Friday, March 8, 2019

Lurgio News for March 8, 2019

March 8, 2019

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Tonight our Lurgio Student Council will host our March all-school dance. In spite of the cold temperature, I know our student will come out and have a great time.

Enjoy the weekend,


Important Dates

Mar 8 (Fri)
RAL School Dance (6:00PM-9:00PM)
Mar 9 (Sat)
Stand By Me Fundraiser - Chipotle (5:00PM-9:00PM)
Mar 12 (Tues)
`NO SCHOOL - Teacher Workshop Day / Town Election Day
Mar 14 (Thurs)
Life of an Athlete March Madness Basketball Tournament - RAL/BHS Gym (6:00PM-8:30PM)
Mar 21 (Thurs)
SAVE THE DATE - Grandparents Day
Mar 22 - Mar 23 (Fri-Sat)
RAL Musical Production - BHS Theater

New News

Cub of the Week

Each week, teachers nominate students for the Cub of the Week Award. Nominated students are those who have shown exceptional kindness, tolerance, and respect during the week. Each Friday, the Lurgio administration and guidance staff will review all nominees and will select the “Cub of the Week.”

This week’s Cubs of the Week are Henry Lewek and Limenwa Kennedy.  Both Henry and Limenwa are wonderful students who are very kind to their peers, helpful in their classrooms, and respected by all at Lurgio.  They are being honored this week for the positive contributions they make every day in their classes. Congratulation to Limenwa and Henry. Thank you for making Lurgio a great place to learn.


Spring Athletics Information

Please read our RAL Spring Athletics Letter for more information about dates and paperwork.

Destination Imagination

Good Luck to all our teams who are presenting at the Destination Imagination Regional Tournament in Souhegan High School, Amherst on Saturday, March 9th. Click here for tournament schedule.

Stand By Me - Chipotle Fundraiser - Saturday

Dine out Saturday night (5pm - 9pm), March 9th, and have 33% of the proceeds go towards helping our Lurgio’s Stand By Me event.

Just tell the cashier you are supporting the cause.  More information: Flyer


Bedford Community Food Pantry

Last week the Bedford Journal had a great article about the Bedford Community Food Pantry.  This group has also been instrumental in providing weekend lunches for students.  During the month of March, Lurgio is collecting cereal and oatmeal to help replenish the shelves at the food pantry.  Donations can be dropped off in our Guidance Office.

Evening Q&A with Dr. Dawn Huebner:

Join us for a 90-minute Q&A on Wednesday, March 13th at 6:30pm at McKelvie Intermediate School with Dr. Dawn Huebner, nationally recognized Psychologist, Parent Coach and author of award-winning mental health books for kids. Dr. Huebner is best known for her What to Do Guides - including What to Do When You Worry Too Much and Outsmarting Worry - which have sold over 1 million copies. Rather than giving a one-size-fits-all talk, Dr. Huebner will be answering audience questions about how to recognize anxiety in kids, how to respond to it, and how to build skills to better manage it. Questions can be submitted in advance, written on a note card that evening (to maintain anonymity) or asked live. This is not a group therapy session but instead an informative Q&A that will leave you with a clearer understanding of anxiety, what parents do that inadvertently feeds it, and how to help your child get on the path to defeating it.

To submit a question for Dr. Huebner in advance, email Priscilla McGinty, School Counselor at McKelvie Intermediate School at, or your child's School Counselor.

RAL Musical: The Little Mermaid - Tickets Now on Sale

Ross A. Lurgio proudly presents The Little Mermaid Jr. Join Ariel and her seafaring cast of colorful characters under the sea in this retelling of the classic Disney animated film. Kids will love this flashy, fishy fable full of fun and everyone will enjoy the beautiful presentation and exceptional talent the Lurgio Players put into to their performance. Parents will love the opportunity after the show to get their kids on stage to take photos with their favorite characters, and kids of all ages will be clamoring for more!  Don’t be a guppy!  Come see the show, March 22nd at 7:00pm and Saturday March 23rd at 2:00pm and 7:00pm at the Bedford High School Theater.  Tickets can be purchased at the door or online at

BHS Special Educaiton Parent Night:

BHS will be hosting an information night for parents of students with IEP on April 11th at 6:30 PM in the BHS Library.  Click here for more details.


