Friday, May 29, 2020

Lurgio News for May 29, 2020

May 29, 2020

Dear Lurgio Families,

In the spirit of wrapping up another successful school year, Lurgio is planning a socially distanced event on June 4, 2020. We would like to celebrate students, honor our retiring staff members, and reunite as a school community by hosting a Reverse Parade. Students and their families will travel in their cars along a predetermined route where Lurgio staff members will greet them (from a distance) and wave them home for the summer. Please see the first New News item below for details and a map. We hope you can join us as we bid a fond farewell to our students and retiring staff members. 


Ed Joyce

Important Dates

Jun 4 (Thurs)
8th Grade Award Ceremony (Virtual, Pre-Recorded)
Jun 4 (Thurs)
End of Year Reverse Parade (See New News item below) (2:00 PM-3:00 PM)
Jun 5 (Fri)
Last Day of Instruction (Grades Close)
Remote Learning Schedule
Jun 8 (Mon) - Jun 9 (Tue)
Materials Exchange (See Reminders below)

New News

End of Year Celebration: Reverse Parade

You are cordially invited to our end of year 8th grade Reverse Parade Celebration!

Staging (Before):
a. Family cars will begin lining up at 1:45PM at McKelvie Intermediate School (just down the street) by entering via the County Rd. entrance, and driving around the back of the building.
b. Cars will drive around the back of the building and onto the playground.
c. From the playground cars will be directed to the main entrance.
d. Cars will drive around the main entrance parking lot and exit via Liberty Hill Rd. at 1:55PM to make their way to the Bedford High School/Lurgio Middle School campus.

Parade (During):
a. RAL staff will be parked in lots along the perimeter of the high school/middle school campus and cars will travel in a one-way direction along the route. 
b. School personnel will be directing cars and there will be signs for people to follow.
c. Please abide by all traffic laws as you navigate the route with caution.
d. When your car has completed the route, please stay straight to exit out the main entrance off of Nashua Rd.

Important Safety Measures:
a.  No families or family members are to get out of their cars. No spectators will be allowed
to ensure social distancing and safety measures are being followed.
b.  No parking on County Road or Nashua Road.
c.  Please do not block the intersection while you wait to enter the parking lot

School Spirit:
Feel free to decorate your cars or make signs! Roll the windows down, clap, cheer, honk, or play music.


Message from Assistant Superintendent Tom Laliberte

Please see this letter for information regarding a state initiative for 4 year olds entering Kindergarten in Fall 2021.

Medication Pickup from the Health Office

IMPORTANT information concerning Medications, Epi-Pens and Inhalers:

ALL Epi pens and Inhalers will be placed in your students’ bags that will be picked up on June 8 and June 9. If your student does not have any locker belongings please sign up for a time slot and stop by the Health office window to retrieve them.

If your student has other medication to be picked up, please stop at the Health Office window during your time slot.

Please email ( or call if you have any questions or concerns. 


Materials Exchange Process: Drop-off & Pickup Information

Due to our sudden departure from school back in March and the need for students to hold onto resources for remote learning, we were unable to collect school materials and distribute personal belongings as students left the building. In keeping with state and local guidelines, we have developed a plan for families to visit school in order to do this materials exchange.

The following items are typically turned in at the end of the year and should be dropped off: Textbooks (i.e. Big Ideas Math), library books, musical instrument rentals, rented/borrowed Chromebooks with charging cords, and athletic uniforms.

In addition, the following items will need to be picked up from the building to go home: Personal belongings from lockers/classrooms and medications from the school nurse.

Media Center materials (i.e. textbooks, reading books) that were left in lockers have been returned to the media center and will not be sent home.

Using this LINK, you will be able to sign up for one 10 minute window on June 8th and 9th. Please click HERE for details and a map to help you with the process.

Please contact Kristen Gauthier ( with any specific questions about materials exchange.

