Friday, November 3, 2017

Lurgio News for November 3, 2017

November 3, 2017

Dear Students and Parents,

I am very excited for parent-teacher conferences over the next two weeks. This is an important time of year to check in on your child’s progress and to get to know the teachers a little better. Homeroom teachers as well as Integrated Arts and World Language instructors should have emailed you this week to inform you of how to register for their conferences. If you have not heard from a teacher, please feel free to reach out directly for more information.

As you come out for conferences, I encourage you to support our PTG in their efforts to feed the teachers during the long conference evening (November 15). If you are able to help, please click here for the Sign Up link!

I look forward to seeing many of you in the coming weeks.


Ed Joyce

Important Dates

Nov. 3 (Fri)
School Dance 6:00pm - 9:00pm
Nov. 3 (Fri)
Basketball Program Meeting 4:00pm - Media Center
Nov. 7 (Tue)
Parent Conferences 3:30pm - 6:30pm
Nov. 15 (Wed)
Parent Conferences 4:30pm - 7:30pm
Nov. 22-Nov. 24 (Wed, Thu, Fri)
Thanksgiving Recess - NO SCHOOL

Cub of the Week
Each week, teachers nominate students for the Cub of the Week Award. Nominated students are those who have shown exceptional kindness, tolerance, and respect during the week. Each Friday, the Lurgio administration and guidance staff will review all nominees and will select the the “Cub of the Week.”

This week’s Cub is Jake Lake from pod 7-East. Jake is being recognized for his positive attitude, strong work ethic, enthusiastic participation in class discussions, and above all else, his compassion towards others. Congratulations, Jake! You make Lurgio a great place to learn!

New News

Fall Conferences

Parent-teacher conferences will be held on Tuesday, November 7 from 3:30PM-6:30PM and Wednesday, November 17 from 4:30PM-7:30PM. Teachers have emailed you this week with specific instructions on how to sign up for a conference. If you have not received this information, please email your child’s homeroom teacher directly.

Basketball Program Information

Are you unable to make today’s informational meeting about the basketball program at Lurgio? Click [HERE] to access the agenda/notes that will be discussed at the meeting.

Bedford Education Foundation Fundraiser

The Bedford Education Foundation is a community driven, non-profit organization that supports professional and program development in the Bedford School District. Monies raised are directly funneled back into our children's education by supporting innovative, out-of the box, professional and program development.  All Bedford schools have benefitted from the recent grants the BEF has provided.  Here are a few examples:

*  Seed money to support the formation of foreign language exchange programs at Bedford High School.
*  Seed money to support the development of the Morning News Show Program at Peter Woodbury School
*  Teacher education in mindfulness techniques and strategies at Memorial School.
*  Singapore Math Strategies Professional Development for faculty at Riddle Brook School.
*  The training for the development of an AP Comparative Government Class at BHS.
*  Best Practices of Literacy Instruction with Technology training for faculty at Lurgio.
*  Therapy Bunny "Noodle" and other mindfulness training programs for Guidance at McKelvie Intermediate School.
*  Base Camp for students transitioning from Lurgio to BHS.
*  District-wide Future Ready Professional Development Conference Day, Fall 2016
*  District-wide Special Education Professional Development Conference Day, Fall 2017

Please join us for our upcoming event on November 17th!  With the continued support of the community, the BEF will continue to enhance and support the efforts and dedication of the incredible faculty of the Bedford School District.

Purchase your tickets today:  BEF Fall Fundraiser Tickets
Weekly Features

Book Buzz

Every Friday morning our Books for Breakfast crew gets together in the media center to share their appetite for reading. Each week, we hear kids simply “buzzing”c about the books their reading. Here are a few we heard about this week:

RAL's Whole School Read this year is Donna Gephart's book Death by Toilet Paper:
Ben is determined to win the Royal-T Bathroom Tissue slogan contest so he and his mom do not get kicked out of their apartment. He wants that cash prize. His mom is studying for her CPA, his grandfather moves in with them because he has Alzheimer's disease, and yet there is a ton of humor in the book. Every chapter begins with a fact about toilet paper's history and the zombie bride at the end will have you howling. A great message about family is celebrated in this book. Every student, faculty member, staff member and administrator is on deck to read this book over the 2017-2018 school year!

Looking for a creepy ghost story? Check out Mary Downing Hahn's Took.
Thirteen-year-old Daniel Anderson doesn’t believe Brody Mason’s crazy stories about the ghost witch who lives up on Brewster’s Hill with Bloody Bones, her man-eating razorback hog. He figures Brody’s probably just trying to scare him since he’s the new kid . . . a “stuck-up snot” from Connecticut. But Daniel’s seven-year-old sister Erica has become more and more withdrawn, talking to her lookalike doll. When she disappears into the woods one day, he knows something is terribly wrong. Did the witch strike? Has Erica been “took”?

PTG Corner

Food Donations Needed!  

Please consider donating light dinner items, dessert, drinks, paper goods or your time to our Teacher Conference Pot Luck coming up the night of Lurgio conferences Tuesday 11/7.  Please click here for the Sign Up link and thanks for helping to fuel our teachers who will spend nearly 12 hours at our school that day!!

