March 11, 2016
Dear Parents,
Thank you to all of the voters who came to the polls on Tuesday to vote on the school budget and other important town matters. Because of the support of this great community, we will be able to provide our students with increased enrichment opportunities, stronger special education support, and a 1:1 digital learning environment for all Lurgio students.
I especially want to thank the many, many Lurgio students who came to the Lurgio Student Voices Vote and weighed in on using personal electronic devices at defined times during the school day. The vast majority of those student voters urged us to explore appropriate times for them to use their cell phones during the school day. Because of this clear message, I will be working with the Student Council and the Faculty Senate to come up with a thoughtful plan for the future of personal electronic devices at Lurgio.
Ed Joyce
Important Dates
Mar. 18 (Friday)
Spring Dance
Mar. 24 (Thursday)
Music in Our Schools Concert
Mar. 26 (Saturday)
CBY Lurgio’s Got Talent Show
Apr. 08 (Friday)
Midnight Madness
RAL Cub of the Week
Each week, teachers nominate students for the Cub of the Week Award. Nominated students are those who have shown exceptional kindness, tolerance, and respect during the week. Each Friday, the Lurgio administration and guidance staff will review all nominees and will select the the “Cub of the Week.” The Cub will be announced in the Lurgio News.
This week’s Cub is Raymond Veiga. Raymond’s teachers describes him as a very helpful student in his pod who always looks out for others. He is specifically commended for helping out a classmate struggling with mobility. Great job Raymond!
RAL/BHS Traffic Flow
Some parents have contacted us about the traffic challenges at the end of the day. When the Bedford Police Department is fully staffed, they have told us they will have an officer at the Nashua and Country Road intersection at the end of the school day. In the meantime, here are five key things that parents and students can do to help.
- TAKE THE BUS whenever possible.
- YIELD to pedestrians at all times when on campus.
- PULL AHEAD. The tighter you pull in, the more cars our lot can handle.
- TAKE TURNS at the main intersections when congestion is high.
- ARRIVE A LITTLE LATE. If you arrive 10 minutes after school dismisses, traffic has begun to clear and pick up is more convenient.
Smarter Balanced Assessments
This spring students in grades 3 - 8 will be taking the state test in English Language Arts and Mathematics. Please click HERE to read a letter from Mr. Joyce with more information about the Smarter Balanced Assessments.
Smarter Balanced Test - Try It Out
You can try your hand at taking a practice version of the new Smarter Balanced test here. You will find sample questions and tutorials on how the test works. Over the coming weeks, we will continue to share information about Smarter Balanced, how it works, and what your child can expect.
Book Buzz
Lauren from 7 North:
Between Shades of Gray by Ruta Sepetys kept me on the edge of my seat. It was amazing to me that I felt happy and hopeful sometimes then wondered how could it possibly be any worse. Lina is a Lithuanian girl living her life and then Soviet officers invade her home and tear her family apart. She is sent to a Siberian work camp. Lina only finds peace in drawing, which she keeps secret. She somehow wishes her drawings could get to her father in his prison camp. It is so beautifully written and flowed so well. This book made me thankful for what I have. I heard about this book from my friends at Books for Breakfast and knew I had to read it. It is the fastest I have ever read a book and it is by far the best book I have ever read. I am so happy to get Ruta Sepetys next book today at Books for Breakfast. It's called Salt to the Sea, and I can't wait to read it.
Free Sports Physicals
The Safe Sports Network will be offering free sports physicals on March 16 here in Bedford. If you are interested in this excellent service, please click HERE.
Spring Sports Concussion Testing - March 17, 2016
If your student has not taken an ImPACT concussion screening as a Lurgio student and they plan on trying out for baseball or softball, please register for the concussion screening on March 17 by clicking HERE. If your student has already completed a screening at Lurgio, he/she does not need to complete it again. Furthermore, this screening is not necessary for athletes participating in the tennis club, golf team, or track and field. More information regarding spring sports will be available in mid-March.
Track & Field
An informational meeting will be held for the upcoming Track and Field season on Tuesday, March 15th from 3:15 to 4:00. All those planning on participating should attend. Also, please be sure to have a physical on file with the school nurse. If you have any questions please see Mr. Gookin in room 140, Ms. Busch in room 120, or Ms. Gauthier in room 207.
Lurgio Yearbook Sales
The 2015-2016 yearbooks are now on sale! There will be 152 full color pages in this year’s book!
Cost of each yearbook is $20, and orders can be placed online by following these simple steps:
- Go to:
- Click on: “Buy My Yearbook” button in upper right hand corner.
- Choose your school (Ross A Lurgio Middle School)
- Enter your information (Student’s Name, Teacher’s Name, Homeroom #).
- Online sales will be open Monday, February 29th until Friday, March 18th.
In-school sales (Cash or Check) will be held Monday, March 7, 2016 through Tuesday, March 15, 2016. Orders can be turned into homeroom teachers.
CBY@RAL Animal Shelter Drive
CBY@RAL is hosting an animal shelter drive from March 15th-March 28th. Check the Wish List Poster in your pod area to see what is needed. Donations don't need to be new; they are always in need of old towels, sheets and blankets. Boxes will be placed in homerooms/pod areas on Tuesday, March 15th. Be sure to bring in lots of items because the homeroom in each grade with the most donations will win the right to pie any willing teacher.
