Friday, April 1, 2016

Lurgio News for April 1, 2016

April 1, 2016

Dear Parents,

I am happy to report that our students made it through the most foolish day of the year with aplomb. Despite the general theme of tricks and tomfoolery that accompany the first of April each year, I know there was a great deal of hard work happening around the building today. And even as the weather reminded us that summer is just around the corner, our students stayed focused on the learning that still needs to be done as we head through the final quarter of the 2015-16 year. Thanks for sending your children to us ready to learn each day--even April Fool’s Day--and for helping us keep them focused as the weather warms and April vacation looms.

Ed Joyce

Important Dates
Apr. 04 (Monday)
Q3 Grades Close
Apr. 08 (Friday)
Midnight Madness
Apr. 25 (Monday) to
April 29 (Friday)
April Vacation - NO SCHOOL

RAL Cub of the Week
Each week, teachers nominate students for the Cub of the Week Award. Nominated students are those who have shown exceptional kindness, tolerance, and respect during the week. Each Friday, the Lurgio administration and guidance staff will review all nominees and will select the the “Cub of the Week.” The Cub will be announced in the Lurgio News.

This week’s Cub is Khadija Mir. Not only is Khadija a diligent student, but she also come to school with a positive and supportive attitude. She is a strong student who uses her academic ability to support other students when the struggle. Thanks, Khadija, for being such a positive part of the Lurgio community!
Spring Tennis Club Info
The spring tennis season is quickly approaching! The Lurgio spring Tennis Club will begin on April 11 and end on June 4. Practices will run from 7AM-8:20AM every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. An informational meeting will be held after school on Friday, April 8 in the Lurgio Media Center. All interested athletes and parents are invited to attend. The meeting should conclude by 4PM.

Destination Imagination
This weekend Lurgio has two teams participating in the Destination ImagiNation State Tournament in Nashua.  Good Luck to the Inigo Montoya's and The Mysterious Bakers Teams

Volleyball Clinic
Courtney O’Connell, a senior who plays for the Varsity Volleyball team at Bedford High School, is hosting a volleyball clinic from April 25-27 for girls in grades 5-8 for her senior project. The camp is about improving on fundamental volleyball skills and learning more about the game, with appearances from college and club coaches! Click on the link in the flyer to sign up!!

BHS Orientation program (AKA: BASE Camp)
BHS Freshmen Orientation
August 1-5, 2016
8:30am-2:30pm @ BHS

This opportunity will allow your student to be exposed to "life at BHS" prior to the start of school.  Teachers and Counselors have created a program that is fun, effective and informative.  Topics include but are not limited to:  
-Study skills
-Note-taking & test taking strategies
-Understanding competencies & grading
-Real World Learning hours (your child can also earn these for coming)
-Digital Portfolio & graduation requirements
-Practice with locker and walk-through using their schedules
-Finding balance and managing stress

To register or for more info:

School-Wide Homework
In preparation for the annual Smarter Balanced assessment this year, all students will be giving time in school to take a practice test to re-familiarize themselves with the unique online testing environment. Additionally, we are asking that all students take a practice test as homework on Thursday, April 7. Since this is a school-wide assignment, teachers will not be assigning additional homework to be due on Friday, April 8. The only assignment for all students is to access and complete the online practice test, which can be found here. The practice test should not take more than forty-five minutes to complete.

Book Buzz

From a happy, anonymous Books for Breakfast attendee:
Little Blog on the Prairie by Cathleen Davit Bell is hilarious!  This is set in current day about Camp Frontier that promises families the thrill of living like 1890 pioneers.  Gen can't believe that her mom has signed up her family to attend for the entire summer.  She planned on soccer camp, the town pool, and hanging out with her friends.  Now she is milking cows, planting corn, and using an outhouse.  But Gen has a secret.  She snuck in her cell phone.  The twist is that her friends have taken her texts and made them into a blog--that is wildly popular.  This is fast paced and funny.  But be ready for surprises along the way.  Cathleen Bell did a great job blending two time periods in this book.

Lion’s Den
Please check out the latest issue of the student-produced newspaper [LINK].

Media Center Resources
Lurgio’s Library Media Generalist, Mrs. Snow, invites you to visit the Digital Resources and Databases website and explore the variety of resources available to the Lurgio Middle School Community 24/7. Username and password for these resources is “lurgio”.

These databases are the kind of quality resources that the Library Media Center strives to provide the students of Lurgio Middle School as Mrs. Snow works to support the RAL curriculum, promotes information literacy and digital citizenship, and spreads the love of reading.

Guidance Corner
Youth Counselor, Donna LaRue, MA, is a NH Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor as well as a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor.  She posts a weekly, helpful parenting newsletter article, as well as other relevant material on her website. Check out Ms. LaRue’s webpage for more information about drug abuse prevention as well as past asset newsletters by clicking here.


This week's article references the following quote:  “Giving children the feeling of being cared about for themselves, not just for their performance, is integral to their self-esteem.”—Richard Oberfield, M.D.

Navigating through childhood and adolescence, on the way to adulthood is wrought with challenges.  Self-Esteem can really take a hit during this bumpy ride.  Parents and other family members can foster resiliency with unconditional love.  No matter the mistakes, choices and uniqueness you observe as your child navigates their increasingly independent life, your unconditional love can provide a valuable emotional bank account as times get tough.
Click here for this week's article.

Social Media Apps
Guidance Intern Sarah Demers will be posting information about social media apps that may be popular with students. Click on the link below to access links to all apps posted about so far this year. What's that App: Table of Contents

Opt in to Text Messages
If you have not signed up for text messages from the District's School Messenger system, you still can!  Just text "yes" to 68453.

​2016-17 Calendar ​
​The Bedford School Board has approved the 2016-17 School Calendar.  It can be found here.​

Spotlight on Special Education in Bedford
Are you the parent or guardian of a child who accesses special education services in Bedford?  Join us for an informational session to learn about special education services in our Bedford schools!  Meet representatives and gain insight into the different programming at each school through this panel presentation. Tuesday April 19th, 6:00-7:30 p.m. at the SAU Board Room, 103 County Road.  RSVP to Robin Palis or 472-3755 (option 2).

PTG Corner:

Let the Madness Begin!
As mentioned in last week's Lurgio Newsletter, RAL is preparing for their annual Midnight Madness event.  It will take place on Friday, April 8th from 7:00PM -12:00AM.  This is a fun event for all but it cannot happen without the help of parent volunteers!  If you are able to help, please visit our signup at:

Thank you in advance for your help.

Lynne Natale and Sally Thomas
Bedford PTG Volunteer Team at RAL  
Stand by Me - Fundraiser at Chipotle
Please come out to support Stand By Me by dining at Chipotle on Tuesday, April 5th from 4p.m. - 8p.m.  Chipotle will be giving us 50% of their earnings but in order for Stand By Me to benefit, you must present a copy of our flyer at the time of your purchase.  They will accept an electronic copy on smart phones.  Please click here for a copy of the flyer.

Thank you for your support!

The Stand By Me Committee