Friday, September 24, 2021

Lurgio News for September 24, 2021



September 24, 2021

Dear Lurgio Families,

This week at Lurgio, we had three students test positive with COVID-19. When a positive case is confirmed, we alert, through an email, parents of students that are in classes, on the bus, or have had close contact with the student who tested positive.

While we require students to stay home when they have tested positive for COVID-19, we are also finding that students are missing school when they exhibit illness, including potential symptoms of COVID-19, while they wait for the results of a PCR test. Because it takes a bit of time to get the results on most PCR tests, those students are missing a few days of school at a minimum. In an effort to support all our students that are out of school due to illness, I would like to highlight a couple ways that we can help our students keep up with their schooling.  

If students are well enough to do school work, they should access their school Google accounts.  In the Google suite, students can access their Google Classrooms for each of their classes.  Teachers use the Google suite to distribute handouts, assignments and other documents to their students.

Even with the documents and handouts for their classes, students might still struggle with their missed schoolwork. A great way for your students to get the help they need from their teachers is to email them.  Sometimes a quick email back is all a student needs to get going on their missed work. Othertimes, the teacher may develop a different plan for the student to focus on priority assignments and scheduling times to meet up when the student returns to school. Please know that the entire staff and I want your student to be as successful as possible. 



Important Dates

Sept. 28 (Tues)

Breakfast with Guidance (9-10am) - see New News Item below

Oct. 4-6 (Mon-Wed)

8th Grade Cardigan Trip (Pods 8N & 8W)

Oct 6-8 (Wed-Fri)

8th Grade Cardigan Trip (Pods 8S & 8E)

Oct. 11 (Mon)

Columbus Day - NO SCHOOL

Oct. 12 (Tues)

Teacher Workshop Day - NO SCHOOL

New News

Cub of the Week

The Cub of the Week is back. Each week, teachers nominate students for the Cub of the Week Award. Nominated students are those who have shown exceptional kindness, tolerance, and respect during the week. Each Friday, the Lurgio administration and guidance staff will review all nominees and will select the “Cub of the Week.” We had a bit of a technical glitch to start the year, but we are now up and running and would like to share three weeks worth of winners. Let the celebrations of outstanding behavior begin!

This week, we are celebrating four Lurgio students who went above and beyond in our school community:

Brielyn Klicker did not hesitate to invite a student she didn't know to join her table in the dining hall. What a great act of kindness. Keep up the good work, Brie! 

Jillian Russell and Addison Williams noticed that a student in their class was having trouble finding a partner. Even though they had already found classmates to work with, they offered to partner with this student. Your kindness and selflessness did not go unnoticed!

Connor Flaherty took another student under his wing who was having a difficult time during a compass activity in social studies class and helped that student out without being asked. This was a great example of Connor’s leadership.


Breakfast with Guidance

The Guidance staff will be hosting quarterly breakfasts for parents of Lurgio Middle School students.  Our first event on September 28 is titled “Welcome to Lurgio”.  We hope this informal get-together will offer parents an opportunity to gather together and chat about how things are going for your child here at Lurgio.  We will be available to answer any questions or point you in the right direction. Please join us for coffee, muffins and conversation in the Lurgio Dining Hall from 9am-10am on Tuesday September 28.

Masks on the Bus

This is a reminder to all families of bus riders: per CDC order, all persons riding public transportation (including school bus transportation) are required to wear a mask. The bus drivers have a limited number of masks to give to students and it would be helpful for all students to bring their own masks.

Dropoff/Pick Up Procedures

When dropping off students in the parent dropoff/pickup area in the morning, please use caution. By keeping your speed low and pulling over to the yellow curbline to the right of the lot, we will greatly increase the safety of our students. I thank you in advance for your help. 

Clubs and Cocurriculars at Lurgio

At Lurgio, we have a variety of clubs for students to join.  Students will hear the details on the morning and afternoon announcements. You can find our weekly cocurricular schedule HERE.


Destination Imagination

The Bedford School District is proud to offer Destination Imagination (Bedford DI) as an extra curricular program in all of our schools. Registration is now open and anyone interested should complete the application here. For more information on What is DI/Covid-19 guidelines. Registration closes Oct 1. Contact Marie Russell, DI Coordinator, with questions. 

School Attendance

This is just a reminder that parents can email their student’s school attendance to Parents should report absences through this email address or by calling the school at 603.310.9100.

It is important that when you contact the attendance office via email or phone, you give a reason (sickness, travel, etc.). If we do not have a reason for a student’s absence it is our policy that the school nurse will call home. 

