October 13, 2017
Dear Parents/Guardians,
I want to communicate with you the pick-up procedure regarding eighth grade students returning from Mt. Cardigan on Wednesday and Friday of next week. If it is at all possible, we ask that you allow your students to be dismissed at the regular time (3:15PM) through the typical means (end of day announcements).
When the students return from the trip, there is a lunch provided for them. Once the lunch is over, students will work with teachers to begin to finalize the trip. Camping/hiking gear will be cleaned, inventoried, and stored. Students will begin to share data that is necessary for summative assessments that will conclude the unit. It is important that the students are here to complete these tasks.
As always, you have the right to sign-out your student prior to dismissal. If you need to dismiss your child prior to 2:35PM, please enter the building through the Main Office Entrance and check-in with the Main Office staff. We will assist you with the dismissal of your child. If you are dismissing your child after 2:35PM, you can make your way directly to your child’s homeroom, and the teacher will dismiss your child to you.
If you have any questions regarding this procedure, please contact the Main Office staff.
Nathan Fellman
Assistant Principal, 8th Grade