Friday, June 19, 2020

Lurgio News for June 19, 2020

June 19, 2020

Dear Lurgio Families,

I hope everyone is settling into summer routines. This year, we will continue to send out our newsletter throughout the summer so that we can communicate regarding all COVID-related issues as we head into the next school year. 8th grade parents, you can expect to begin hearing from Bedford High School around the first week of July. 7th grade parents, we expect to be in regular communication with you throughout the summer. 

I truly hope that in the next few weeks you find the rest, relaxation, and rejuvenation that comes with our typical summer break.

Be well and stay safe.


Ed Joyce

Important Dates

Aug 26 (Wed)
First Day of School (2020-2021 School Year)


Materials Exchange Information

If you were unable to exchange materials this week, please contact the Lurgio Main Office at (603) 310-9100 or email Mrs. Cronin at, Mrs. Boyle at, and Mrs. Fitzgerald at in order to arrange a time to exchange materials at school.

A few notes:

-Art projects can be picked up from Ms. Benoit/Ms. White when we return to school in the fall.  We did not want to risk damaging or misplacing projects during the typical exchange process. Please contact them directly via email to make arrangements.

-Foreign language awards were not all ready and will be mailed over the summer.

-A separate day/time will be set up for families to check the lost and found items in a safe way. We will be in touch once plans are finalized.

-If you still need to pick up your student’s medication, you can do so by contacting Mrs. Chessie (School Nurse) at or call if you have any questions or concerns. 

8th Grade Parents and Students: BHS Fall Athletics

A note from BHS Athletic Director Corey Parker regarding the Bedford High School fall athletic program:

Please take a moment to sign up for fall sports below. Although planning for summer workouts, concussion testing and the start of the fall sport season is still in process, sharing contact information is the first step to be able to keep you in the loop.

Thank you and wishing everyone a safe and peaceful summer!

RAL Fall 2020 Athletics

Please read this letter regarding Fall 2020 athletics registration. More information will be sent out over the summer. There is nothing for you to do right now.  

Lurgio 2019-2020 Yearbook Update

Yearbooks printing is delayed.  Students can expect to receive their yearbooks in the mail some time in mid-July.  We do have a very limited supply of extras that we will be receiving.  If you did not order one and would like to reserve one, please email Donna Dennis to reserve your copy.  Cost is $31 checks payable to Lurgio Middle School.

8th Grade Parents and Students: BHS Schedule Release

Bedford High School guidance counselors met with 8th grade pods to discuss 2020-2021 student schedules. You are invited to view their presentation for more information. Contact Bedford High School guidance counselors for questions about your student’s high school schedule.

Media Center News

E-Books and Audiobooks

Fantastic ebooks and audiobooks are available for free all summer long on the Sora app. Please check out the RAL Library website for this link as well!

Summer Reading Program at the Bedford Public Library

Keep reading this summer! You can request books on the BPL's online catalog here and pick up books when you sign in using your Bedford Public Library card!  If you are in need of a library card, please click this link to sign up. 

We invite you to join us for the 2020 Summer Reading Challenge!  Registration will open June 9th and you can start logging your reading on June 15th! This year we will be using Beanstack software to track reading minutes, which you can use in a web browser or via the Beanstack Tracker App. The Summer Reading Challenge is open for adults and teens who want to participate and read for prizes too! Please keep an eye on our website and social media pages (including our new Youtube channel) for more information."

Lurgio Instagram Account

Did you know that there is an official Lurgio Instagram account? We have been using our account to post reminders and resources for staff and students. These notifications are also posted on our Lurgio Facebook page. If Instagram is your prefered social media tool, we welcome you to follow us

Friday, June 12, 2020

Lurgio News for June 12, 2020

June 12, 2020

Dear Lurgio Families,

I hope you and your students have been able to enjoy a relaxing first few days of summer break. It was wonderful to see so many friendly faces of parents and students during our materials exchange earlier this week. I would like to send a big ‘thank you’ for helping to make this process flow smoothly and safely. Many students were able to drop off academic materials and pick up their belongings. Please see the first New News item below if you were unable to participate in this process.

While no one is quite sure of how the 2020-2021 school year will begin, I can tell you that over the summer, a great deal of work will be done to develop a plan that focuses on the best interests of students and families. Student safety and wellness are a top priority for everyone in our district, and I am confident that we will find ways to support students academically, socially, and emotionally regardless of what the future holds. 

