Friday, February 24, 2017

Lurgio News for February 24, 2017

February 24, 2017

Dear Parents,

Today was the third annual Lurgio Read-a-Thon. Students and staff began the first hour of the day with a school-wide silent reading block. Students then progressed through the day engaging in a plethora of literacy activities with their peers and teachers. Thank you to all the students, staff, and community members who made this year’s Read-a-Thon such a rousing success. The Lurgio Community raised a total of $5,578.85 that will help purchase library materials requested by students. Furthermore, Lurgio students brought in 3,337 used books to donate to the Children’s Literacy Foundation (CLiF). Have a wonderful week of vacation and I look forward to seeing everyone back at Lurgio on March 6!



Important Dates

February 27 (Monday) -
March 3 (Friday)
Winter Vacation
March 14 (Tuesday)
Annual District Budget Session II - Voting
Teacher Workshop Day (No school)
March 17 (Friday)
School Dance 6PM-9PM

Cub of the Week
Each week, teachers nominate students for the Cub of the Week Award. Nominated students are those who have shown exceptional kindness, tolerance, and respect during the week. Each Friday, the Lurgio administration and guidance staff will review all nominees and will select the the “Cub of the Week.”

This week’s Cub is Thomas Crowther from pod 8-West. Thomas has been recognized by his teachers for being an outstanding leader who keeps kindness in his heart. Thanks for making Lurgio a great place to be, Thomas!

MIT SPARK Registration Now Open  
Student registration for Spark is now open. The first round of student registration is due by 2/28.

Spark is a two-day program for 7th and 8th grade students at MIT happening on March 11 and 12 this year. They have over 200 different classes which you can see here. Classes being taught this year include Intro to Hand Lettering, Rockets, Mutant Plushie Lab, and more!

How to Register
Spark uses a lottery to assign students to classes. You can enter class preferences until Tuesday, 2/28 at 11:59 PM, at which point they will run the lottery.

To get a full schedule, we recommend ranking your top 3 classes and starring at least 10 classes per time block. All class choices will be entered into the lottery. Our lottery is not first-come first-served; as long as you enter your preferences before the deadline (2/28), they will be considered equally with everyone else’s.
Start the registration process by completing registration steps 0-2 HERE.

Softball Winter Workouts - Saturdays 10AM-12PM
Attention Softball Players: Winter workouts, conducted by the Bedford High School Bulldogs Softball team and coaches, are being held on Saturdays from 10AM to 12PM at St. Elizabeth Seton Activity Center on Meetinghouse Road in Bedford. Any Lurgio Middle School student who is interested in some off-season softball activity is invited to attend. Please contact Coach Jay Brewster by e-mailing or text to 603-377-0439 for more information and to sign up. These workouts are not mandatory and are not part of any tryout

Equestrian Club Fundraiser - March 26
On March 26, the RAL/BHS Equestrian Club will be participating in a fundraiser at Applebee’s. For more information, click [HERE]. Please contact Kathy Blake at with any questions.

A Message From Our School Nurse
In an effort to keep track of illnesses in our school, please remind your son or daughter to report to the health office when they are ill during the school day.  As you know, students are allowed to use their cell phones during lunch. While it is understandable for students to tell parents via text that they're not feeling well, it is helpful in tracking trends for the nurse to determine the nature of your child's illness before sending them home.

Guidance Corner
RAL Guidance Counselor, Donna LaRue, MA, MLADC, LCMHC posts a weekly, helpful parenting newsletter article, as well as other relevant material on her website. This week she focuses on Service to Others. Check out Ms. LaRue’s web page for weekly Asset newsletters by clicking here.
Executive functioning skills are developmental, meaning that each of these skills develop with age, and not on a set schedule. Just as children learn to walk and talk at different times, it is normal for our brains to learn to organize, inhibit, and plan at different times.  More information can be found at Mrs. Stone's Website--Executive Functioning Skills
The Executive Functioning skill to be taught during the month of February is Time Management.  This is the ability to estimate the length of time you need to complete a task, how much time you have available, how to plan out your schedule to fit the tasks into the time period, and then to actually stay on that schedule.  It is what we do, as adults, to meet deadlines at work and to get to our appointments on time.  
For more specific ideas and strategies on how to help your son or daughter develop strong Time Management skills, visit Skill of the Week:  Time Management

Lurgio Tech Corner Update
If your child is having issues with their chromebook, please have them come and see us in the Tech Corner in the back of the Media Center and Mrs. Dennis or Mrs. Manley will help to resolve their issue. It is important if they accidentally damage their chromebook (and you have purchased insurance through us), that they are able to tell us the date and what incident caused the damage to happen. These details are important and required in order for a claim to be filed and accepted.

