters, showgirls, a wealthy Englishman, and a Wall Street tycoon are all characters brought to life by this talented Bedford High cast. Come aboard for this once-in-a-lifetime adventure! November 9th, 10th and 11th @ 7 pm; November 12th @ 2 pm; November 17th and 18th @ 7 pm Tickets are $12 for Adults, $10 for Seniors (65+) and $5 for Students. and can be purchased in advance at or at the door

Weekly Features

Powerschool Portal Update

Improvements have been made to the PowerSchool Parent Portal. The student score sheets are now easier to read as it is no longer necessary to click the “blue triangle” to see your child’s assignment scores. Adding to the convenience of the page, each of the columns are sortable.

Two other features to note in Powerschool are the report card and missing assignments report. The report card is an up to the minute accurate report of your child’s progress in their classes.  The missing assignments report is a quick way to make sure that your child has completed their assignments.

PTG Corner:

Meadow Farms Fundraiser deadline extended
Thank you to all who participated in our annual Meadow Farms Gift Wrap Fundraiser. If you missed the chance to place an order, you are in luck! Online orders will be available until December 16th. As we embark on the gift-giving season, please take a moment to check out the online link for some fabulous gift ideas.   
** 40% of the sales are donated back to the schools! **

Help the PTG
Help the PTG continue to bring exciting programs/speakers to our schools like Eyes on Owls, Abenaki Story Tellers, T.I.G.E.R. Anti-Bullying performance, Ed Gerety Youth Speaker, and Chris Herren Motivational Speaker. These events cannot happen without the support from parents and teachers in the Bedford community. There is still time to help, simply click on the PayPal link at to make a donation or send in a check payable to Bedford PTG in an enveloped marked “PTG Support” with your name, email address and child’s school. Bedford PTG appreciates your support.

Save the date.  Coffee with Superintendent Chip McGee
Thursday, November 2nd 9:30 – 10:30am.  Join us at BCTV (10 Meetinghouse Road, Bedford), with our special guest Superintendent Chip McGee, for a brief overview of current happenings in the district followed by a Q&A. Light refreshments will be served and your children are welcome to attend.

Annual Gift Card Fundraiser
A gift card is the perfect gift for any occasion! For every gift card you buy, a percentage of the value of the card is donated by the sponsoring retailer to our schools while 100% of the value of the card that you purchased is available for you to spend! Order forms will be sent home with children in grades K-8 on October 20th.  For those students attending BHS, or for those who would like to download an order form, one will be available on our website


BeBOLD Speaker Series
Dr. Carolyn Morgan will be presenting her “Growing Resilience Program” at the Bedford Public Library on Monday, October 30th from 7pm to 8pm.  Click HERE for more info.

8th Annual Witch Way to the 5K - REGISTRATION OPEN

Join us for the 8th annual Witch Way to the 5K  on Saturday, October 28, 2017. The kids 1K race starts at 9:30am and the adult race begins at 10am at Lurgio Middle School. Click here to register. We are also always looking for sponsors - for more information click here. We are also looking for volunteers to help us click here to volunteer.

Winter Athletics

Please click [HERE] to view a letter containing important information regarding winter athletics season. Please note: Lurgio has added two more basketball teams: Division 5 boys and Division 5 girls. There will be an informational parent meeting about the Lurgio basketball program on October 31 at 4:00PM in the Media Center.

Yoga Club

We invite your kids to join the Yoga Club to help alleviate some of the stress and anxiety they face on a daily basis. Yoga can help students increase their self esteem, maintain a positive body image, practice beneficial self talk, and improve their focus. They will also gain strength, flexibility, and balance. Yoga club meets Friday mornings from 7:30-8:30 am in the BHS Mini-Gym. Please join us!
For more information contact Dalyne at or Dawn Pons at
Overuse Injuries in Student-Athletes
Click [HERE] for a note from Athletic Trainer Jenn Millen regarding overuse injuries in adolescent athletes.

Bedford Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony

Please join us as we recognize the Inaugural Class of the Bedford Hall of Fame. The ceremony will take place on Homecoming Day - Saturday, October 21st at 2:00 PM - in the Bedford High School Dining Commons. For more information, and to order tickets, please click HERE.

Bedford Education Foundation

The BEF is holding their annual fundraising event on November 17th from 7pm to 10pm at the Bedford Village Inn. The theme is Nostalgic November. For more information on the event and how to purchase tickets, click HERE. Questions can be directed to

Special Education Parent Focus Group

The district is looking to expand the parent volunteers in the Special Education Parent Focus Group, a formal partnership between special education parents and the school community. Parent participants represent each of the schools and encompass all grade levels. Meetings are held monthly on the third Wednesday from 9-10 AM at the SAU office. Discussion and activities support family engagement and improvements in the district special education initiatives. Please contact Chris Lassonde, Director of Special Services ( We would love to have more parents join us!

Pats Peak Learn to Ski & Ride Program:

This is a five-week Learn to Ski or Snowboard series for students in grades 1-8. The program runsFriday, January 5, 12, 19, 26 and February 2. Rentals are available. You must provide your own transportation.
To sign up: . From the blue "Learn to Ski and Ride" box select the “REGISTER ONLINE HERE” link.
Login info:
3:30 PM lessons: bedford3302018  
4:30 PM lessons: bedford4302018

Registration deadline will be November 15th. Contact Kim Ahnen at or at 918-0110 with any questions. Join theBedford NH Pats Peak Ski and Ride 2018 Facebook page for more information.

Equestrian Club Information

If you’re a Lurgio student who is interested in equestrian, please click [HERE] for more information about participating in the RAL/BHS Equestrian Club!

A Request from the School Nurse for 8th Grade Parents:

Hello 8th Grade Parents. Cardigan will be here before we know it!!  If your student requires any prescription medication  during the Cardigan trip, please bring it to school by Thursday, October 13th. I will be packing the Wed-Thurs PODS prior to my leaving on Monday with the first group of students. Prescription medication needs to be in the labeled, prescribed bottle with only those doses needed for the trip. Please bring the Medication Physician Permission Form found here, with MD signature. Tylenol and Motrin will be available for students as needed. If there are any over the counter medications needed for your student, please drop them off to the health office as well. Thank you!  If you have any questions, please contact Evelyn Chessie RAL School Nurse

Enrichment Beyond Lurgio - Johns Hopkins CTY Talent Search

The Center for Talented Youth (CTY) is a leading national center for academically talented students that identifies advanced academic talent in young people. Participation in CTY can open up new resources and a new peer network for academically minded young people worldwide. To qualify for this program, your child must’ve scored at the 95th percentile or higher on one or more subtests of the Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBAC) given last spring (click here for cutoff scores).

If you are interested in learning more about this program, please check out this informational page for further information. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Amy Rockwell at