8th Grade Parents and Students: BHS Schedule Release

Bedford High School guidance counselors met with 8th grade pods to discuss 2020-2021 student schedules. You are invited to view their presentation for more information. Contact Bedford High School guidance counselors for questions about your student’s high school schedule.

Red/Silver Day Schedule

Due to the holiday weekend and the day of school, please follow this schedule for the next two weeks:

Monday, June 1 - SILVER 5
Tuesday, June 2 - RED 6
Wednesday, June 3 - SILVER 1
Thursday, June 4 - RED 2
Friday, June 5 - Remote Learning Schedule

8th Grade Awards Ceremony (Virtual)

Each year, we celebrate the accomplishments of outgoing 8th graders with an evening awards ceremony. Due to the nature of remote learning and the limitations on group events and gatherings, this event will take place virtually on June 4th, 2020. Families of students who are eligible for awards have already been notified, and they will be sent a link to the recording closer to the event. If you have not received a notification that your student will be recognized this year and you believe there is an error, please contact Ms. Fitzgerald in the Lurgio guidance office at

Media Center News

E-Books and Audiobooks

Fantastic ebooks and audiobooks are available for free all summer long on the Sora app. Please check out the RAL Library website for this link as well!

Summer Reading Program at the Bedford Public Library

Keep reading this summer! You can request books on the BPL's online catalog here and pick up books when you sign in using your Bedford Public Library card!  If you are in need of a library card, please click this link to sign up. 

We invite you to join us for the 2020 Summer Reading Challenge!  Registration will open June 9th and you can start logging your reading on June 15th! This year we will be using Beanstack software to track reading minutes, which you can use in a web browser or via the Beanstack Tracker App. The Summer Reading Challenge is open for adults and teens who want to participate and read for prizes too! Please keep an eye on our website and social media pages (including our new Youtube channel) for more information."

Recreational Facilities & Social Distancing

Parents, please encourage your students to avoid social gatherings, particularly at school district fields, facilities, and playgrounds. Our efforts to flatten the curve and mitigate the spread of COVID-19 by closing schools can be amplified if the families self-enforce social distancing and practice recommended self-quarantine measures as much as possible. 


Please be sure that students are checking in with their pod daily to show they are in attendance. If a student is unable to do remote work and will be absent, please call the Lurgio Main Office (603) 310-9100 or email at to let us know.

Remote Learning Enrichment Corner

If you are all caught up on your work and looking for some fun activities, click here to navigate directly to a list of enrichment opportunities. This list was compiled by Ms. Rockwell, Mrs. Dennis, Mrs. Detwiler, and your teachers. We hope you find it fun and enjoyable.

Remote Learning Grading

With the Governor’s announcement that schools will remain remote for the remainder of this school year, there has been some discussion about whether we should go to a “pass/fail” model during remote learning. At Lurgio, we will not be taking this approach because of the nature of our competency grades. We completed nearly 3/4 of our academic year prior to the COVID-19 crisis and resulting remote learning environment. Those grades calculate into our Y5 yearly average grade and indicate progress towards achieving overall competency in our courses. We believe those Y5 grades are accurate even though we anticipate fewer quarter 4 grades than would be typical in a normal school year.

Lurgio Tech Corner Typing Club

Are you noticing your kids could use some help with their typing skills?  Well help is on the way!  The Lurgio Tech Corner would like to invite students to join the Tech Corner Typing Club. To join the typing club just have your student go to Google Classroom and use the join code: tqpsj3m. Google Classroom lessons will be assigned and students will be using the website to improve their typing skills. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Donna Dennis,

School Buildings Closed to Public

All physical buildings in the Bedford School District are closed to outside public effective Monday, March 23. Main office staff are working remotely and can still be reached via email and phone (603) 310-9100. The custodial staff is working hard to sanitize surfaces in the building and The main office may not always be staffed but school phones (just the main number) will be answered remotely between the hours of 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM.