Best wishes for a safe and healthy summer,

Ed Joyce

Important Dates

Aug 26 (Wed)
First Day of School (2020-2021 School Year)

New News


Materials Exchange Information

If you were unable to exchange materials this week, please contact the Lurgio Main Office at (603) 310-9100 or email Mrs. Cronin at in order to arrange a time to exchange materials at school.

A few notes:

-Art projects can be picked up from Ms. Benoit/Ms. White when we return to school in the fall.  We did not want to risk damaging or misplacing projects during the typical exchange process. Please contact them directly via email to make arrangements.

-Foreign language awards were not all ready and will be mailed over the summer.

-A separate day/time will be set up for families to check the lost and found items in a safe way. We will be in touch once plans are finalized.

-If you still need to pick up your student’s medication, you can do so by contacting Mrs. Cheese (School Nurse) at or call if you have any questions or concerns. 

8th Grade Parents and Students: BHS Fall Athletics

A note from BHS Athletic Director Corey Parker regarding the Bedford High School fall athletic program:

Please take a moment to sign up for fall sports below. Although planning for summer workouts, concussion testing and the start of the fall sport season is still in process, sharing contact information is the first step to be able to keep you in the loop.

Thank you and wishing everyone a safe and peaceful summer!


RAL Fall 2020 Athletics

Please read this letter regarding Fall 2020 athletics registration. More information will be sent out over the summer. There is nothing for you to do right now.  

Lurgio 2019-2020 Yearbook Update

Yearbooks printing is delayed.  Students can expect to receive their yearbooks in the mail some time in mid-July.  We do have a very limited supply of extras that we will be receiving.  If you did not order one and would like to reserve one, please email Donna Dennis to reserve your copy.  Cost is $31 checks payable to Lurgio Middle School.

8th Grade Parents and Students: BHS Schedule Release

Bedford High School guidance counselors met with 8th grade pods to discuss 2020-2021 student schedules. You are invited to view their presentation for more information. Contact Bedford High School guidance counselors for questions about your student’s high school schedule.

Media Center News

E-Books and Audiobooks

Fantastic ebooks and audiobooks are available for free all summer long on the Sora app. Please check out the RAL Library website for this link as well!

Summer Reading Program at the Bedford Public Library

Keep reading this summer! You can request books on the BPL's online catalog here and pick up books when you sign in using your Bedford Public Library card!  If you are in need of a library card, please click this link to sign up. 

We invite you to join us for the 2020 Summer Reading Challenge!  Registration will open June 9th and you can start logging your reading on June 15th! This year we will be using Beanstack software to track reading minutes, which you can use in a web browser or via the Beanstack Tracker App. The Summer Reading Challenge is open for adults and teens who want to participate and read for prizes too! Please keep an eye on our website and social media pages (including our new Youtube channel) for more information."

Lurgio Instagram Account

Did you know that there is an official Lurgio Instagram account? We have been using our account to post reminders and resources for staff and students. These notifications are also posted on our Lurgio Facebook page. If Instagram is your prefered social media tool, we welcome you to follow us

Friday, June 5, 2020

Lurgio News for June 5, 2020

June 5, 2020

Dear Lurgio Families,

The last day of school is always bittersweet, and I am particularly torn today as we wrap up this season of remote learning. There is no other way to say it, I miss our students.  I am grateful for the efforts of parents, staff, and students, to participate in the reimagination of our end-of-year traditions. While we were not able to be together in the ways that we have in the past, we were able to come together in ways that have made us stronger as a community. While I do not know how we will return to school in the Fall, it is my sincere hope that we are working with students at Lurgio. I wish you all a healthy, restful, and safe summer.


Ed Joyce

Important Dates

Jun 8 (Mon) - Jun 9 (Tue)
Materials Exchange (See Reminders below)
Aug 26 (Wed)
First Day of School (2020-2021 School Year)

New News


RAL Fall 2020 Athletics

Please read this letter regarding Fall 2020 athletics registration. More information will be sent out over the summer. 

Lurgio 2019-2020 Yearbook Update

Yearbooks printing is delayed.  Students can expect to receive their yearbooks in the mail some time in mid-July.  We do have a very limited supply of extras that we will be receiving.  If you did not order one and would like to reserve one, please email Donna Dennis to reserve your copy.  Cost is $31 checks payable to Lurgio Middle School.


