Friday, October 28, 2016

Lurgio News for October 28, 2016

October 28, 2016
Dear Parents,
Although we are all a bit waterlogged from the recent storms, the weather for tomorrow morning looks great for the Witch Way to the 5K. The online registration is closed, but you can still register to run at the race tomorrow. Registration opens at 8:30AM.   
This evening the Lurgio Student Council will host our first dance.  Our council will be working hard after school to turn the Dining Hall into the Pumpkin Patch.  The dance begins at 6PM and ends at 9PM. The cost of the dance is $5 and concessions are $1. Students are welcome to come in costume or in plain clothes.  Please use the circle to drop off your students, but when picking up your student, please park and meet them outside when the students exit the dance.
Important Dates
October 28 (Fri)
First All-School Dance
October 29 (Sat)
Seventh Annual Witch Way to the 5K
November 3 (Th)
Winter Sports Concussion Screening
November 8 (Tue)
No School- Election Day
November 11 (Fri)
No School- Veterans’ Day
November 16 (Wed)
School-wide Parent Conferences
November 17 (Th)
School-wide Parent Conferences
November 23 (Wed)
No School- Thanksgiving Recess
November 24 (Th)
No School- Thanksgiving Recess
November 25 (Fri)
No School- Thanksgiving Recess
Cub of the Week
Each week, teachers nominate students for the Cub of the Week Award. Nominated students are those who have shown exceptional kindness, tolerance, and respect during the week. Each Friday, the Lurgio administration and guidance staff will review all nominees and will select the the “Cub of the Week.” The Cub will be announced in the Lurgio News.
This week’s Cub is Miles Bruno from pod 8-West. Miles’ homeroom teacher describes him as a kind, helpful, and inclusive student.  Of particular note, his home teacher said he was “rock star” on the Mt. Cardigan trip last week.  Not only was he super helpful to the adults in his group, he was very supportive of his fellow classmates as they navigate the wilderness of New Hampshire. Congratulations, Miles! You have shown through your actions the true meaning of Cardigan.
7th Annual Witch Way to the 5K - October 29
Join us for the 7th annual Witch Way to the 5K  on Saturday, October 29, 2016.   The kids 1K race starts at 9:30am and the adult race begins at 10am at Lurgio Middle School.  Registration opens at 8:30AM tomorrow.
Winter Sports
Please click [HERE] for all the important information regarding winter athletics.
Safe Sports Youth Safety Week
Please click [HERE] for more information about a free CPR course and free sports physicals.
Yoga Club Is Back!
Yoga Club will make its return on Friday, November 4 from 7:30am-8:30am in the Lurgio Gymnasium. Please click [HERE] to sign up. If you have any questions, please contact Dalyne Villeneuve at
Book Buzz
The week’s Book Buzz comes from a zombie at the Books for Breakfast & Fan Club Halloween Party:
Ugly by Robert Hoge is really the true life story of a kid who was born with a deformed face and twisted legs that were eventually amputated.  This is Wonder (I read that book before) in real life.  Robert lives in Australia and was the 5th child born in a family who never treated him as disabled.  Robert tells the story of his operations, his school years being bullied and finding his confidence.  He is really normal.  He plays pranks and gets into trouble.  He goes to camp and tries to sing in choir.  This is a great story with an amazing ending where Robert has a huge decision to make.  If you like Wonder, you'll love Ugly.
A Note from our School Cafeteria:
Eating breakfast at school helps children perform better.  Studies show that children who eat breakfast regularly are less likely to be overweight and have a better quality of nutrient intake.
We serve breakfast daily at Ross Lurgio Middle School between 8:15-8:50 am. A complete Grab N Go breakfast is offered for $1.25.  Students may use their lunch account to purchase a grab n go breakfast. Options include:  Breakfast sandwiches, whole grain muffins, bagels and pancakes,  just to name a few. All breakfasts include a variety of fresh fruit and low-fat milk
Guidance Corner
RAL Guidance Counselor, Donna LaRue, MA, MLADC, LCMHC posts a weekly, helpful parenting newsletter article, as well as other relevant material on her website.  This week she focuses on Family Communication.  Check out Ms. LaRue’s web page for weekly Asset newsletters by clicking here.
Executive Functioning Skills:  The “Air Traffic Control” of our brains.  RAL is piloting a new curriculum this year to help students identify and strengthen these very important “life skills.” An overview of the program is available on the Behavior Specialist’s website:   Ms. Stone, Behavior Specialist  
Skill of the Week: Response Inhibition.  Also known as Impulse Conrol, this is the ability to “think before you speak or act” and is the cornerstone of all successive EF skills.  It vital for all successful social interactions from childhood through adulthood.  
Examples of weak response inhibition are
  • A student speaks out during a class lesson,
  • Your daughter angrily snips back to you when you ask her to pick up her sweatshirt,
  • Your son throws the game controller at the screen when he loses a point during the game, and
  • Other impulsive actions.
There are several simple and practical strategies that can help your child first be aware of and then help control his or her impulsive behaviors.  These can be found at Executive Skills: Response Inhibition.  
Lurgio Tech Corner Update