Save the Date - Grandparents Day March 21

Ross A. Lurgio Middle School’s Annual Grandparents & Senior Citizen Visitation Day is planned for Thursday, March 21, 2018 at 9:30 a.m. Guests will be treated to a dress rehearsal of the play Little Mermaid followed by tours of the school. A light luncheon sponsored by the Bedford PTG will take place in the library. Registration is limited so please RSVP by clicking here for the pre-registration form.  Please complete the form and return it to your child’s teacher as soon as possible - no later than Friday, March 15th.  Please contact Elise Johnson : with any questions.

RAL Musical:  The Little Mermaid

Rehearsal Schedule

Click here for the rehearsal schedule for March 4 - 8. Contact Mrs. Devino with questions.

Paper Retriever Recycling
Unfortunately, the green and yellow paper recycling containers (Paper Retriever), which were available to parents/community members have been removed from the district’s schools as this company has gone out of business.  Therefore, there will no longer be any containers available on school grounds for the public.

Weekly Features

Athletics This Week

Our winter sports season is wrapping up as we speak. Our wrestling and spirit teams are finishing up their schedules, while our co-ed volleyball team has one week to go.  In the spring season (April to June), Lurgio offers baseball, softball, golf, coed tennis, and track & field. Please refer to the RAL Spring Athletics Letter for more information about dates and paperwork.

Guidance Corner

At Ross A. Lurgio Middle School we begin to introduce students to extracurricular, structured activities as part of their whole school experience.  Students in our Life of a Lion (NHIAA) program have organized a March Madness Basketball Tournament coming up on March 14 from 6pm-8pm. The event is open to all, with a canned good or $1 donation.  Proceeds will go toward supporting Bedford Community Food Pantry. Click here for this week’s article titled Youth Programs .


Stand By Me

Parent Steering Committee

Are you a Lurgio parent looking to get more involved in our school? The parent committee is instrumental in organizing this program. We meet once a month - please join us. Our next mtg is March 14, 2019 @ 9:30am. Contact our Guidance Secretary, Beth Fitzgerald, with any questions.


RAL Kitchen News

The breakfast program will be featuring a delicious and nutritious Strawberry Blast Smoothie. It’s loaded with strawberries, bananas and a boost of protein with vanilla Greek yogurt. Fill your body with essential nutrients like vitamin C, folate, potassium, vitamin D and fiber. These powerful vitamins and minerals boost the bodies immune system, promote healthy teeth and bones as well as improving digestion and maintaining a healthy weight. In addition to breakfast combo meals, the kitchen will be offering a homemade Maple Muffin topped with an Oat Streusel. This lovely, healthy treat will keep you feeling full and satisfied with lots of long lasting energy from whole grain complex carbohydrates. This muffin is also featuring Ben’s Sugar Shack local maple syrup as its highly nutritional sweetener. Start the school day off with a bang and don't miss out on these healthy, wholesome NEW breakfast items.
Check out our new, healthy lunch option offered every Wednesday: Build Your Own Salad Bowl! Start with a nice bed of mixed lettuce & greens, topped with a variety of healthy proteins that include hard boiled eggs, chicken strips, beans or legumes and various cheeses. Choose from a lot of different chopped vegetables like grape tomatoes, shredded carrots, cucumbers, diced peppers and red onion. Take your pick from our selection of dressings. A whole grain bread stick with some fresh fruit will be offered with the salad.         

PTG Corner

Coffee and Conversation with the Superintendent

Hosted by the PTG, Superintendent Mike Fournier invites you to “Coffee and Conversation” on Friday March 8th, 9:30am at Bedford Town Library (McAllister Meeting Room)…RSVP REQUIRED.
This will be a small, informal, discussion based gathering to discuss Bedford School District happenings including upcoming items on the March 12th ballot.  Please click HERE to RSVP  if you wish to attend

Manchester Monarchs Event

Join the PTG and Riddle Brook Chorus at the Monarchs game on Sunday, March 10th 3pm. Click HERE to order tickets. Enjoy a fun, family evening out and support Riddle Brook Chorus as they sing the National Anthem!

Color Blast Fun Run/Walk Community Event

Get excited, registration opens March 15th for another fun filled Color Blast Fun Run/Walk to be held on Sunday, June 2nd.