Coffee with Superintendent Chip McGee

All are welcome to join us on Thursday, November 2nd 9:30 – 10:30am at BCTV (10 Meetinghouse Road, Bedford).  Our special guest, Superintendent Chip McGee, will discuss the current happenings in our district followed by a Q&A.  Light refreshments will be served and your children are welcome to attend.  If you are unable to attend, but would like your questions answered, please send them to ahead of time and we will ask them for you!

PTG Dinner at Panera

Take the night off from cooking and support the PTG! DINNER AT PANERA BREAD – Our new monthly event will take place on the first Thursday of each month beginning November 2nd 4-8pm. If you choose to dine at Panera at Colby Court, a percentage of the proceeds will be donated back to the Bedford School District. A hardcopy of their flyer must be turned in and electronic versions not accepted. You can find a copy of the flyer here: Panera Flyer

Gift Card Fundraiser

It’s getting to be that time of year for buying gifts and the Bedford PTG is here to help with our ANNUAL GIFT CARD FUNDRAISER!  A gift card is the perfect gift for any occasion! For every gift card you buy, a percentage of the value of the card is donated by the sponsoring retailer to our schools while 100% of the value of the card that you purchased is available for you to spend! Order forms were sent home with children in grades K-8 and the due date for the first round of gift cards is Wednesday November 1st for pre-Thanksgiving delivery.  For those students attending BHS, or for those who would like to download an order form please click here, Gift Card Order Form.  For more information about this program, click here Gift Card Program. HAPPY SHOPPING!

Amazon Smile!

Speaking of buying gifts, did you know that every time you buy on Amazon, you can support the Bedford PTG?  Simply visit and select “Bedford NH PTG” as the organization that you’d like to support.  Now, every time you shop at, Amazon will donate a percentage to the Bedford PTG.

Annual Ski and Skate Sale

MARK YOUR CALENDARS!! - Our annual Ski and Skate Sale will take place on Saturday, November 18th from 9AM-2PM at Bedford High School. Drop off items for consignment on Friday, November 17th from 5PM - 8PM. Visit our Ski and Skate Sale  page to find out more information.  If you would like to sign up to volunteer, please email


Powerschool Portal Update

Improvements have been made to the PowerSchool Parent Portal. The student score sheets are now easier to read as it is no longer necessary to click the “blue triangle” to see your child’s assignment scores. Adding to the convenience of the page, each of the columns are sortable.

Two other features to note in Powerschool are the report card and missing assignments report. The report card is an up to the minute accurate report of your child’s progress in their classes.  The missing assignments report is a quick way to make sure that your child has completed their assignments.

FREE Parent Forum: Bullying, Technology, Kindness, & Respect

Nationally renowned speaker, parent, and special educator Carol Todd shares her story at the third annual FREE Parent Forum offered as part of the 2017 Christa McAuliffe Technology Conference (CMTC17) on Monday, November 27, 2017 from 6:30-8:30pm at the Radisson Hotel in Manchester. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION

ScreenAgers - Growing Up in the Digital Age Screening

“I’ve Got Your Back” (IGYB) would like to invite you to join us for a special screening of ScreenAgers - Growing Up in the Digital Age on Wednesday, December 6, 2017 from 6pm-8pm at Ross A. Lurgio Middle School.  Click here to view the flyer.

S.S. American Sets Sail on the Bedford High Stage
Anything Goes opens November 9 and runs through November 18 on the Bedford High School stage. A beloved classic of American Musical Theatre, Anything Goes delights with epic tap dancing, romance and mayhem all aboard an ocean liner bound for London. Cole Porter’s songs, including “De-Lovely,” “I Get a Kick Out of You,”  and, of course, the great title song, “Anything Goes,” will leave the audience humming their tunes for days.   Sailors, gangsters, showgirls, a wealthy Englishman, and a Wall Street tycoon are all characters brought to life by this talented Bedford High cast. Come aboard for this once-in-a-lifetime adventure! November 9th, 10th and 11th @ 7 pm; November 12th @ 2 pm; November 17th and 18th @ 7 pm Tickets are $12 for Adults, $10 for Seniors (65+) and $5 for Students. and can be purchased in advance at or at the door.

Pats Peak Learn to Ski & Ride Program:

This is a five-week Learn to Ski or Snowboard series for students in grades 1-8. The program runs Friday, January 5, 12, 19, 26 and February 2. Rentals are available. You must provide your own transportation.
To sign up: . From the blue "Learn to Ski and Ride" box select the “REGISTER ONLINE HERE” link.
Login info:
3:30 PM lessons: bedford3302018  
4:30 PM lessons: bedford4302018

Registration deadline will be November 15th. Contact Kim Ahnen at or at 918-0110 with any questions. Join theBedford NH Pats Peak Ski and Ride 2018 Facebook page for more information.

Equestrian Club Information

If you’re a Lurgio student who is interested in equestrian, please click [HERE] for more information about participating in the RAL/BHS Equestrian Club!

Enrichment Beyond Lurgio - Johns Hopkins CTY Talent Search

The Center for Talented Youth (CTY) is a leading national center for academically talented students that identifies advanced academic talent in young people. Participation in CTY can open up new resources and a new peer network for academically minded young people worldwide. To qualify for this program, your child must’ve scored at the 95th percentile or higher on one or more subtests of the Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBAC) given last spring (click here for cutoff scores).

If you are interested in learning more about this program, please check out this informational page for further information. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Amy Rockwell at