January 19, 2018
Dear Students and Parents,
In spite of short week and tumultuous weather, we managed to pull off the Spelling Bee. I would like to offer a special thank you to Ms. Hansen, Mr. Boucher, and Ms. Detwiler for running the contest. Below you will see a great picture of our finalists and winners.
Spelling Bee - Pod Finalists
Back Row: Maximilian DiGiovanni, Camden Cilley, Hasitha “Lucky” Kovvuri, Michelle Yu, Abhinav Govindaraju, Mia Kashiwabara, Alisha Juneja, Eli Gregson
Front Row: Tate Engstrom, Jack Emerson, Nathan Pierce, Micah Baker, Virginia Fitzgerald, Carly Fischer, Annabel Pothuru, Sai Abhinav "Abhi" Challa,
Spelling Bee School Winner: Hasitha “Lucky” Kovvuri, School Runner-Up: Abhinav Govindaraju
Ed Joyce
Important Dates
Jan. 23 (Tuesday)
8th Grade Parent-Teacher Conferences (Night 1)
Jan. 25 (Thursday)
Principal’s Winter Read
Jan. 31 (Wednesday)
8th Grade Parent-Teacher Conferences (Night 2)
Cub of the Week
Each week, teachers nominate students for the Cub of the Week Award. Nominated students are those who have shown exceptional kindness, tolerance, and respect during the week. Each Friday, the Lurgio administration and guidance staff will review all nominees and will select the the “Cub of the Week.”
This week’s Cubs are Sean Sanclemente from pod 8 South and Peyton Deachman from pod 8 West! Peyton has been a strong support to a few of her classmates. She is praised for being a wonderfully positive presence in the classroom. Sean has been an exceptionally inclusive in the lunchroom. This week he sought out a students that was sitting alone and invited them to sit at his table. Congratulations, Sean and Peyton!
New News
2018 Coed Volleyball - Tryouts Begin February 5
Coed Volleyball tryouts will begin on February 5 after school in the Lurgio Gym. If your student plans on participating, please click [HERE] to sign-up. Students must turn in their completed paperwork to Coach Busch prior to tryouts. Students must have all their paperwork completed in order to participate on February 5. Please click [HERE] to access the mandatory paperwork.
School District Dialogue
Community members are invited to a School District Dialogue hosted by Bedford School Board members. The event is on Tuesday, January 23 at the Bedford Town Library from 6-8 p.m. in the Richmond Room. Come share your thoughts, feedback, questions or concerns.
Weekly Features
Last Day of School Update
We have had five school cancellations this year so the current last day of school is Wednesday, June 20.
Guidance Corner
This week, ask your child how they feel valued. What have they enjoyed doing that has made their home, family, school, or community better? What about it did they enjoy?
RAL Guidance Counselor, Donna LaRue, MA, MLADC, LCMHC posts a weekly, helpful parenting newsletter article, as well as other relevant material on her website. This week she focuses on Youth as Resources. Check out Ms. LaRue’s web page for past ‘Asset Newsletters’ by clicking here.
PTG Corner
Panera & PTG
Take a night off from cooking and join us at our Bedford PTG Night at Panera on Thursday February 1st. Bring your Panera February Flyer anytime between 4-8pm to the Panera at Colby Court and enjoy a night out. Thanks for supporting your Bedford PTG!
PTG Night at the Monarchs
On Saturday, January 20th at 6:00pm come join the Bedford PTG and the Manchester Monarchs as we host our Marvel Superhero and Villains Night! Participate in our HIGH-FIVE TUNNEL and celebrate your favorite Marvel character! Ticket sales are online only. To order tickets, please visit MONARCHS TICKETS. If you have any questions, please contact Amy Dion at
Principal Winter Reading Night
Dress in your PJ’s, bring a blanket and come listen to all the Bedford Principal’s read you a story. This fun filled event will be held on January 25th at the McKelvie Intermediate School cafeteria. Be sure to bring your admission ticket to enter our book raffle!
Barnes and Noble Days with Bedford PTG - January 26th - 28th
Join us at the Barnes and Noble Manchester location! Come and look at the many art projects from all Bedford Schools, listen to the performance by the McKelvie music department and listen to stories read by Bedford’s elementary teachers. For more information and to view the schedule of events, please visit Bedford PTG Barnes & Noble.
Yankee Candle
Our Yankee Candle fundraiser is coming soon! The sale starts February 2nd and 40% of sales go back to the PTG! Visit Bedford PTG Yankee Candle for more information and be on the look for the full color brochures coming home soon (K-6) or in the front offices at Lurgio and BHS.
Attention 8th Grade Students and Parents
BHS is beginning the process of building next year’s master schedule. Below are some dates to be aware of while preparing your students for 9th grade:
- All teacher recommendations completed in PowerSchool - January 21st
- 8th Grade Parent Teacher Conferences - 23rd & 31st
- “Course Selection Info Night” - February 1st in BHS Theater at 6:00PM
- Course request portal open to all - the afternoon of February 2nd through the afternoon of February 9th
Parent Pick-Up
Please exercise caution and courtesy when picking up your students at the end of the day. The dismissal time is a bit hectic. While the greater majority of parents have been very respectful, we have had a few incidents reckless driving and the use profane language and gestures. I ask that everyone please abide by the campus speed limit and be very aware of our student pedestrians. Also, please understand that our duty teachers are at the dismissal lines in order to keep our students safe, so I ask that you treat them with deference as they do this very important job. Thank you in advance for your understanding and compliance with this request.
Softball Winter Workouts
Winter workouts for softball will begin on Saturday, January 6th and continue weekly through mid-March. The workouts will be held at St. Elizabeth Seton from 9:30 AM to 11:00 AM. Anyone interested in playing softball in the spring is invited to attend. The workouts will include throwing, fielding, pitching, catching and hitting drills. Please make sure to bring a bat, glove, sneakers and plenty of water. For additional information contact Softball Coach Chris Lemay at 603-674-7164 or e-mail
National History Bee
Lurgio Middle School is again offering students in grades 7 and 8 an opportunity to participate in the National History Bee. The National History Bee is an exciting academic competition designed to motivate and reward students for studying history! If you are a student who loves history and enjoys academic competition, here is your opportunity to combine the two! Click here to access more information.
Lurgio Tech Corner Update
Over the past few weeks, we have noticed an increase in the number of students who are not being prepared with their chromebooks. Many are forgetting to charge their chromebooks or forgetting their chromebooks at home.
We would love your help! Please help your kids come up with a system/plan to charge their chromebooks every night and to bring them to school every day.