Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Special Note (BSD Chromebook): BSD Chromebook Purchase Offer

Dear Parents,
We have received numerous inquiries from parents of students currently in grades 7 thru 11 regarding the option to purchase a new replacement chromebook device through the district for their student to use in school in the 2018-2019 school year. If you are interested in purchasing a Chromebook device through the district, please complete this form by June 5th 2018.  Optional insurance coverage will be available for parents to purchase when payment is made. We are offering families two model options for purchase.

Details on final pricing, payment and distribution will be emailed to parents in July. Devices will be available for pickup during our Chromebook Distribution in August.

Thank you.
Bedford School District

Friday, May 25, 2018

Lurgio News for May 25, 2018

May 25, 2018

Dear Parents,

I hope this email find you well. As you can see in the events listed below, the end of the year will be chock full of exciting events for your students. It is hard to believe that the end of the year is so close at hand.  


Ed Joyce

Important Date

May 25 (Friday)
Teacher Workshop Day - NO SCHOOL
May 28 (Monday)
Memorial Day - NO SCHOOL
June 5 (Tuesday)
8th Grade Awards Night (6:00 pm - BHS Theater)
June 7 (Thursday)
RAL Spring Concert (7:00 pm - BHS Theater)
June 8 (Friday)
8th Grade Dance (6:00 pm)
June 20 (Wednesday)
Last Day of School - Dismissal at 1:15PM

New News
BEF Chipotle Fundraiser
Eat at Chipotle on Tuesday May 29th from 4:00 - 8:00 PM and 50% of the proceeds will go to the Bedford Education Foundation.  At the register, please let them know that you are there to support the Bedford Education Foundation.
Click here to learn more about the good work that the BEF has been doing for our schools.

BHS BASE Camp Registration Is Now Open

BASE Camp is a fun and interactive week-long freshman orientation where students will be given the opportunity to get a jumpstart on being a Bulldog! Our goal is that participants leave BASE Camp with stronger peer relationships, increased self-confidence, greater understanding of themselves (personally and academically) and confidence in their knowledge of BHS. Students will receive a variety of information including (but not limited to) study skills, understanding competencies, time management skills, how to make the most out of BHS and how to develop peer relationships. The week consists of activities both in and out of the classroom. Some activities include, an end of week hike, a trip to the town pool, a community service project, team-building activities, etc. The students will also learn the school layout and receive their schedules to figure out the best way to map their way through freshman year! BASE Camp takes place at BHS 8/6-8/10 from 8:30-2:30. If you feel like this would be beneficial for your incoming freshman please complete the registration form found here!

RAL Cafeteria News:
The Breakfast Program is offering lots of yummy homemade baked goods that are filled with different fruits, vegetables and healthy whole grains a couple times a week. Some of our new breakfast options are applesauce muffins, banana bread, blueberry coffee cake and overnight oats with fresh fruit. Students can start their day with nutritious, brain boosting foods!

The lunch program will be featuring a refreshing arugula, watermelon & feta salad with a homemade balsamic vinaigrette on Wednesday 5/30. Come enjoy a delicious refreshing summer salad!

2018 Bedford High School Athletics Information

It is time to start thinking about the 2018 fall sports season at Bedford High School. On Wednesday, June 6, 2018 at 3:00 p.m., coaches from BHS will come to Lurgio Middle School to meet with all current eighth grade students interested in participating in fall sports. In order to ensure that your student is ready to participate, you must do the following:
  • Register for BHS Fall Sports by May 24, 2017 - click [HERE]
  • Students must attend the coaches’ meeting on June 6, 2018 - click [HERE] for locations
  • Complete all necessary paperwork for BHS - click [HERE]
  • Return completed paperwork to BHS Athletic Office - click [HERE] for times
  • Complete a new ImPACT concussion screening - click [HERE] for the schedule
  • Complete a new C3 Logix balance screening - click [HERE] for the schedule
  • For all BHS fall sports information, click [HERE]
If you or your student have any questions regarding Bedford High School athletics, please call the BHS Athletics Secretary Jil Romano at (603) 310-9010.

Now Accepting Bedford School District “HALL of FAME” Nominations

The Bedford School District has been recognized as one of the most exceptional school districts in the state. This recognition and distinction would not be possible without the many citizens, educators, students and volunteers that over the years have built, maintained and enhanced the mission and the values of our school district. We invite you to nominate individuals who exemplify the spirit of our district along with those who have gone above and beyond in making Bedford an extraordinary school district in all aspects.   Please go to the Bedford Hall of Fame link found on the BHS homepage for details and to nominate someone who should be recognized for their contributions! Nominations for this year’s class will be accepted through July 15, 2018.  

Our inaugural class 2017 included:

William Greiner
Dennis Pope
Anne Remus
Tim Mayes
William Whitmore
Susan Mullen

Weekly Features

Guidance Corner

This week's article from the Search Institute highlights "Achievement Motivation".  Encouraging your child while they gain executive functioning is essential to them developing from the inside out.  Click here to view this week’s article.

RAL Guidance Counselor, Donna LaRue, MA, MLADC, LCMHC posts a weekly, helpful parenting newsletter article, as well as other relevant material on her website. Check out Ms. LaRue’s web page for past ‘Asset Newsletters’ by clicking here.

Lurgio Tech Corner Update

Information about the BSD 1:1 Chromebook program has started to be distributed.  Purchase information for incoming 7th graders can be found here.  Information about insurance renewals as well as purchases for current 7th and 8th grade students will be sent out next week.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Donna Dennis (

As always, please remind your son/daughter to bring their chromebook fully charged to school EVERY DAY!