Bonus Box Tops for our School
Help us win 50,000 Bonus Box Tops for our school! Thanks to General Mills and Walmart, every Walmart-exclusive Box Tops Certificate that we clip and collect until 3/1/17 earns our school a chance to be one of 20 winners of 50,000 Bonus Box Tops - that’s $5,000 for our classrooms!

With your help, we can make a difference for our school! Spread the word and do what you can to help clip and collect more Box Tops than ever. You or your child can just bring them into the main office. Thanks for all your hard work and support!

Take Time for School Breakfast:

Eating breakfast at school helps children perform better. Studies show that children who eat breakfast regularly are less likely to be overweight and have a better quality of nutrient intake.
We serve breakfast daily at Ross A. Lurgio Middle School between 8:15-8:50 am. A complete Grab N Go breakfast is offered for $1.25. Students may use their lunch account to purchase a Grab N Go breakfast. Options include breakfast sandwiches, whole grain muffins, bagels, and pancakes, just to name a few. All breakfasts include a variety of fresh fruit and low-fat milk.

Custom Lurgio Wear Available
Did you know that you can order custom Lurgio wear in our new school colors? Check out the BedfordWear website to see all they have to choose from.

Ecosmith Recycle Bins for Destination Imagination
Did you know that every school in the district has an Ecosmith Recycle Bin? This is a great way to donate/recycle old clothes, while helping raise funds for our teams who advance to Global Finals each year. You can put any kind of fabrics in these bins, towels and stuffed animals too. Ripped shirts and pants with holes are fine, as well as well worn shoes. Bedford DI greatly appreciates your continued participation in this program.

PTG Corner:
THANK YOU to everyone that came in to help with the Read-a-Thon!  

THANK YOU to everyone that participated in the Yankee Candle Fundraiser. Paper orders will be ready for pick up the week of March 13th. Please watch for notices with pick up details for each school. Online orders will be shipped directly to purchaser.

Planning a staycation next week? Head on over to Shorty's on Thursday, March 2nd and let them know you support the PTG and 15% of the sales will go to the PTG. Good all day long, dine in and take out.

Have a fun and safe February vacation!

No school March 14th - VOTING DAY

Bedford Food Pantry – Items Needed for Children
Food Insecurity is a growing concern across the nation and right here in our own backyard.  Nearly 350 adults and children in Bedford qualify for food stamps and more than 167 families in Bedford meet the income standards for the government’s free school lunch program.

In light of these numbers, the Bedford Food Pantry has started a new program, School Lunch Plus, to provide students in Bedford who face food insecurity two lunches each weekend (with complete privacy/anonymity).  In order to provide two lunches for each student in need, the Food Pantry is looking for donations of these specific items.  

If you are able to donate these items (these are ongoing donations), please bring them by the Bedford Food Pantry at the Bedford Presbyterian Church, 4 Church Road, Bedford, NH.

Parents/guardians, please contact the school guidance counselor or school nurse if you would like your child to participate in this program.

Bedford Community Hall of Fame
The Hall of Fame Committee, consisting of ten school personnel and community members, is seeking nominations for Bedford’s inaugural class of the newly formed Bedford Hall of Fame.

The mission of the Hall of Fame is to recognize and honor those residents who have attended the Bedford School District (including West High) who have made truly exceptional contributions to the school, community, or society in general.

We are planning a formal recognition dinner at the high school for the induction of our inaugural class on the evening before the Homecoming football game in the fall of 2017. Each inductee will also be recognized during half-time announcement at the Homecoming football game. Inductees will be honored for their unique contributions, awarded a plaque recognizing those contributions, and have a permanent commemoration placed in the “Hall of Fame” located in the main hallway at the High School.

You can access the Hall of Fame nomination information and application on all school and SAU websites under the “Community” tab. There is also a button on the front page of the BHS website. There you will find more specific information about the process. Nomination applications can be submitted online or in hard copy and sent care of Chip McGee Superintendent of Schools in Bedford. Applications must be completed in full and received by the end of May 2017 to be considered for this inaugural class. Applications not chosen this year will be kept on file and automatically considered for subsequent classes along with all new applications.

We are excited to have this recognition program in place and look forward to reviewing the many applications we hope to receive. Should you have questions please direct them to Bill Hagen at or Mark Elmendorf at

Author Gordon Korman Community Event at McKelvie
McKelvie is delighted to be hosting acclaimed author Gordon Korman!  Bedford families are encouraged to join us for his community presentation on Monday, March 6, at 4 p.m. Follow this link for a flyer about the event.  Gibson's Bookstore will be on-site that afternoon selling copies of Mr. Korman's books. We hope to see you there!  

