Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Special Note: Lurgio Fundraiser:Witch Way 2 Wellness

Hello Lurgio Families,

Today we ended our day with our Witch Way 2 Wellness Kickoff Presentation (bit.ly/WW2WKickOffPres). As we head into our 10th year, we are excited to shift the event focus to promote the physical, cognitive, and emotional health of our students. Our event is now called the Witch Way 2 Wellness, and it will be held on Thursday, October 31st during the school day.

Students will spend the day with their advisory groups participating in a one mile Halloween-themed Challenge Course. Additionally, there will be a variety of other “Wellness Workshops” to help students practice and develop their physical, cognitive, and emotional wellness.

In past years, we have been able to enrich our students’ middle school experience using the funds raised through the Witch Way event. This year is no different. All donations are welcomed but not required for participation in the Witch Way 2 Wellness activities. Students who are able to collect and donate $25 or more will receive an event t-shirt and two tickets for our event raffle.

For more information about Witch Way 2 Wellness, please see our information flyer (http://bit.ly/WW2W2019Info). We ask that students who are donating money complete a Donation Form and submit it with their donation (http://bit.ly/WW2W2019Donation).

This should be a great day for both students and staff. We hope you will support this great cause!

All my best,
Ed Joyce