December 1, 2017
Dear Students and Parents,
Welcome to December! With a dance, concerts, and other fun activities, the Lurgio community has much to look forward this month. Speaking of the dance, you may have heard rumors that Winter Dance is officially a semi-formal. It is not. Many students like to dress up for the December dance, but many students dress casually as well. In short, you are under no obligation to purchase semi-formal clothing for your student.
Ed Joyce
Important Dates
Dec. 6 (Wed)
“Screenagers: Growing Up in the Digital Age” - 6:00PM - Dining Hall
Dec. 8 (Fri)
All School Dance - 6:00PM-9:00PM
Dec. 14 (Thur)
Winter Concert - BHS Theater - 7:00PM
Dec. 25 - Jan. 1
No School - Holiday Break
Cub of the Week
Each week, teachers nominate students for the Cub of the Week Award. Nominated students are those who have shown exceptional kindness, tolerance, and respect during the week. Each Friday, the Lurgio administration and guidance staff will review all nominees and will select the the “Cub of the Week.”
This week’s Cub is Graham Frederick. Graham is a super conscientious student in Pod 8 West. His teachers note that he is always willing to go the extra mile to support his teachers and fellow classmates. Congratulations Graham! Thank you for helping make Lurgio a great place to be.
New News
National History Bee
Lurgio Middle School is again offering students in grades 7 and 8 an opportunity to participate in the National History Bee. The National History Bee is an exciting academic competition designed to motivate and reward students for studying history! If you are a student who loves history and enjoys academic competition, here is your opportunity to combine the two! Click here to access more information.
Lurgio Tech Corner Update
Over the past few weeks, we have noticed an increase in the number of students who are not being prepared with their chromebooks. Many are forgetting to charge their chromebooks or forgetting their chromebooks at home.
We would love your help! Please help your kids come up with a system/plan to charge their chromebooks every night and to bring them to school every day.
Yearbook Cover Contest - Deadline Extended
Once again this year we will be holding a cover contest for the front and back cover of the yearbook - if chosen, you win a FREE yearbook! Cover entries are due no later than Monday, December 11. For more information visit the Yearbook Website - any questions, see Mrs. Dennis in the Tech Corner.
Weekly Features
Guidance Corner
We are excited to support the “I’ve Got Your Back” (IGYB) movement initiated by our eighth grade student, Hannah Guillemette. On Wednesday December 6, 2017 from 6-8pm we will be presenting the film “Screenagers: Growing Up in the Digital Age” in the Lurgio Dining Hall. We hope our new sound system and spacious accommodations will allow for a comfortable viewing opportunity. At the conclusion of the film, our panel of professionals will respond to your comments and questions. The panel consists of Ed Joyce, Principal, Donna Dennis Technology Integration Teacher, Ann Detwiler, Media Generalist, and counselors Priscilla McGinty, Donna LaRue and Sheila Kelly. Visit ScreenagersMovie for more information.
Book Buzz
Every Friday morning our Books for Breakfast crew gets together in the media center to share their appetite for reading. This week, the group was buzzing about these books.
Liam M. of 7 East:
Echo by Pam Munoz Ryan is a great book but don't be freaked out by the length of the book. It's worth meeting Otto and seeing how his harmonica connects three other people over decades. It's such a great book of historical fiction set in WWII that will make you forget how long the book is.
Mrs. Parker from FACS loves The Luck Uglies series so much she wrote the author, who lives in NH, in hopes of getting Paul Durham here! The Luck Uglies series is a perfect match for fans of Chris Colfer's Land of Stories books and Joseph Delaney's Last Apprentice series. She’s currently reading the second book in the series Fork-Tongued Charmers:
The Luck Uglies face their greatest enemies in this thrilling sequel to the critically acclaimed first book in the series. This second installment ratchets up the humor, charm, and adventure, taking the series to brand-new heights! Rye O’Chanter was shocked to discover that her father was the leader of the notorious band of outlaws known as the Luck Uglies. Now she too has been declared a criminal in her own village, and she must flee to the strange and remote Isle of Pest while her father faces off against the Luck Uglies’ bitter rivals, the Fork-Tongue-Charmers, on the mainland. But all bets are off when the battle moves to the shores of Pest. To defeat the Fork-Tongue Charmers, Rye must defy a deranged earl, survive a test meant to judge the grit of the fiercest men, and lead the charge in defending the island against a strangely familiar enemy, which means uncovering some long-buried family secret.
PTG Corner
Ski and Skate Thank You
The Bedford PTG would like to thank all those who came out in support of the PTG and the Bedford School District at our annual Ski and Skate Sale. Thank you all who dropped off merchandise to sell (consignor checks should be delivered by mid-December for sold items), to those who came to shop, and to all those who volunteered their time to help!
Growing up in the Digital Age Documentary - Join us for a special screening on Wednesday, December 6th 6-8pm at Lurgio. Following the movie there will be a panel of staff and guidance for a discussion and Q&A session.
Are you watching kids scroll through life, with their rapid-fire thumbs and a six-second attention span? The film SCREENAGERS…explores struggles over social media, video games, academics and internet addiction. Through poignant, and unexpectedly funny stories, along with surprising insights from authors, psychologists, and brain scientists, SCREENAGERS reveals how tech time impacts kids’ development and offers solutions on how adults can empower kids to best navigate the digital world and find balance. Visit ScreenagersMovie for more information.
PTG Night at Panera Bread
Take the night off from cooking and stop by Panera at Colby Court on Thursday 12/7, between 4-8pm, a percentage of the proceeds will be donated back to the PTG. A hardcopy of their flyer must be turned in and electronic versions not accepted. You can find a copy of the flyer here: Panera December Flyer
Did you know that every time you buy on Amazon, you can support the Bedford PTG? Simply visit AmazonSmile and select “Bedford NH PTG” as the organization that you’d like to support. Now, every time you shop at, Amazon will donate a percentage to the Bedford PTG.
Powerschool Portal Update
Improvements have been made to the PowerSchool Parent Portal. The student score sheets are now easier to read as it is no longer necessary to click the “blue triangle” to see your child’s assignment scores. Adding to the convenience of the page, each of the columns are sortable.
Two other features to note in Powerschool are the report card and missing assignments report. The report card is an up to the minute accurate report of your child’s progress in their classes. The missing assignments report is a quick way to make sure that your child has completed their assignments.
ScreenAgers - Growing Up in the Digital Age Screening
“I’ve Got Your Back” (IGYB) would like to invite you to join us for a special screening of ScreenAgers - Growing Up in the Digital Age on Wednesday, December 6, 2017 from 6pm-8pm at Ross A. Lurgio Middle School. Click here to view the flyer.
Celebrate Computer Science Week - Try an Hour of Code
Lurgio will be holding and after school Hour of Code event on Wednesday, December 6 from 3:15-4:30 in room A129 - Ms. Brunelle's room to Celebrate Computer Science Week. We are also excited to have Mitch Marchand, President of Vibe Software and 2013 BHS graduate join us to share DevKit an iOS application that he developed, that is designed to teach programming concepts and logic to aspiring software developers. Please click here to register. Any questions, please email Donna Dennis -