Monday, October 28, 2019

Special Note: Special Update: WW2W Date Change

Dear Lurgio Families,

Well, the weather once again is causing a hiccup with our original Witch Way plans. Due to the forecasted weather, we will be holding our Witch Way 2 Wellness event on our rain date of Wednesday, October 30, 2019. We are very grateful to all of the volunteers that signed up to help with our original date. We are also a bit concerned that the date change might result in fewer volunteers. If by chance you are willing and able to help on Wednesday, please sign up by clicking [HERE]. 

It is a tight race for our registration competition.  Donations will be taken and participation points can be earned until Witch Way 2 Wellness Day - Wednesday, October 30 9:00AM. Check out the standings below:

With this being a new event this year, please review the following donation structure, participation tallying, and raffle ticket procedure:
$5 -$9.99 donation
1 pod participant point for student donating
$10 - $19.99 donation
1 pod participant point AND 
1 prize raffle ticket for student donating
$20 - $24.99 donation
1 pod participant point AND 
2 prize raffle tickets for student donating
$25+ donation
1 pod participant point AND 
2 prize raffle tickets AND 
1 t-shirt (while supplies last) for student donating 

Students should wear their ORANGE and BLACK activewear on Wednesday as part of our WW2W Spirit Week.
We are looking forward to our wellness event on Wednesday!