Some of you may have questions about what to do when your child’s chromebook stops working.  Our first suggestion is to have them reset their chromebook.  To do this, the student needs to press and hold down the power button and count to 20 - this will shut off the chromebook.  They then should be able to press the power button and it should power back on.  If they are still experiencing issues, please have them come to the Tech Corner in the back of the Media Center and Mrs. Dennis or Mrs. Manley will help to resolve their issue.  If the issue cannot be resolved here in the Tech Corner, your student will be placed on one of our loaner programs until the issue is resolved.
BHS Theater Company
Bedford High School Theatre Company presents "The Drowsy Chaperone" November 10th, 11th and 12th @ 7 PM November 13th @ 2 PM November 18th and 19th @ 7 PM. Tickets are $12 for Adults, $10 for Seniors (65+) and $5 for Students. Tickets can be purchased online at or at the door.
Ecosmith Recycle Bins for Destination Imagination
Did you know that every school in the district has an Ecosmith Recycle Bin?  This is a great way to donate/recycle old clothes, while helping raise funds for our teams who advance to Global Finals each year.  You can put any kind of fabrics in these bins, towels and stuffed animals too.  Ripped shirts and pants with holes are fine, as well as well worn shoes.  Bedford DI greatly appreciates your continued participation in this program.
PTG Corner:
A huge THANK YOU to all of the parents who helped during Cardigan!  
GIFT CARDS are back!
Gift giving and every day shopping is easy when you order Gift Cards through the PTG. We are excited to offer gift cards to locally owned businesses along with a wide variety of local and online retailers. There is NO expiration date on the gift cards and you receive the FULL value of the gift card while the retailers will give a portion of the sale to the Bedford PTG (see order form for details). Order by November 2nd for pre-Thanksgiving delivery and order by November 30th for pre-Christmas delivery. Order forms have gone home with students K-8 and are available to download at
Volunteer Opportunities -
We have two open PTG positions at RAL.  We are looking for a Gift Card Coordinator and a Grandparents' Day/Senior Citizens' Day Coordinator to shadow the current person this year to take over the role for next year.  These are fun positions and a great way to get in the school.  If you'd like more info please email Wendy Emerson at
COMMUNITY MEETING. Save the Date and please join the Bedford PTG along with guest speaker, Superintendent Chip McGee, at BCTV (10 Meetinghouse Road, Bedford) on Thursday, November 3rd at 6p.m.. At this community event Mr. McGee will be speaking on important topics such as enrollments, current budget drivers/priorities, and academic performance. There will be discussion and Q&A, light refreshments will be served, and your children are welcome to attend.
The annual Ski & Skate sale will be held on Saturday, November 19th, 2016 at BHS. Interested in volunteering at this event? Email Maria Rocco at   
Click Here for more information or visit
Wendy Emerson, Kerry Sullivan, Kira Hatem - Your PTG volunteer team at RAL
Bedford Education Foundation:
The Bedford Education Foundation Fall Fundraiser
Friday November 4, 2016
Manchester Country Club
Tickets available at
$50 for community members and $25 for faculty and staff in Bedford
Don’t miss this fantastic evening out for a great cause
BHS Senior Projects
Make Life Sweeter Candy Drive
With the help of a BHS student, we will be conducting a week long post-Halloween candy drive. All of the collections will be donated to the New Horizons Soup Kitchen in Manchester.  New Horizons gratefully uses these donations as dessert when they serve the homeless, and they also pass it along as a nighttime treat to those homeless guests staying in the shelter.  The goal of the drive is to make life a little sweeter for those less fortunate.  All donations can be placed in the marked box outside the office, starting the day after Halloween until the end of the school day on Monday, November 7th.
Bedford Skis Crotched Program
Registration is now open!  Go to for information about the options available.  "CMBEDFORD" is the User Name and "bsdmember" as the Password (both are case sensitive).  Rentals, lessons, and adult passes are available.  The program begins Friday, January 6, 2017, and the deadline to purchase 5+2 passes is November 15, 2016.  Contact Isabelle Grenier at with any questions.
Pat’s Peak Ski Program
Bedford students in grades 1-8 are invited to take advantage of discounted ski/snowboard lessons at Pat’s Peak Ski Area in Henniker, NH. This five week Friday night program includes 1 hour lessons and free ski time – under the lights until the 10PM closing time. Discounted lift tickets are available for students who do not need lessons. Included in the program is a free bonus day at Pat’s Peak, Gunstock, and Cranmore to be used from February 27 th to the close of the 2017 season. The 2017 Bedford Ski Program begins on Friday, January 6 th and runs for 5 weeks. The choice of lesson times are 3:30 – 4:30PM or 4:30 – 5:30PM. Parents are responsible for providing transportation or arranging carpools. Easy Online Registration is available at Click on “Learn to Ski & Ride Program” and “Register Here”. The username for bedford330 and bedford430 for the 4:30 lesson. The Password is patspeak17. More details are available at Visit our table at the Bedford Ski and Skate Sale. Contacts – Kim Ahnen – & Martha Cronin –

