December 22, 2017
Dear Students and Parents,
Nothing can stop the Holiday Cheer of Lurgio! During the past several weeks, Lurgio students brought in donations of food for families in need. With school cancelled and the snow piling up outside, the staff from Lurgio and BHS answered the rallying call to spread good will to the Bedford Community. Over forty staff members and their families braved the weather today in order to prepare and deliver the thirty food baskets. It is moments like these that I feel most proud and fortunate to work with such wonderful people.
From our Lurgio Family to yours, Happy Holidays!
Ed Joyce
Important Dates
Dec. 25 - Jan. 1
No School - Holiday Break
Weekly Features
Guidance Corner
We are so thankful to have had over 150 people come out to support the “I’ve Got Your Back” (IGYB) movement initiated by our eighth grade student, Hannah Guillemette. On Wednesday December 6, 2017 from 6-8pm we presented the film “Screenagers: Growing Up in the Digital Age” in the Lurgio Dining Hall. We promised to share some additional resources in today’s edition of the Lurgio News. As always, please contact us with any questions.
Common Sense Media: provides resources (articles and videos) on a variety of digital citizenship topics: screen time, cyberbullying, internet addiction, internet safety, book/movie reviews, video game reviews, and more!
Cyberwise: provides resources on online games, media literacy, fake news, ethical thinking, media psychology and more...
Netsmartz: provides resources on social networking, cyber-bullying etc...
Parental Controls that work with all devices
- Family Zone
- Kids Lox: helps to set limits on screen time and provides content blocking software
PTG Corner
HAPPY HOLIDAYS from BEDFORD PTG. Have a Wonderful Vacation.
PTG Night at Panera Bread
Start the New Year off with a night off from cooking and stop by Panera at Colby Court on Thursday 1/4, between 4-8pm, a percentage of the proceeds will be donated back to the PTG. A hardcopy of their flyer must be turned in and electronic versions not accepted. You can find a copy of the flyer here.
Coming in January
Marvel Night at the Monarchs Game, Principal Winter Reading Night, Barnes and Noble Days, and Yankee Candle! Stay tuned for more details.
Softball Winter Workouts
Winter workouts for softball will begin on Saturday, January 6th and continue weekly through mid-March. The workouts will be held at St. Elizabeth Seton from 9:30AM to 11:00AM. Anyone interested in playing softball in the spring is invited to attend. The workouts will include throwing, fielding, pitching, catching and hitting drills. Please make sure to bring a bat, glove, sneakers and plenty of water. For additional information contact Softball Coach Chris Lemay at 603-674-7164 or e-mail
National History Bee
Lurgio Middle School is again offering students in grades 7 and 8 an opportunity to participate in the National History Bee. The National History Bee is an exciting academic competition designed to motivate and reward students for studying history! If you are a student who loves history and enjoys academic competition, here is your opportunity to combine the two! Click here to access more information.
Lurgio Tech Corner Update
Over the past few weeks, we have noticed an increase in the number of students who are not being prepared with their chromebooks. Many are forgetting to charge their chromebooks or forgetting their chromebooks at home.
We would love your help! Please help your kids come up with a system/plan to charge their chromebooks every night and to bring them to school every day.