Monday, January 4, 2016

Traffic Announcement - January 4, 2016

January 4, 2016

Dear Parents,
Happy New Year and thank you for your patience today as we all navigated our new traffic pattern on the Lurgio/BHS campus. After observing both our drop-off and pick-up today, I took note of some great successes and some areas that still need some work.    
The morning drop-off ran very smoothly thanks to some very considerate parents who pulled as far forward in the drop off lot before having their students disembark from their vehicles.  Please pull up as far as you can towards the concession stand; it makes a huge difference.    
The pickup at the end of the day was a bit more congested.  In the future, parents should form two lines in the lot as you wait for your students to be dismissed.  Also, once we have a safe path cleared, we will dismiss the students from the bus pickup doors.  Students will walk from the front of the column of pick up cars to the rear. Our bus company will also make sure that crucial intersections are not blocked during dismissal allowing for a quick emptying of our pickup lot.  
I know this has been frustrating for us all and I thank you for your patience. I remain realistically optimistic that these adjustments can improve our traffic flow.



Adjustment to the Traffic Pattern at Bedford Middle and High School
On January 4, 2016, the traffic on the BHS/Lurgio Campus will change slightly. (Map,Explanation)​  We know that we will always have heavy traffic at the start and end of school, but we hope this change will reduce congestion during these peak times.
  • Changes
    • Reverse the direction of the Parent Pick Up and Drop Off Area so parents will not need to make left turns at the two main intersections.
    • Extend two-way traffic to the concession stand ending at the West Parking Lot so parents can exit Parent Pick Up and Drop Off that way.
    • Close the central loop area during parent pick up and drop off (except for buses and students with special needs) to reduce the places where parents are crossing traffic.
  • As before, we ask all drivers to do the following:
    • Yield to pedestrians at all times when on campus.
    • Take turns at the main intersections when congestion is high.
    • Be patient.