Friday, October 21, 2016

Lurgio News for October 21, 2016

October 21, 2016
Dear Parents,

The 8th graders have all returned from Cardigan, and we can now celebrate another successful trip to the mountain.  One might ask, “How does a program like Cardigan continue for 44 years?”  The answer is simple, it is through the hard work of our volunteers and staff.  I would like to offer them all my heartfelt thanks for their time and dedication.

As Cardigan winds down, Lurgio is going to start getting amped up about our Witch Way to the 5K.  On Monday, we will have an assembly at the end of the day to lay out the events of race week. They are sure to include some friendly competition, school spirit, and a whole lot of fun.  

To register for or donate to the race visit:

Keep on running,


Important Dates

October 17 (Mon)
Pods 8-North & 8-West Leave for Cardigan
October 19 (Wed)
Pods 8-South & 8-East Leave for Cardigan
October 28 (Fri)
First All-School Dance
October 28 (Fri)
Picture Retakes
October 29 (Sat)
Seventh Annual Witch Way to the 5K
November 8 (Tue)
No School- Election Day
November 11 (Fri)
No School- Veterans’ Day
November 16 (Wed)
School-wide Parent Conferences
November 17 (Th)
School-wide Parent Conferences
November 23 (Wed)
No School- Thanksgiving Recess
November 24 (Th)
No School- Thanksgiving Recess
November 25 (Fri)
No School- Thanksgiving Recess

Cub of the Week
Each week, teachers nominate students for the Cub of the Week Award. Nominated students are those who have shown exceptional kindness, tolerance, and respect during the week. Each Friday, the Lurgio administration and guidance staff will review all nominees and will select the the “Cub of the Week.” The Cub will be announced in the Lurgio News.

This week’s Cub is Madison Berry from pod 8-West. Madison is a super conscientious student who goes above and beyond to make her school a great place to be.  While her teacher was out on a sick day, she was very helpful to the substitute and took an active role in making the class run smoothly. Congratulations, Madison!

7th Annual Witch Way to the 5K - October 29
Join us for the 7th annual Witch Way to the 5K  on Saturday, October 29, 2016.   The kids 1K race starts at 9:30am and the adult race begins at 10am at Lurgio Middle School.  Register by Sunday, October 9 to pay a discounted registration rate.