Lurgio Instagram Account

Did you know that there is an official Lurgio Instagram account? We have been using our account to post reminders and resources for staff and students. These notifications are also posted on our Lurgio Facebook page. If Instagram is your prefered social media tool, we welcome you to follow us

Remote Instruction Updates & Resources

Please refer to the Lurgio homepage for district updates and school-specific resources. We will continue to update those links as new information becomes available.

BHS Summer School - In Writing and BASE Camp

Attention all 8th Graders:  If you registered during Open Enrollment for Summer In-Writing, the BHS website is updated with dates and other important information. You will need to do the following: Complete the Enrollment for Summer In-Writing or B.A.S.E. Camp Submit payment.

Weekly Features

Lurgio Guidance Corner

Our school counselors are here for you. If you have any concerns about your student, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

The Lurgio Guidance Department has updated their website with many resources relating to physical wellbeing, mental health (including substance misuse) and community/state services. Please see our Website and Weekly Blog.

Lurgio Tech Corner

The Lurgio Tech Corner has been busy posting resources for students. Please check out the Lurgio Tech Corner Resource Site for helpful links. We also will be posting new resources on our Tech Tips from the Tech Corner blog which is linked on the Tech Corner Resource Site. If students are having technical issues, please have them submit a Help Desk Ticket. Someone from the District Tech Department will get back to them as soon as they can.

Book Buzz

We were to host author Kekla Magoon today for a celebration of our Whole School Read with presentations and writers workshops. This week, our literacy team recommends The Season of Styx Malone by Kekla Magoon. It just happens to take place over the course of a summer.

Meet Caleb and Bobby Gene, two brothers embarking on a madcap, heartwarming, one-thing-leads-to-another adventure, for fans of As Brave As You by Jason Reynolds, Merci Suarez Changes Gears by Meg Medina, Front Desk by Kelly Yang, and One Crazy Summer by Rita Williams-Garcia. Friendships are forged, loyalties are tested...and miracles just might happen.
Caleb Franklin and his big brother Bobby Gene are excited to have adventures in the woods behind their house. But Caleb dreams of venturing beyond their ordinary small town.
Then Caleb and Bobby Gene meet new neighbor Styx Malone. Styx is sixteen and oozes cool. Styx promises the brothers that together, the three of them can pull off the Great Escalator Trade--exchanging one small thing for something better until they achieve their wildest dream. But as the trades get bigger, the brothers soon find themselves in over their heads. Styx has secrets--secrets so big they could ruin everything.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Lurgio News for May 22, 2020

May 22, 2020

Dear Lurgio Families,

On this Memorial Day weekend, I am reminded of those who have given the ultimate sacrifice while serving our country, and I am grateful for their service. While our community may not be able to recognize these brave men and women through the usual parades and ceremonies at this time, I know they will enter our thoughts over the long weekend. 

Again, my sincerest appreciation goes out to all of our Lurgio families for their support during this period of remote instruction. This spring has certainly brought adversity, but it has also revealed character. It warms my heart to see teachers, paraprofessionals, students, and parents working collaboratively to make sure that students continue to have a rich instructional experience in a remote learning environment. We have just nine more days remaining and I am confident our students will wrap up the school year on a high note.

I wish you and your family a safe and relaxing long weekend. 


Ed Joyce

Important Dates

May 25 (Mon)
NO SCHOOL - Memorial Day (no food service available)
June 4 (Thurs)
8th Grade Award Ceremony (Virtual, Pre-Recorded)
June 5 (Fri)
Last Day of Instruction (Grades Close)
Remote Learning Schedule
Jun 8 (Mon) - Jun 9 (Tue)
Materials Exchange (See New News item below)

New News

Materials Exchange Process: Drop-off & Pickup Information

Due to our sudden departure from school back in March and the need for students to hold onto resources for remote learning, we were unable to collect school materials and distribute personal belongings as students left the building. In keeping with state and local guidelines, we have developed a plan for families to visit school in order to do this materials exchange.

