October 25, 2019
Dear Parents/Guardians,
As the fall athletics season wraps up, it is time to think about the winter athletics season. I want to communicate with you the testing dates for ImPACT concussion screenings, tryout dates for winter sports, and what forms must be completed prior to tryouts. Lurgio Middle School offers the following sports during the winter season: D1 Boys’ & Girls’ Basketball, D5 Boys’ & Girls’ Basketball, Coed Wrestling, Coed Spirit, and Coed Volleyball (Feb. & March).
We occasionally have families ask about whether a student who plays for an outside travel team or organization would be able to try out for our school teams. It is important that all Lurgio practices and competitions take priority over other outside teams. If your student-athlete is able to fully commit to the Lurgio team, they are more than welcome to try out and participate in our athletic program.
In order to participate in one of our winter sports, you must have the following:
Starting this fall, we moved our registration process to FamilyID. This online platform will make registration more efficient for students and their families from season to season and year to year. You can find Family ID registration instructions [HERE]. If you previously created an account for fall sports, you should be able to log in and register for winter sports. Registration must be completed prior to tryouts in order to participate.
Proof of Physical Examination
All students wishing to try out for a sport must have a valid proof of physical examination on file with the Lurgio school nurse. Physicals are valid for (2) years. Incoming 7th graders and newly registered students should turn in a copy of their physical form to the school nurse as soon as possible. You may also upload this documentation directly to FamilyID during the registration process.
ImPACT Concussion Baseline Testing - Required for Basketball, Wrestling, and Spirit
For students who have not completed an ImPACT Concussion Test, we will be testing basketball players on October 30th and wrestlers and cheerleaders on November 6th (coed volleyball concussion screening will occur in late-January/early-February). These tests run about 60 minutes in length and take place immediately after school in the Lurgio Media Center (3:30PM-5:00PM). Please sign up for your session in FamilyID. If you cannot make your assigned test session, you may schedule a time to take the test with the Safe Sports Network. They can be contacted at (603) 627-9728.
Please note the following tryout dates:
Boys’ Basketball (All players: 7th and 8th graders, D1 and D5 Teams)
-Student Informational Meeting: Tuesday, October 29th in the Media Center 3:15-4:15 PM
-Tryouts: November 4, 5, & 6 in the Lurgio Gym 4:00-5:30 PM
Girls’ Basketball (All players: 7th and 8th graders, D1 and D5 Teams)
-Student Informational Meeting: Tuesday, October 29th in the Media Center 3:15-4:15 PM
-Tryouts: November 4, 5, & 6 in the BHS Gym 4:00-5:30 PM (please note the time/location change)
**please note that basketball tryouts may be extended to November 7th and 8th as needed**
Coed Wrestling
-Student Informational Meeting: Monday, October 28th in the Lurgio Media Center 3:15-4:15 PM
-First Day of Practice: Monday, December 2nd in the Lurgio Dining Hall 3:15-5:00 PM
Coed Spirit
-Informational meeting (parents and students welcome) Tuesday, October 29th in the Lurgio Dining Hall at 5:30PM
-First Day of Practice/Try-Out: Tuesday, November 12th in the Lurgio Dining Hall 3:15-5:00PM
Coed Volleyball
-Tryouts: Monday, February 3, 2019 in the Lurgio Gym 3:15-5:30 p.m.
-This is a late season sport as it fills the gap between the winter season and spring season. More information will be communicated in January.
If you or your student have any questions about a specific sport, please contact the coach. The Lurgio Athletics website may be found [HERE].
Kristen Gauthier , Assistant Principal & Athletic Director