For more information about the race visit:
To register for the race visit:

Winter Sports
Winter sports are just around the corner. During the winter season, Lurgio Middle School offers girls’ basketball, boys’ basketball, spirit, coed volleyball (late winter), and wrestling. Please note the dates below. More specific information regarding sign-ups for teams and concussion testing will be emailed home the week of October 24th.
  • Concussion Testing - November 3
  • Girls’ Basketball Tryouts - November 7
  • Boys’ Basketball Tryouts - November 7
  • Spirit Tryouts - November 7
  • Wrestling Practice Begins - November 28
  • Coed Volleyball - February 6

Safe Sports Youth Safety Week
Please click [HERE] for more information about a free CPR course and free sports physicals.

Book Buzz
The week’s Book Buzz is from Malayaka in 7-South::

I wanted to share H2O by Virginia Bergin because it is so suspenseful and such a great, fast read.  Bacteria from space gets released when scientists blew up an asteroid that was going to hit the earth.  It passed into the atmosphere and saturated the rain virtually killing a society.  If you drink it, you die.  Fast.  If you get wet, you die.  Fast.  The only safe waters are the ones that were sealed before it all began.  Even boiling water doesn't destroy the space bacteria.  And the story takes place in England where it rains a lot.  The main character, Ruby, survives.  Only 27% of society survives and Ruby is determined to find her dad who lives in another city.  The only classmate of Ruby's to survive is the most nerdy boy, Darius.  That relationship is great to read.  The scene where they are stuck behind a door and people are yanking on the doorknob is so intense.  This book is so well written that I wanted to read fast but didn't want to miss details.  I wanted to read to finish the book to find out what happened to Ruby and Darius but I didn't want the book to end.  I shared this book with Mrs. Brussard, who read it in a weekend, and added to the Science / LA literature unit.  Kids grabbed all the copies Mrs. Snow bought!!  And everyone loves this book.  The back cover  is totally worth a read and then you'll have to read the book!

A Note from our School Cafeteria:
Eating breakfast at school helps children perform better.  Studies show that children who eat breakfast regularly are less likely to be overweight and have a better quality of nutrient intake.

We serve breakfast daily at Ross Lurgio Middle School between 8:15-8:50 am. A complete Grab N Go breakfast is offered for $1.25.  Students may use their lunch account to purchase a grab n go breakfast. Options include:  Breakfast sandwiches, whole grain muffins, bagels and pancakes,  just to name a few. All breakfasts include a variety of fresh fruit and low-fat milk

Guidance Corner
RAL Guidance Counselor, Donna LaRue, MA, MLADC, LCMHC posts a weekly, helpful parenting newsletter article, as well as other relevant material on her website.  This week she focuses on Family Communication.  Check out Ms. LaRue’s web page for weekly Asset newsletters by clicking here.

Executive Functioning Skills:  The “Air Traffic Control” of our brains.  RAL is piloting a new curriculum this year to help students identify and strengthen these very important “life skills.” An overview of the program is available on the Behavior Specialist’s website:   Ms. Stone, Behavior Specialist  

Skill of the Week: Response Inhibition.  Also known as Impulse Conrol, this is the ability to “think before you speak or act” and is the cornerstone of all successive EF skills.  It vital for all successful social interactions from childhood through adulthood.  

Examples of weak response inhibition are

  • A student speaks out during a class lesson,
  • Your daughter angrily snips back to you when you ask her to pick up her sweatshirt,
  • Your son throws the game controller at the screen when he loses a point during the game, and
  • Other impulsive actions.

There are several simple and practical strategies that can help your child first be aware of and then help control his or her impulsive behaviors.  These can be found at Executive Skills: Response Inhibition.  

Lurgio Tech Corner Update
Some of you may have questions about what to do when your child’s chromebook stops working.  Our first suggestion is to have them reset their chromebook.  To do this, the student needs to press and hold down the power button and count to 20 - this will shut off the chromebook.  They then should be able to press the power button and it should power back on.  If they are still experiencing issues, please have them come to the Tech Corner in the back of the Media Center and Mrs. Dennis or Mrs. Manley will help to resolve their issue.  If the issue cannot be resolved here in the Tech Corner, your student will be placed on one of our loaner programs until the issue is resolved.