The following items are typically turned in at the end of the year and should be dropped off: Textbooks (i.e. Big Ideas Math), library books, musical instrument rentals, rented/borrowed Chromebooks with charging cords, and athletic uniforms.

In addition, the following items will need to be picked up from the building to go home: Personal belongings from lockers/classrooms and medications from the school nurse.

Media Center materials (i.e. textbooks, reading books) that were left in lockers have been returned to the media center and will not be sent home.

Using this LINK, you will be able to sign up for one 10 minute window on June 8th and 9th. Please click HERE for details and a map to help you with the process.

Please contact Kristen Gauthier ( with any specific questions about materials exchange.

8th Grade Parents and Students: BHS Schedule Release

Bedford High School guidance counselors met with 8th grade pods this week to discuss 2020-2021 student schedules. You are invited to view their presentation for more information.

Red/Silver Day Schedule

Due to the holiday weekend and the day of school, please follow this schedule for the next two weeks:

Monday, May 25 - NO SCHOOL (Memorial Day)
Tuesday, May 26 - SILVER 1
Wednesday, May 27 - RED 2
Thursday, May 28 - SILVER 3
Friday, May 29 - RED 4
Monday, June 1 - SILVER 5
Tuesday, June 2 - RED 6
Wednesday, June 3 - SILVER 1
Thursday, June 4 - RED 2
Friday, June 5 - Remote Learning Schedule

8th Grade Awards Ceremony (Virtual)

Each year, we celebrate the accomplishments of outgoing 8th graders with an evening awards ceremony. Due to the nature of remote learning and the limitations on group events and gatherings, this event will take place virtually on June 4th, 2020. Families of students who are eligible for awards have already been notified, and they will be sent a link to the recording closer to the event. If you have not received a notification that your student will be recognized this year and you believe there is an error, please contact Ms. Fitzgerald in the Lurgio guidance office at

BSD Breakfast and Lunch

There will be NO breakfast and lunch available on Memorial Day (Monday, May 25). 

On school days, breakfast and lunch pickup is at the Bedford High School Gymnasium entrance. Those doors are nearer the kitchen and make the logistics of delivery easier. If you’ve never been to that entrance, it’s at the back of the building. 


Media Center News

New Audiobook Platform

Check out current & popular ebooks on our new RAL ebook & audiobook platform: Sora. This student friendly app. has over 1,000 ebooks & 200 audiobooks that can be borrowed through the NH School Library Consortium.  Graphic Novels, Mysteries, YA titles, Historical Fiction, Non-Fiction and more!  Sora has it all!  Sora ebooks & audiobooks can be downloaded for free from Google Play and the Apple App store.  The check out period is two weeks.  After the loan period, items are automatically returned. Just go to the Sora website below, select Ross A. Lurgio School, and sign in with your school google account. Our school set up code is: nhssdcnh.

Check out Sora HERE

 Any questions? Please contact your school librarian:

Watch the Sora info. video:

Also, students and teachers, check out our new Flipgrid video book reviews by our RAL teachers and students on our Library Flip Grid

Sign in with your google email and password and watch our reviews of: Ghost by: Jason Reynolds,  The Other Half of Happy by: Rebecca Balcarcel, and The Hobbit by: J.R.R. Tolkien

Recreational Facilities & Social Distancing

Parents, please encourage your students to avoid social gatherings, particularly at school district fields, facilities, and playgrounds. Our efforts to flatten the curve and mitigate the spread of COVID-19 by closing schools can be amplified if the families self-enforce social distancing and practice recommended self-quarantine measures as much as possible. 


Please be sure that students are checking in with their pod daily to show they are in attendance. If a student is unable to do remote work and will be absent, please call the Lurgio Main Office (603) 310-9100 or email at to let us know.