PTG Corner

Bedford PTG’s Color Blast Fun Run is coming on Sunday June 3rd, 9:30am at BHS campus. We are still looking for lots of volunteers to help out at this event. If you don’t mind getting colorful you could help at a color station or as a course volunteer. Rather not look like a rainbow, try registration or course set up.  

Please Click here  to see volunteer opportunities and consider joining us for a colorful day.

Thank you for your support,
~Sue Jennato and Kim Beekman
PTG Co-Presidents


Coffee with Superintendent Chip McGee

Join the Bedford PTG for a “Year in Review” with Superintendent McGee on Wednesday, May 30 starting at 9:30am at BCTV (10 Meetinghouse Rd – behind the Town Hall). This is a great opportunity to ask any questions you have about the Bedford School District. Children always welcome to attend.

Coffee with the Principals Video Link

If you were not able to attend our Coffee with the Principals event, you can watch the presentation by following this link,

BHS Graduation Seat Raffle

The PTG is raffling off FOUR sets of four seats in the front two center rows of the bleachers. These seats will be reserved just for you. Winners will also receive one reserved parking space on campus! $20/Entry or 6 Entries for $100 Winners will be drawn & announced on June 7th. Simply fill out the number of entries you'd like to make and return with cash or check payable to “Bedford PTG” to BHS school office by JUNE 6th.

*All funds raised through this raffle support programming & events in Bedford schools*

BHS Parking Space Raffle

$10 Donation Per Entry The PTG is raffling off TWO prime guaranteed parking spaces in the top lot for the 2018-2019 school year. You must have a valid license and a vehicle sometime during the 2018-2019 school year to be eligible to WIN! Simply fill out the number of entries you'd like to make and return with cash or check payable to “Bedford PTG” to BHS school office by June 13th. Winners will be notified before the end of the year.

*All funds raised through this raffle support programming & events in Bedford schools*


8th Grade Awards Night

8th Grade Awards Night will be held on Tuesday, June 5, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. in the BHS Theater. If you’re student is eligible to receive an award, you will receive an invitation during the week of May 21, 2018. For more information regarding criteria to receive an award, please click [HERE].

8th Grade Johns Hopkins CTY Talent Search Participants

If your 8th grader participated in the Johns Hopkins CTY Talent Search as either a 7th or 8th grader AND was invited to a Johns Hopkins awards ceremony for achieving high honor scores, please e-mail Mrs. Rockwell with your child’s name and scores at  We like to recognize this accomplishment at the 8th grade awards night and we don’t want to miss anyone!

8th Grade Dance

The 8th Grade Dance will be on Friday, June 8, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. in the Lurgio Dining Hall. Only 8th grade students are permitted to attend and regular school dress code applies. Contrary to some circulating rumors, there is no need to “dress up”, rent tuxedos, or commission limousines. Students should wear school appropriate attire that they feel comfortable “busting a move” in!

8th Grade Parent Orientation Night

On Wednesday May 30th, BHS invites all parents and guardians of our 8th grade class to a Parent Orientation presentation.  The presentation will be held in the theater beginning at 6:00pm and should last about one hour. This event will provide parents with an overview of the High School’s academic and non-academic culture, as well as provide resources for you to further engage with the High School community.  There will be a brief session for general questions and administrators will be available following the presentation for more specific questions.

Senior Project Acting Workshop

BHS senior Brandon Jamieson is putting on an acting workshop on Wednesday, May 16 from 3:30PM - 5:15PM. If you’re student is interested in signing up, click [HERE].

Special Education Parent Involvement Survey 2018

Do you have a student with an IEP? Please complete the New Hampshire Department of Education’s annual Parent Involvement survey! Paper copies are in the mail to you, or you can complete the survey at by June 15, 2018. Share your feedback! Your responses help us continue to improve. Thank you for your time and participation!

Destination Imagination - Shoes, Bags & Belt Drive

Bedford DI are having a special drive through Ecosmith Recyclers. From now until end May, you can donate all your old shoes, bags and belts (any condition) in the marked boxes in our school lobby. This items must be placed in a special blue bag. This is a great way to get your spring cleaning under way, while helping raise funds for the teams heading to Global Finals in Knoxville, TN. Reminder, clothing, fabrics, stuffed animals etc can always be donated in the bin in the parking lot. We appreciate your support. For more info, contact

“Earth Shaking” News

Through the collaborative support of the Bedford Education Foundation, the Bedford School District, and community funding, Ross A. Lurgio Middle School has the opportunity to partner with the Boston College Weston Observatory to become the Boston College Educational Seismology Project Flagship School for New Hampshire. This project will actually install a fully functioning seismograph at Lurgio. Data collected from this instrument will be used to enhance our eighth grade science curriculum. The data will also be used for research at Boston College and available for the community as well. As a community, we are currently seeking donations to support this project. If you are interested in learning more please contact Tracy Richmond, BEF fundraising chair at This project is sure to have a lasting impact on our community.

2018-19 School Calendar

The School Board has approved the 2018-19 School Calendar. Please note that there is a substantial change for 2018-19. The district will shift from tracking days to tracking hours. As a result, the last day of school for 2018-19 will be no later than June 13 and could be as early as June 6. The first five snow days, if needed, will be made up by students at the end of the year. Any snow days beyond five days will not need to be made up by students. This should bring some more predictability to the end of the year for families.

Gsuite Information for Parents

Some of our parents have asked for an explanation of our Gsuite​, the tools within Chrome our students now use for much of their school work​. Our technology​ teachers​ have developed this Gsuite Information for Parents.​ ​For parents/guardians who are interested in seeing the work of their child, just ask your son/daughter to log in with their account or provide you with their password to showcase the work completed.