Questions? Contact Lee Webb, Reading Specialist at or Jodi Parsons, Guidance Counselor at

Friday, February 17, 2017

Lurgio News for February 17, 2017

February 17, 2017

Dear Parents,

Please join us as the Lurgio Middle School rounds out our Random Acts of Kindness Week.  The students and staff have been participating in Random Acts of Kindness events and activities all week.  Give yourself a wonderful gift and check out this link to an article by Brad Aronson, titled 102 Random Acts of Kindness-Ideas to Inspire Kindness.   If you are in the middle school check out the wonderful cafeteria bulletin board decorated by our students highlighting the Acts they witness here at Lurgio.


Mrs. Gauthier
Ms. Larue
Ms. Stone

Important Dates

February 20 (Monday) -
February 24 (Friday)
Lurgio Spirit Week
February 24 (Friday)
3rd Annual Read-a-Thon
February 27 (Monday) -
March 3 (Friday)
Winter Vacation
March 14 (Tuesday)
Annual District Budget Session II - Voting
Teacher Workshop Day (No school)

Cub of the Week
Each week, teachers nominate students for the Cub of the Week Award. Nominated students are those who have shown exceptional kindness, tolerance, and respect during the week. Each Friday, the Lurgio administration and guidance staff will review all nominees and will select the the “Cub of the Week.” The Cub will be announced in the Lurgio News.

This week’s Cub is Marie Flynn.  Marie is praised by her teachers for being kind and helpful. She goes out of her way to help around the classroom without being asked. Marie is always looking out for other people and shows tremendous empathy and compassion in class discussions.

Lurgio Spirit Week and Read-a-Thon
Next week is our Winter Spirit Week at Lurgio, and we are excited for a fun-filled week of themed days [LINK] culminating in our annual Lurgio/PTG Read-a-Thon on Friday, February 24 [LINK].  

Softball Winter Workouts - Saturdays 10AM-12PM
Attention Softball Players: Winter workouts, conducted by the Bedford High School Bulldogs Softball team and coaches, are being held on Saturdays from 10AM to 12PM at St. Elizabeth Seton Activity Center on Meetinghouse Road in Bedford. Any Lurgio Middle School student who is interested in some off-season softball activity is invited to attend. Please contact Coach Jay Brewster by e-mailing or text to 603-377-0439 for more information and to sign up. These workouts are not mandatory and are not part of any tryout

A Message From Our School Nurse

Dear Parents,

In an effort to keep track of illnesses in our school, please remind your son or daughter to report to the health office when they are ill during the school day.  As you know, students are allowed to use their cell phones during lunch. While it is understandable for students to tell parents via text that they're not feeling well, it is helpful in tracking trends for the nurse to determine the nature of your child's illness before sending them home.

Thanks you for your support,
Evelyn Chessie RN

Author Gordon Korman Community Event at McKelvie
McKelvie is delighted to be hosting acclaimed author Gordon Korman!  Bedford families are encouraged to join us for his community presentation on Monday, March 6, at 4 p.m. Follow this link for a flyer about the event.  Gibson's Bookstore will be on-site that afternoon selling copies of Mr. Korman's books. We hope to see you there!  

Questions? Contact Lee Webb, Reading Specialist at or Jodi Parsons, Guidance Counselor at

Book Buzz
Today our Books for Breakfast members Skyped with author Jen Calonita, the author of the Fairy Tale Reform School series known as Flunked, Charmed and Tricked. Jen Calonita spoke about writing, reading, and all things magic with our students today. Fans of Ella Enchanted, Shrek and Disney's Descendants will love exploring the magical, mixed-up world of Fairy Tale Reform School, where the villains are the teachers.

Gilly is the oldest of six children, lives in a boot, and is sent to reform school. Gilly's sentenced to three months at Fairy Tale Reform School where all of the teachers are former (super-scary) villains like the Big Bad Wolf, the Evil Queen, and Cinderella's Wicked Stepmother. Harsh. But when she meets fellow students Jax and Kayla, she learns there's more to this school than its heroic mission. There's a battle brewing and Gilly has to wonder just how good these bad guys really are?

Guidance Corner
RAL Guidance Counselor, Donna LaRue, MA, MLADC, LCMHC posts a weekly, helpful parenting newsletter article, as well as other relevant material on her website. This week she focuses on Service to Others. Check out Ms. LaRue’s web page for weekly Asset newsletters by clicking here.
Executive functioning skills are developmental, meaning that each of these skills develop with age, and not on a set schedule. Just as children learn to walk and talk at different times, it is normal for our brains to learn to organize, inhibit, and plan at different times.  More information can be found at Mrs. Stone's Website--Executive Functioning Skills
The Executive Functioning skill to be taught during the month of February is Time Management.  This is the ability to estimate the length of time you need to complete a task, how much time you have available, how to plan out your schedule to fit the tasks into the time period, and then to actually stay on that schedule.  It is what we do, as adults, to meet deadlines at work and to get to our appointments on time.  
For more specific ideas and strategies on how to help your son or daughter develop strong Time Management skills, visit Skill of the Week:  Time Management

Lurgio Tech Corner Update
If your child is having issues with their chromebook, please have them come and see us in the Tech Corner in the back of the Media Center and Mrs. Dennis or Mrs. Manley will help to resolve their issue. It is important if they accidentally damage their chromebook (and you have purchased insurance through us), that they are able to tell us the date and what incident caused the damage to happen. These details are important and required in order for a claim to be filed and accepted.

