December 4, 2015
Dear Lurgio Students, Parents and Staff,
Next week promises to be jam packed with many positive events here at Lurgio. On Thursday evening at 7PM in the BHS Theater, the Lurgio Band, Chorus, and Percussion Ensemble will be presenting their winter concert. With nearly 200 students involved in the music program, the evening promises to be a very special event. On Friday, Lurgio will host our December Dance. As a special feature this year, the Bedford PTG will be running a photo booth. Your child will have an opportunity to have keepsake photos taken with friends, with or without props. The student will pay for the photos when they are taken and the photos will be delivered to their classroom the following week. Cost of the photos are $3.00 for each 5x7.
Important Dates
Dec. 13 (Sunday)
Fan Club Star Wars Movie Marathon
Dec. 17 (Thursday)
Winter Concert (7:00PM)
Dec. 18 (Friday)
Holiday Dance
Dec. 24 - Jan. 1
No School - Holiday Break
RAL Cub of the Week
Each week, teachers will nominate students for the Cub of the Week Award. Nominated students are those who have shown exceptional kindness, tolerance, and respect during the week. Each Friday, the Lurgio administration and guidance staff will review all nominees and will select the the “Cub of the Week.” The Cub will be announced in the Lurgio News.
Cardigan Feedback
As part of our ongoing analysis of our Cardigan program, we are inviting all 8th grade parents, chaperones, teachers and students to take a brief survey about the 2015 Cardigan experience. Please click here for the survey. The survey will be open through December 23rd.
The Lurgio Fan Club Presents: Star Wars Movie Marathon!
Star Wars Fans! Join the Lurgio Fan Club for a Star Wars Movie Marathon on Sunday, December 13, from 9:45-4:30 at the Bedford High School Theater. We will be showing the original Star Wars trilogy in anticipation of the new release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Admission is only $5.00 and drinks and concessions will be sold on site. Please bring a bag lunch! May the force be with you!
Media Center Resouces
Lurgio’s Library Media Generalist, Mrs. Snow, invites you to visit the Digital Resources and Databases website and explore the variety of resources available to the Lurgio Middle School Community 24/7. Username and password for these resources is “lurgio”.
These databases are the kind of quality resources that the Library Media Center strives to provide the students of Lurgio Middle School as Mrs. Snow works to support the RAL curriculum, promotes information literacy and digital citizenship, and spreads the love of reading.
Guidance Corner
Youth Counselor, Donna LaRue, MA, LADC, LCMHC posts a weekly, helpful parenting newsletter article, as well as other relevant material on her website. Check out Ms. LaRue’s webpage for more information about drug abuse prevention as well as past asset newsletters by clicking here.
Bonding to School
We are continuing to explore the asset category "Commitment to Learning." This week's newsletter article focusses on "Bonding to School", click here to find it. How can you help your child bond to school?
1.Set up a school bulletin board in a prominent place in your home. Hang up the school calendar and school notices. Meet once a month to choose which school activities to attend as a family.
2.Subscribe to the school newspaper/ Principal Notes through the mail/ email. When it arrives, read and discuss it with your child.
3.Make supportive signs for big events.
Social Media Apps
Guidance Intern Sarah Demers will be posting information about social media apps that may be popular with students. These informational pages can be found in the Lurgio News; you can also find a backlog of them on the Guidance webpage. Here is a link to this week’s app of interest. What's that App: Down Dating
Yearbook Weekly Meeting Change
Due to the advisors schedules, yearbook will start meeting on Thursdays from 3:15-4:30 after vacation. We are always looking for new members to help take photos and with designing the yearbook. Any questions please contact Mrs. Dennis ( or Mrs. Wells (
Book Buzz
Our Book Buzz for today is from our Writer-in-Residence, Sigmund Brouwer. Sigmund shared two books this morning during a webcast with our Books for Breakfast attendees.
You can upload Unleashed for free on our Lurgio Writer-in-Residence website, right to your device. The book just came out this October. It's about a teenager, Jace, who has it all: money, cars and status. What he doesn't have is a happy home life. He is forced to protect his father and neglectful mother because of a mean father, so Jace lives a double life on the wrong side of the tracks. He learns to box and plots to expose his father. Working reluctantly with two girls who have their own thoughts of vengeance, Jace finds that he is not as alone as he thought and that there are people he can trust.
The other book of mine to share is historical fiction based on my father's life in a Japanese internment camp during WWII. It is called Thief of Glory, and it follows the story of Jeremiah as he takes on the responsibility of caring for his younger siblings when his father and older stepbrothers are separated from the rest of the family, and he is surprised by what life in the camp reveals about a woman he barely knows--his frail, troubled mother.
The Bedford PTG is adding a photo booth to the December dance festivities! Your child will have an opportunity to have keepsake photos taken with friends, with or without props. The student will pay for the photos when they are taken and the photos will be delivered to their classroom the following week. Cost of the photos are $3.00 for each 5x7. Please do not forget to bring $$$ for your keepsake photos and help raise money to support the Bedford PTG. Without your support, we would not be able to provide the wonderful programs brought to your child's school each and every year!
Thank you!
Bedford PTG
To all our parent volunteers at RAL, we could use your help! Our Books for Breakfast club is having a book swap on Friday, December 18th and we have been asked to help provide goodies for students to enjoy during the meeting. If you are able, please consider helping out and making this event extra special. Please see our signup for more information.
Stand by Me: Save the Date - Friday, May 20, 2016
Our next committee meeting is scheduled for December 17, 2015 at 9:15AM. There are plenty of seats available at our table! Please come and join us!