Friday, January 12, 2018

Lurgio News for January 12, 2018

January 12, 2018
Dear Students and Parents,

Chief John Bryfonski of the Bedford Police Department met with the Lurgio Student Council on Thursday. He spoke about the role of the police in our community and engaged in a dialogue with our council on how we can all keep Bedford a safe and healthy community. The Chief was very impressed with the intelligent questions and genuine concern our young leaders show for their community. Thank you for visiting Lurgio, Chief Bryfonski!


Ed Joyce

Important Dates

Jan. 23 (Tuesday)
8th Grade Parent-Teacher Conferences (Night 1)
Jan. 25 (Thursday)
Principal’s Winter Read
Jan. 31 (Wednesday)
8th Grade Parent-Teacher Conferences (Night 2)

Weekly Features

Attention 8th Grade Students and Parents

BHS is beginning the process of building next year’s master schedule. Below are some dates to be aware of while preparing your students for 9th grade:
  • All teacher recommendations completed in PowerSchool - January 21st
  • 8th Grade Parent Teacher Conferences - 23rd & 31st
  • “Course Selection Info Night” - February 1st in BHS Theater at 6:00PM
  • Course request portal open to all - the afternoon of February 2nd through the afternoon of February 9th
We will be providing a great deal of information in the weeks to come. Please continue to read the Lurgio News to keep up-to-date with the registration process for incoming freshmen.

Parent Pick-Up

Please exercise caution and courtesy when picking up your students at the end of the day. The dismissal time is a bit hectic. While the greater majority of parents have been very respectful, we have had a few incidents of reckless driving and the use profane language and gestures. I ask that everyone please abide by the campus speed limit and be very aware of our student pedestrians.  Also, please understand that our duty teachers are at the dismissal lines in order to keep our students safe, so I ask that you treat them with deference as they do this very important job. Thank you in advance for your understanding and compliance with this request.

Last Day of School Update

We have had four school cancellations this year so the current last day of school is Tuesday, June 19.

Weekly Features

Guidance Corner
Common Sense Media: provides resources (articles and videos) on a variety of digital citizenship topics: screen time, cyberbullying, internet addiction, internet safety, book/movie reviews, video game reviews, and more!

Cyberwise: provides resources on online games, media literacy, fake news, ethical thinking, media psychology and more...
Netsmartz: provides resources on social networking, cyber-bullying etc...

Parental Controls that work with all devices

  • Kids Lox: helps to set limits on screen time and provides content blocking software

PTG Corner

PTG Night at the Monarchs

On Saturday, January 20th at 6:00PM come join the Bedford PTG and the Manchester Monarchs as we host our Marvel Superhero and Villains Night! Participate in our HIGH-FIVE TUNNEL and celebrate your favorite Marvel character! Ticket sales are online only. To order tickets, please visit MONARCHS TICKETS. If you have any questions, please contact Amy Dion at

Principal Winter Reading Night

Dress in your PJ’s, bring a blanket and come listen to all the Bedford Principal’s read you a story. This fun filled event will be held on January 25th at the McKelvie Intermediate School cafeteria. Choose between two session times 4:30PM or 6:30PM on the flyer that came home in your student’s backpack or if you need another, please click PWRN Flyer. Registrations must be returned to your teacher by Friday January 12th.

Barnes and Noble Days with Bedford PTG

On January 26th & 27th join us at the Barnes and Noble Manchester location!  Come and look at the many art projects from all Bedford Schools, listen to the performance by the McKelvie music department and listen to stories read by Bedford’s elementary teachers. For more information and to view the schedule of events, please visit the Bedford PTG website.

Champions for Children

Once again, the New Hampshire School Administrators’ Association is seeking nominees for the "Champions for Children Award Program". Last year, Bedford nominated Greg Uliaz as our District Champion. Greg was later selected as the South Central region winner and was recognized at the State-wide breakfast along with his family.

Nominees are individuals who have given distinguished service to children over the past year. To nominate a Bedford Champion, please complete this short form no later than January 31, 2018.


Softball Winter Workouts

Winter workouts for softball will begin on Saturday, January 6th and continue weekly through mid-March. The workouts will be held at St. Elizabeth Seton from 9:30 AM to 11:00 AM. Anyone interested in playing softball in the spring is invited to attend. The workouts will include throwing, fielding, pitching, catching and hitting drills. Please make sure to bring a bat, glove, sneakers and plenty of water. For additional information contact Softball Coach Chris Lemay at 603-674-7164 or e-mail

National History Bee

Lurgio Middle School is again offering students in grades 7 and 8 an opportunity to participate in the National History Bee. The National History Bee is an exciting academic competition designed to motivate and reward students for studying history! If you are a student who loves history and enjoys academic competition, here is your opportunity to combine the two! Click here to access more information.

Lurgio Tech Corner Update

Over the past few weeks, we have noticed an increase in the number of students who are not being prepared with their chromebooks. Many are forgetting to charge their chromebooks or forgetting their chromebooks at home.

We would love your help! Please help your kids come up with a system/plan to charge their chromebooks every night and to bring them to school every day.