Weekly Features

Athletics Corner

Athletic Schedules

Please refer to the athletics calendar for the weekly schedules including practice and games. You can find all game schedules here

Transportation Update

We are two weeks into the season and we continue to have transportation challenges. The Transportation Form has been working quite well, affording us the opportunity to travel to away games. Please continue to complete the form for each away contest. 

As a reminder, student-athletes are dismissed at 2:30p for all away games. Please do not arrive earlier as too many dismissals will inundate Ms. Cronin and Ms. Fitzgerald in the Main Office. Instead, I wanted to share with you two options for pick-up. In lieu of arriving earlier than needed, you might find that parking in the High School’s Junior Lot or at Riley Field will allow for a much smoother and less congested pick-up. 

Student-Athletes would be dismissed from the middle school and use the paved pathway from the Senior (upper) lot to the Junior (lower) lot, or continue on via the cross-walk to Riley Field, where they would meet their transportation. Or course, you are more than welcome to continue meeting them outside our main entrance. 

As always, I appreciate your patience, understanding, and flexibility. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to me. 

Guidance Corner

Breakfast with Guidance

The Guidance staff will be hosting quarterly breakfasts for parents of Lurgio Middle School students.  Our first event on September 28 is titled “Welcome to Lurgio”.  We hope this informal get-together will offer parents an opportunity to gather together and chat about how things are going for your child here at Lurgio.  We will be available to answer any questions or point you in the right direction. Please join us for coffee, muffins and conversation in the Lurgio Dining Hall from 9am-10am on Tuesday September 28.

Library Corner

Students, do you have an appetite for reading?  The Booked for Breakfast Club is starting Thursday, September 30th 8:00-8:30am in the RAL Library.  We share new book ideas, discuss new authors, and share book trailers. We also have book raffles!  Please bring your breakfast and join us to see what this book club is all about.  If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Detwiler in the library or Mrs. Schoedinger in the Reading Specialist's room


Book Buzz - Issue #4

Visit to check out more!


Lurgio Tech Corner

Students are reminded to bring their charged chromebooks to school daily and to visit the Tech Corner in the back of the Lurgio Media Center if they are having issues with them. 

Chromebook Insurance Renewal Information

If you are looking to renew your chromebook insurance for 21-22, BSD has contracted with Worth Ave Group for insurance coverage.  Please click on the link to purchase your insurance renewal for 21-22. Note the deadline is September 30, 2021.  Note: Chromebooks purchased through the Bedford School District this fall include one year of insurance through Worth Ave Group.

PTG Corner 


Support the PTG

Through Donations and Fundraisers the PTG helps fund:

For our Students…Author Visits, Science Programs, Musical Performers and much more.

For our Community…Principal Winter Reading Night, New Family Welcome and many other community focused events. 

For our Staff…Staff Appreciation, Library Donations, Nurses Office Donations and more.

We couldn’t do it without your continued support. Please consider making a donation to the PTG either via the PayPal link HERE or send in a check payable to Bedford PTG in the support envelopes that have been sent home (K-8) or an envelope labeled with your name and email address (turn into your child’s school or mail to PO Box 10077 Bedford, NH). 100% of your donation through the Support Drive goes directly to the schools and students of Bedford.

Looking to Volunteer

Please complete a Volunteer Google Form for each school you have a child attending. To access the form click HERE or you can find them on the PTG website under PTG Forms. You need to fill this form out in order to hear about volunteer opportunities at the schools or district wide.

PTG Community Events Volunteer Opportunities

The PTG has several planning committees that would love to have new members.

Color Blast Fun Run Committee: Get in on the colorful fun and be part of planning this amazing community event!! Color Blast is looking for anyone that might be interested in being part of the planning committee. The committee meets monthly starting in October and more frequently closer to the event which is scheduled for Sunday, May 22nd.

If you are interested in any of these committees please email

New Family Welcome

If you recently moved to Bedford or are sending your first child to a Bedford School, you're welcome to attend Bedford School District's New Family Welcome hosted by the Bedford PTG on Wed., September 29th, from 9:30-10:30 a.m. or 6:30-7:30 p.m., at the Bedford Town Library. Representatives from each school will be available to answer questions, provide school and town information, share opportunities on how you can be involved and welcome you into our community. Please RSVP to and specify if you will be attending the morning or evening session.

Meadow Farms Gifts, Wrap, and More

Bringing you quality gift wrap, unique gifts, home & kitchen items, gourmet food, Kringle Candles and more. Our popular GIFTS, WRAP, AND MORE  fundraiser is just around the corner. Brochures will be coming home with elementary students at the beginning of October. Online ordering only this year. 40% of sales goes back to our schools and orders ship directly to home! Sale runs from October 8-22.