Ecosmith Recycle Bins for Destination Imagination
Did you know that every school in the district has an Ecosmith Recycle Bin?  This is a great way to donate/recycle old clothes, while helping raise funds for our teams who advance to Global Finals each year.  You can put any kind of fabrics in these bins, towels and stuffed animals too.  Ripped shirts and pants with holes are fine, as well as well worn shoes.  Bedford DI greatly appreciates your continued participation in this program.

PTG Corner:
Volunteer Opportunities - Its Cardigan time!  We need help!    
Want to welcome them home by serving pizza on Wednesday or Friday? Sign up here:
Can’t be there at lunch time? Donate brownies or water! Sign up here

We also have two open PTG positions at RAL.  We are looking for a Gift Card Coordinator and a Grandparents' Day/Senior Citizens' Day Coordinator to shadow the current person this year to take over the role for next year.  These are fun positions and a great way to get in the school.  If you'd like more info please email Wendy Emerson at
GIFT CARDS are back! Gift giving and every day shopping is easy when you order Gift Cards through the PTG. We are excited to offer gift cards to locally owned businesses along with a wide variety of local and online retailers. There is NO expiration date on the gift cards and you receive the FULLvalue of the gift card while the retailers will give a portion of the sale to the Bedford PTG (see order form for details). Order by November 2nd for pre-Thanksgiving delivery and order byNovember 30th for pre-Christmas delivery. Order forms will be going home with students K-8 and are available to download at
Stand By Me, a day long event for all 7th grade students and their parents, will be having our first event planning meeting on Thursday, October 20th from 9:15 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. at the Ross A. Lurgio Middle school front office. If you are interested in finding out more about Stand By Me or would like to join the event planning committee, email Shana Potvin at or simply join us on October 20th. You do NOT need to have a 7th grader to participate on the committee or as a volunteer for the event.
COMMUNITY MEETING - Save the Date and please join the Bedford PTG along with guest speaker, Superintendent Chip McGee, at BCTV (10 Meetinghouse Road, Bedford) on Thursday, November 3rd at 6p.m.. At this community event Mr. McGee will be speaking on important topics such as enrollments, current budget drivers/priorities, and academic performance. There will be discussion and Q&A, light refreshments will be served, and your children are welcome to attend.
The annual Ski & Skate sale will be held on Saturday, November 19th, 2016 at BHS. More information to come.

Wendy Emerson, Kerry Sullivan, Kira Hatem - Your PTG volunteer team at RAL

Bedford Education Foundation:
The Bedford Education Foundation Fall Fundraiser
Friday November 4, 2016
Manchester Country Club
Tickets available at
$50 for community members and $25 for faculty and staff in Bedford
Don’t miss this fantastic evening out for a great cause

Bedford Skis Crotched Program
Registration is now open!  Go to for information about the options available.  "CMBEDFORD" is the User Name and "bsdmember" as the Password (both are case sensitive).  Rentals, lessons, and adult passes are available.  The program begins Friday, January 6, 2017, and the deadline to purchase 5+2 passes is November 15, 2016.  Contact Isabelle Grenier at with any questions.

Pat’s Peak Ski Program
Bedford students in grades 1-8 are invited to take advantage of discounted ski/snowboard lessons at Pat’s Peak Ski Area in Henniker, NH. This five week Friday night program includes 1 hour lessons and free ski time – under the lights until the 10PM closing time. Discounted lift tickets are available for students who do not need lessons. Included in the program is a free bonus day at Pat’s Peak, Gunstock, and Cranmore to be used from February 27 th to the close of the 2017 season. The 2017 Bedford Ski Program begins on Friday, January 6 th and runs for 5 weeks. The choice of lesson times are 3:30 – 4:30PM or 4:30 – 5:30PM. Parents are responsible for providing transportation or arranging carpools. Easy Online Registration is available at Click on “Learn to Ski & Ride Program” and “Register Here”. The username for bedford330 and bedford430 for the 4:30 lesson. The Password is patspeak17. More details are available at Visit our table at the Bedford Ski and Skate Sale. Contacts – Kim Ahnen – & Martha Cronin –