Message from Assistant Superintendent Tom Laliberte

Please see this letter for information regarding a state initiative for 4 year olds entering Kindergarten in Fall 2021.

Medication Pickup from the Health Office

IMPORTANT information concerning Medications, Epi-Pens and Inhalers:

ALL Epi pens and Inhalers will be placed in your students’ bags that will be picked up on June 8 and June 9. If your student does not have any locker belongings please sign up for a time slot and stop by the Health office window to retrieve them.

If your student has other medication to be picked up, please stop at the Health Office window during your time slot.

Please email ( or call if you have any questions or concerns. 


Materials Exchange Process: Drop-off & Pickup Information

Due to our sudden departure from school back in March and the need for students to hold onto resources for remote learning, we were unable to collect school materials and distribute personal belongings as students left the building. In keeping with state and local guidelines, we have developed a plan for families to visit school in order to do this materials exchange.

The following items are typically turned in at the end of the year and should be dropped off: Textbooks (i.e. Big Ideas Math), library books, musical instrument rentals, rented/borrowed Chromebooks with charging cords, and athletic uniforms.

In addition, the following items will need to be picked up from the building to go home: Personal belongings from lockers/classrooms and medications from the school nurse.

Media Center materials (i.e. textbooks, reading books) that were left in lockers have been returned to the media center and will not be sent home.

Using this LINK, you will be able to sign up for one 10 minute window on June 8th and 9th. Please click HERE for details and a map to help you with the process.

Please contact Kristen Gauthier ( with any specific questions about materials exchange.

8th Grade Parents and Students: BHS Schedule Release

Bedford High School guidance counselors met with 8th grade pods to discuss 2020-2021 student schedules. You are invited to view their presentation for more information. Contact Bedford High School guidance counselors for questions about your student’s high school schedule.

Media Center News

E-Books and Audiobooks

Fantastic ebooks and audiobooks are available for free all summer long on the Sora app. Please check out the RAL Library website for this link as well!

Summer Reading Program at the Bedford Public Library

Keep reading this summer! You can request books on the BPL's online catalog here and pick up books when you sign in using your Bedford Public Library card!  If you are in need of a library card, please click this link to sign up. 

We invite you to join us for the 2020 Summer Reading Challenge!  Registration will open June 9th and you can start logging your reading on June 15th! This year we will be using Beanstack software to track reading minutes, which you can use in a web browser or via the Beanstack Tracker App. The Summer Reading Challenge is open for adults and teens who want to participate and read for prizes too! Please keep an eye on our website and social media pages (including our new Youtube channel) for more information."

Recreational Facilities & Social Distancing

Parents, please encourage your students to avoid social gatherings, particularly at school district fields, facilities, and playgrounds. Our efforts to flatten the curve and mitigate the spread of COVID-19 by closing schools can be amplified if the families self-enforce social distancing and practice recommended self-quarantine measures as much as possible. 

School Buildings Closed to Public

All physical buildings in the Bedford School District are closed to outside public effective Monday, March 23. Main office staff are working remotely and can still be reached via email and phone (603) 310-9100. The custodial staff is working hard to sanitize surfaces in the building and The main office may not always be staffed but school phones (just the main number) will be answered remotely between the hours of 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM.

Lurgio Instagram Account

Did you know that there is an official Lurgio Instagram account? We have been using our account to post reminders and resources for staff and students. These notifications are also posted on our Lurgio Facebook page. If Instagram is your prefered social media tool, we welcome you to follow us

Weekly Features

Book Buzz

Looking to add some adventure to your summer reading? Our literacy team recommends 96 Miles by J. L. Esplin.

21 days without power. 2 brothers on a desperate trek. 72 hours before time runs out. The Lockwood brothers are supposed to be able to survive anything. Their dad, a hardcore believer in self-reliance, has stockpiled enough food and water at their isolated Nevada home to last for months. But when they are robbed of all their supplies during a massive blackout while their dad is out of town, John and Stew must walk 96 miles in the stark desert sun to get help. Along the way, they’re forced to question their dad’s insistence on self-reliance and ask just what it is that we owe to our neighbors, our kin, and to ourselves. From talented newcomer J. L. Esplin comes this story of survival and determination as two young brothers confront the unpredictability of human nature in the face of desperate circumstances.