September 15, 2017
Dear Students and Parents,
Today, professional speaker Ed Gerety addressed the Lurgio students. He spoke with the students about three ways they can improve their lives: Positive Thinking, Positive Relationships, and Positive Physiology. Mr. Gerety also spoke to students about setting goals and effective tools to help them achieve their dreams. Ask your students about Dream Boards and then help them create their own. We’ll all have a successful school year if we can remember to keep our students focused on being positive and persevering in the pursuit of their hopes and dreams.
Ed Joyce
Important Dates
September 18 (Mon)
Destination Imagination Parent Info Night - PWS Library 7:00pm
September 22 (Fri)
Harlem Wizards Basketball Game 6:30PM - BHS Gymnasium
September 22 (Fri)
RAL School Picture Day & Fall Sports Pictures
September 27 (Wed)
PTG Coffee with the Principals 9:30AM - BCTV
Cub of the Week
Each week, teachers nominate students for the Cub of the Week Award. Nominated students are those who have shown exceptional kindness, tolerance, and respect during the week. Each Friday, the Lurgio administration and guidance staff will review all nominees and will select the the “Cub of the Week.” The Cub will be announced in the Lurgio News.
This week’s Cub is Alieu Taal from pod 8-South! During PE class, Alieu went out of his way to include all members of the class, including those with disabilities. Thanks to Alieu, everyone felt included. Congratulations, Alieu! Thanks for making Lurigo a wonderful place to learn!
Harlem Wizards v. Lurgio Lions Fundraiser - Tickets on Sale Now!
On September 22, at 6:30PM in the Bedford High School Gymnasium, staff from the Lurgio Middle School will face-off against the Harlem Wizards basketball team. All funds raised from this event will go towards extracurricular programs at Lurgio Middle School. Click [HERE] to watch a video about the event then click [HERE] to buy your tickets. You won’t want to miss out on this extraordinary community event!
Curriculum Notice
According to state law HB 103 RSA 186:11, IX-c, parents are now required to be notified not less than 2 weeks in advance of curriculum course material used for instruction of human sexuality or human sexual education. Curriculum outlines are publicly provided on the SAU website: under the curriculum tab. These topics may be addressed in classes such as health and life science. Any questions regarding specific lessons can be answered by your child's teacher.
Guidance Corner
This week the guidance team has joined forces with the whole student body, the art teachers and the tech ed teacher to create 830 Butterflies For Hope. On September 23, 2017 WZID and Hannaford Foods are hosting Bridge Fest/ Art Jam on Bridge Street in Manchester, NH. WZID is working to set a World Record for the most paper butterflies in one spot. The event will benefit Granite State United Way. and proceeds will be directed toward Recovery Treatment services in New Hampshire. Many local schools are participating by creating Butterflies for Hope, and we are hoping you’ll stop by the festival and check out Lurgio’s contributions. The kids did a great job. Here is a link describing the event in more detail.
Destination Imagination - Parent Info Night 9/18
Destination Imagination is a fun academic program that teaches creativity, problem-solving, collaboration, critical thinking, and management skills through project-based Challenges.
These are key skills that all businesses (and colleges) are looking for – the ability to identify challenges and solve them, while leveraging the talents on your team. Designed to complement K-12 education, we offer seven new academic Challenges in the fields of STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics), fine arts, service learning, and early learning. In solving a challenge, students learn the creative process from imagination to innovation and the skills needed to thrive in school, their careers and beyond. Teams can be made up of 2-7 members and must have an adult Team Manager i.e. - a parent or two. We need volunteers and we will train you!
The 2017-18 Parent Info Night will be this coming Monday, September 18th in the Peter Woodbury School Library at 7pm. For more info, check out Bedford DI on Facebook or contact our district coordinator, Marie Russell at
Free Functional Movement Screens for the Athletes at Lurgio!
Welcome back! My name is Jenn Millen and I am a physical therapist assistant and athletic trainer from Family Physical Therapy who will be working with Lurgio athletics again this year! If your child has any nagging pain or injury please feel free to contact me so I can take a look and prevent a more serious injury.
I will also be offering free Functional Movement Screens for the students at Lurgio! The Functional Movement Screen is a screen used by both the NFL and NHL that uses fundamental movements that help determine an athlete’s areas of weakness. After the screen I can give exercises to address those areas of weakness to help improve athletic performance and avoid injuries. Any questions, please contact me at
Equestrian Club Information
If you’re a Lurgio student who is interested in equestrian, please click [HERE] for more information about participating in the RAL/BHS Equestrian Club!
A Request from the School Nurse
Please bring all inhalers, epi-pens and daily medications along with MD orders and allergy/asthma action plans to the Health Office as soon as possible. Health forms can be downloaded from the district website by clicking [HERE]. Current Diabetes management plans and supplies may also be dropped off. If you have any questions, please contact Evelyn Chessie at
Enrichment Beyond Lurgio - Johns Hopkins CTY Talent Search
The Center for Talented Youth (CTY) is a leading national center for academically talented students that identifies advanced academic talent in young people. Participation in CTY can open up new resources and a new peer network for academically minded young people worldwide. To qualify for this program, your child must’ve scored at the 95th percentile or higher on one or more subtests of the Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBAC) given last spring (click here for cutoff scores).
If you are interested in learning more about this program, please check out this informational page for further information. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Amy Rockwell at
8th Annual Witch Way to the 5K - Save the Date!
Join us for the 8th annual Witch Way to the 5K on Saturday, October 28, 2017. The kids 1K race starts at 9:30am and the adult race begins at 10am at Lurgio Middle School. Stay tuned for more specific race details as well as registration information.
PTG Corner:
Back to school greetings from the PTG! We are looking forward to another great school year full of fantastic programs and events for our students, staff and families.
Support the PTG: Our support drive is under way and if you’d like to make a donation to the PTG you can do so via PayPal by visiting our website Donations via check can be made out to Bedford PTG and returned to school with students in the PTG support envelops that have been sent home. With your support we are able to put over $65,000/year in programs and events into our schools!!
K-8 Volunteer Packets should have come home with students. You can also access the forms under Helpful Links/Forms. Be sure to fill one out and return to child’s school(s) to be made aware of volunteer opportunities throughout the year.
BHS Volunteering: If you would like to volunteer at BHS, please send your name, telephone number, and email address to with the subject line BHS VOLUNTEER. You will be notified of upcoming volunteer opportunities at the high school.
Meadow Farms Gifts, Wrap and More: Looking for quality gift wrap, everyday gifts and gourmet mixes? Our popular Gifts, Wrap & More fundraiser starts Monday 9/18. Brochures, with ordering details, should have come home with elementary students this week. Families, students, and staff at McKelvie, RAL and BHS will be able to order online via this link McK-RAL-BHS Ordering Link
All orders are due by Monday, 10/2 and product will direct to your home. 40% of sales are donated back to our schools!
Wonder what the PTG is and what we do? Check us out at Bedford Olde Towne Day on Saturday, September 23rd from 10am-3pm. Learn more about school programs and community events sponsored by the PTG, meet our Bulldog, and see how you can be involved.
Meet the Principals Event: You are invited to join the PTG and the Principals from all six schools at our annual "Coffee with the Principals" event on Wednesday, September 27th from 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. at BCTV (10 Meetinghouse Road). This is a great opportunity to hear what each school has in store for the year. There will be a Q & A following the presentation. Light refreshments will be served and your young children are welcome to attend.
Bedford Old Home Day
The whole community of Bedford will be celebrating Old Home Day on Saturday September 23 from 10 - 3 at Riley Field. Please join us! Click here for details.