Remote Learning Enrichment Corner

If you are all caught up on your work and looking for some fun activities, click here to navigate directly to a list of enrichment opportunities. This list was compiled by Ms. Rockwell, Mrs. Dennis, Mrs. Detwiler, and your teachers. We hope you find it fun and enjoyable.

Remote Learning Grading

With the Governor’s announcement that schools will remain remote for the remainder of this school year, there has been some discussion about whether we should go to a “pass/fail” model during remote learning. At Lurgio, we will not be taking this approach because of the nature of our competency grades. We completed nearly 3/4 of our academic year prior to the COVID-19 crisis and resulting remote learning environment. Those grades calculate into our Y5 yearly average grade and indicate progress towards achieving overall competency in our courses. We believe those Y5 grades are accurate even though we anticipate fewer quarter 4 grades than would be typical in a normal school year.

Lurgio Tech Corner Typing Club

Are you noticing your kids could use some help with their typing skills?  Well help is on the way!  The Lurgio Tech Corner would like to invite students to join the Tech Corner Typing Club. To join the typing club just have your student go to Google Classroom and use the join code: tqpsj3m. Google Classroom lessons will be assigned and students will be using the website to improve their typing skills. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Donna Dennis,

School Buildings Closed to Public

All physical buildings in the Bedford School District are closed to outside public effective Monday, March 23. Main office staff are working remotely and can still be reached via email and phone (603) 310-9100. The custodial staff is working hard to sanitize surfaces in the building and The main office may not always be staffed but school phones (just the main number) will be answered remotely between the hours of 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM.

Lurgio Instagram Account

Did you know that there is an official Lurgio Instagram account? We have been using our account to post reminders and resources for staff and students. These notifications are also posted on our Lurgio Facebook page. If Instagram is your prefered social media tool, we welcome you to follow us

Remote Instruction Updates & Resources

Please refer to the Lurgio homepage for district updates and school-specific resources. We will continue to update those links as new information becomes available.

BHS Summer School - In Writing and BASE Camp

Attention all 8th Graders:  If you registered during Open Enrollment for Summer In-Writing, the BHS website is updated with dates and other important information. You will need to do the following: Complete the Enrollment for Summer In-Writing or B.A.S.E. Camp Submit payment.

Weekly Features

Lurgio Guidance Corner

Our school counselors are here for you. If you have any concerns about your student, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

The Lurgio Guidance Department has updated their website with many resources relating to physical wellbeing, mental health (including substance misuse) and community/state services. Please see our Website and Weekly Blog.

Lurgio Tech Corner

The Lurgio Tech Corner has been busy posting resources for students. Please check out the Lurgio Tech Corner Resource Site for helpful links. We also will be posting new resources on our Tech Tips from the Tech Corner blog which is linked on the Tech Corner Resource Site. If students are having technical issues, please have them submit a Help Desk Ticket. Someone from the District Tech Department will get back to them as soon as they can.

Book Buzz

This week, our literacy team recommends Ship Breaker by Paolo Bacigalupi.

This thrilling bestseller and National Book Award Finalist is a gritty, high-stakes adventure of a teenage boy faced with conflicting loyalties, set in a dark future America devastated by the forces of climate change.

In America's flooded Gulf Coast region, oil is scarce, but loyalty is scarcer. Grounded oil tankers are being broken down for parts by crews of young people. Nailer, a teenage boy, works the light crew, scavenging for copper wiring just to make quota--and hopefully live to see another day. But when, by luck or by chance, he discovers an exquisite clipper ship beached during a recent hurricane, Nailer faces the most important decision of his life: Strip the ship for all it's worth or rescue its lone survivor, a beautiful and wealthy girl who could lead him to a better life.

In this powerful novel, Hugo and Nebula Award winning author Paolo Bacigalupi delivers a fast-paced adventure set in the vivid and raw, uncertain future of his companion novels The Drowned Cities and Tool of War.