Lion’s Den
Media Center Resources
Lurgio’s Library Media Generalist, Mrs. Snow, invites you to visit the Digital Resources and Databases website and explore the variety of resources available to the Lurgio Middle School Community 24/7. Username and password for these resources is “lurgio”.
These databases are the kind of quality resources that the Library Media Center strives to provide the students of Lurgio Middle School as Mrs. Snow works to support the RAL curriculum, promotes information literacy and digital citizenship, and spreads the love of reading.
Guidance Corner
Youth Counselor, Donna LaRue, MA, is a NH Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor as well as a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor. She posts a weekly, helpful parenting newsletter article, as well as other relevant material on her website. Check out Ms. LaRue’s webpage for more information about drug abuse prevention as well as past asset newsletters by clicking here.
Sense of Purpose
We discussed and published this asset in May of 2015, but it is worth repeating! Helping young adolescents develop and believe they have a sense of purpose can be a daunting task. Often, pre-teens and young teenagers can't think past this afternoon. Their brain's executive functioning is not nearly fully developed, and won't be until their early to mid twenties. Therefore, asking teens "what is your dream for the future" tends to be met with something "professional ball player/ dancer". Maybe that's a start... what makes them happy? How do they think they contribute? In the spring of 2015, the Students Against Destructive Decisions at the Lurgio Middle School constructed eight raised bed gardens, grew vegetables and donated over 200 pounds of fresh produce to the Nashua Soup Kitchen. Those S.A.D.D. kids really experienced making a difference. This year we hope to share the fun with 7th grade gardeners, who will "reap what they sow" as 8th graders in the fall 2016!
Social Media Apps
Guidance Intern Sarah Demers will be posting information about social media apps that may be popular with students. Click on the link below to access links to all apps posted about so far this year. What's that App: Table of Contents
Practical Help for Parents
Barriers to Good Decision Making in Teens
Are you often confused, surprised, bewildered, and upset with your pre-teen and teenagers' behaviors? Do you ask yourself, "now why did he did that?" or "how could she have done that?"? You are not alone! And there are biological reasons for why adolescents often act in ways that do not make sense to adults. Claudette Stone, Behavior Specialist, has attached a link to an hour-long webinar, online seminar, that provides researched evidence to explain adolescence behavior, offers some practical parenting strategies to help, and gives hope to parents of teens!
Click on the link below:
Opt in to Text Messages
If you have not signed up for text messages from the District's School Messenger system, you still can! Just text "yes" to 68453.
2016-17 Calendar
From the Border to Our Corner - A Law Enforcement Perspective on Substance Abuse
On behalf of the Bedford Police Department, we are pleased to let parents know about a screening of a video produced jointly by FBI and DEA entitled “Chasing the Dragon” concerning the many aspects of substance abuse.
The screening will be followed by a round table discussion and Q and A from audience. Panelists will include Bedford Police Chief Bryfonski; NH Senator Kelly Ayotte; DEA Special Agent in Charge, Jon DeLena; FBI Special Agent in Charge, Scott O’Donnell; NH State Police Chief, Robert Quinn; and President, NH Chiefs of Police, Robert Cormier.
DATE: March 24, 2016
TIME: 7 PM – 9 PM (doors open at 6:30 PM – space is limited)
PLACE: SERESC (Southeastern Regional Education Service Center)
29 Commerce Drive, Bedford NH 03110
29 Commerce Drive, Bedford NH 03110
PTG Corner
A BIG thank you to the volunteers from the Bedford PTG that came in to pack up the books that were donated to the 2nd annual Read-A-Thon. Over 8,000 books have been successfully boxed and are awaiting pickup on Monday. We are going to make many children so very happy! Thank you for donating your valuable time.
A BIG thank you to the volunteers from the Bedford PTG that came in to pack up the books that were donated to the 2nd annual Read-A-Thon. Over 8,000 books have been successfully boxed and are awaiting pickup on Monday. We are going to make many children so very happy! Thank you for donating your valuable time.
We would also like to send a thank you to those volunteers who provided sweet treats to our teachers on Monday. The teachers LOVED them and I promised to send along their thanks and appreciation.
Thank you for all that you do!
The Bedford PTG
Lynne Natale, PTG Liaison
Sally Thomas, Volunteer Coordinator
Stand By Me
Save the date - Friday, May 20, 2016
Stand By Me: Eat Dough to Raise Dough Fundraiser
Food Pantry Note
COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENT: The Food Pantry at Bedford Presbyterian Church is a newly established resource for those in our community who are facing hunger or food insecurity. The Food Pantry is a 501(c)3 organization that is a well-coordinated effort between 5 area churches, local organizations including the Bedford Lion's Club, the Boy Scouts, and individuals and families in Bedford. The Food Pantry is located at Bedford Presbyterian Church, 4 Church Road, Bedford, and is available to all Bedford residents. The Food Pantry will open Saturday, January 16th, and will be open on the 1st and 3rd Saturday, and the following Monday, of each month. Hours are Saturdays, 9:00 - 11:00 am, Mondays, 5:30 - 7:00PM.
If you, or someone you know in Bedford is struggling with food insecurity please call Bedford Presbyterian Church, 472-5841.