Bonus Box Tops for our School
Help us win 50,000 Bonus Box Tops for our school! Thanks to General Mills and Walmart, every Walmart-exclusive Box Tops Certificate that we clip and collect until 3/1/17 earns our school a chance to be one of 20 winners of 50,000 Bonus Box Tops - that’s $5,000 for our classrooms!

With your help, we can make a difference for our school! Spread the word and do what you can to help clip and collect more Box Tops than ever. You or your child can just bring them into the main office. Thanks for all your hard work and support!

Take Time for School Breakfast:

Eating breakfast at school helps children perform better. Studies show that children who eat breakfast regularly are less likely to be overweight and have a better quality of nutrient intake.
We serve breakfast daily at Ross A. Lurgio Middle School between 8:15-8:50 am. A complete Grab N Go breakfast is offered for $1.25. Students may use their lunch account to purchase a Grab N Go breakfast. Options include breakfast sandwiches, whole grain muffins, bagels, and pancakes, just to name a few. All breakfasts include a variety of fresh fruit and low-fat milk.

Custom Lurgio Wear Available
Did you know that you can order custom Lurgio wear in our new school colors? Check out the BedfordWear website to see all they have to choose from.

Ecosmith Recycle Bins for Destination Imagination
Did you know that every school in the district has an Ecosmith Recycle Bin? This is a great way to donate/recycle old clothes, while helping raise funds for our teams who advance to Global Finals each year. You can put any kind of fabrics in these bins, towels and stuffed animals too. Ripped shirts and pants with holes are fine, as well as well worn shoes. Bedford DI greatly appreciates your continued participation in this program.

PTG Corner:
NOTICE: Due to school cancellations and snow delays, the FINAL due date for Yankee Candle order forms will be MONDAY, FEBRUARY 20th. Yankee Candles make great gifts for any occasion and are made right here in New England. Online ordering is available through February 24th (group code #999965479). The PTG receives 40% of all sales and that goes right back into our schools.


Bedford Food Pantry – Items Needed for Children
Food Insecurity is a growing concern across the nation and right here in our own backyard.  Nearly 350 adults and children in Bedford qualify for food stamps and more than 167 families in Bedford meet the income standards for the government’s free school lunch program.
In light of these numbers, the Bedford Food Pantry has started a new program, School Lunch Plus, to provide students in Bedford who face food insecurity two lunches each weekend (with complete privacy/anonymity).  In order to provide two lunches for each student in need, the Food Pantry is looking for donations of these specific items.  
If you are able to donate these items (these are ongoing donations), please bring them by the Bedford Food Pantry at the Bedford Presbyterian Church, 4 Church Road, Bedford, NH.
Parents/guardians, please contact the school guidance counselor or school nurse if you would like your child to participate in this program.

Bedford Community Hall of Fame
The Hall of Fame Committee, consisting of ten school personnel and community members, is seeking nominations for Bedford’s inaugural class of the newly formed Bedford Hall of Fame.

The mission of the Hall of Fame is to recognize and honor those residents who have attended the Bedford School District (including West High) who have made truly exceptional contributions to the school, community, or society in general.

We are planning a formal recognition dinner at the high school for the induction of our inaugural class on the evening before the Homecoming football game in the fall of 2017. Each inductee will also be recognized during half-time announcement at the Homecoming football game. Inductees will be honored for their unique contributions, awarded a plaque recognizing those contributions, and have a permanent commemoration placed in the “Hall of Fame” located in the main hallway at the High School.

You can access the Hall of Fame nomination information and application on all school and SAU websites under the “Community” tab. There is also a button on the front page of the BHS website. There you will find more specific information about the process. Nomination applications can be submitted online or in hard copy and sent care of Chip McGee Superintendent of Schools in Bedford. Applications must be completed in full and received by the end of May 2017 to be considered for this inaugural class. Applications not chosen this year will be kept on file and automatically considered for subsequent classes along with all new applications.
We are excited to have this recognition program in place and look forward to reviewing the many applications we hope to receive. Should you have questions please direct them to Bill Hagen at or Mark Elmendorf at

Calling ALL Moms and Dads - Food Service Substitutes Needed!

We are looking for substitutes to work in Food Service. It’s a great way to get a little physical activity, earn a little cash, and interact with these great students we have, all while helping to support some wonderful ladies with prepping and serving healthy meals to the students of Bedford School District! If you are interested at all, please contact CHRIS GABRIEL at 310-9000 x33418.